Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 807 - Monica Committed Suicide (Not Dead)

Chapter 807: Monica Committed Suicide (Not Dead)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She could not believe her ears and refused to believe that Michael would take it that far.

She even clicked open the news with trembling hands. Then, she saw the most eye-catching words in the middle. It said, “A Happy Ending for Michael and Monica As They Get Married In the Middle of Next Month.”

Monica’s eyes turned red out of anger.

She read the content of the news and looked at the photos, which were two wedding photos of her and Michael.

It was obviously photoshopped, but most people could not tell. It was photoshopped to perfection, and there were no flaws at all.

It looked like the two of them had already taken their wedding photos, so it was pretty evident that they were getting married.

Monica’s whole body was trembling.

She frantically dialed Michael’s number and yelled, “Are you crazy?!”

She cursed.

However, the other party simply picked up the phone and did not answer.

“Do you think I’ll marry you just because you announced your marriage? Don’t even think about it!” Monica shouted until her voice was hoarse.

She was so angry that she wanted to strangle Michael.

She thought that the feud between them would end after they broke up.

She would just take it as a lesson for her to learn because she was stupid, and she deserved it.

However, she had never thought that Michael could be so evil to do that.

“Monica, don’t resist,” Michael said every word clearly, his voice cold.

“In your dreams!” Monica gritted her teeth. “I’m going to tell everyone that we’ve broken up, and I’ll tell everyone we’re together because you lied to me. I don’t love you at all!”

“Who do you think will believe you?!” Michael asked her in an ice-cold tone.

“Someone will.”

“You should’ve tried it today, right?” Michael reminded.

Monica clenched her phone tightly, about to go mad.

“Your Facebook account has been restricted. Other than yourself, no one else can see the content of your posts. Even if you use your alternate account to spread it everywhere, it won’t help. I’ve already spoken to the Internet Control and Surveillance Bureau. Other than the news I release, any news about me or you will be deleted, restricted, and blocked. You won’t be able to spread whatever you want to spread. As for the media, I’ve already announced our marriage, so the other media outlets won’t believe there’s a problem between us. They won’t dare to report it either. After all, this concerns my reputation, so they’ll think twice before they act. But even if one or two of them are willing to risk their lives for some hot topic, do you think I can’t deal with them with my current status?” Michael made himself clear.

Monica’s eyes were red.

It was her first time being played by someone to such an extent.

It was her first time being tricked by someone and feeling so powerless.

“At first, I wanted to keep it a secret from you. As long as you accepted me, I could hide everything I did to you from you. At the very least, you wouldn’t have to see the dark reality of this society. However, you kept wanting to leave me. My energy is limited, and I don’t have that much time to deal with you. So, I could only use this method to make you understand that we can’t break up. From the moment you agreed to be with me and announced to all the reporters that we were together, you can’t leave me. Unless…”

Michael paused.

It was unless he did not want the relationship. However, he had not thought about not wanting her yet.

With that, he continued coldly, “Prepare yourself. We’ll get married on the 15th of next month.”

“Are you crazy? Do you really think that I will marry you? Are you crazy?” Monica really wanted to kill Michael at that moment.

It was true. She had never hated someone so much that she wanted him to die!

“In any case, you will agree.” Michael was very certain.

“I’d rather die than agree.”

“By the way, let me remind you that you can forget about relying on your father, Fourth Master Swan, or Jeanne to end this marriage. Businessmen have never been able to win against politicians. By asking them to help, you’ll be dragging them down with you. Since I can now come clear to you about everything I do, I’m confident that I can have you!”

With that, Michael hung up the phone.

Monica looked at her phone and tried to suppress the anger within her.

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