Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 462 - Jasmine Inciting Trouble and Seeking Her Own Destruction

Chapter 462: Jasmine Inciting Trouble and Seeking Her Own Destruction

“I wonder who said you two were in a marriage of convenience… Hm.” Monica covered Jeanne’s mouth.

Jeanne looked at Monica.

“That was in the past. Now, my husband and I are devoted, honest, and happy with each other.” Monica made sure to enunciate each word with a serious expression.

The speed at which the woman changed her decision was incredible. She was calling him a ‘d*uchebag’ not long ago, and now, he was her ‘husband’?

Finn was lying on the other side, so when he heard what Monica said, his face was a little red.

At that moment, Edward was on Finn’s side. He looked at Finn and asked, “How are you?”

Finn smiled. “I’m fine. I didn’t hurt any vital organs, so I can be discharged after resting for some time.”

Edward nodded.

The two of them did not have much to talk about either, so they listened to Monica and Jeanne chatting beside them.

Jeanne asked, “When can you be discharged?”

“The doctor said I’m fine. I just can’t put pressure on my ankle, lest it grows back crooked. I can be discharged at any time and just have to do regular checkups. On the other hand, the doctor said Finn will need to be here for at least a week before he can be discharged.” Monica was still a little sad when she said that.

“Take your time to recuperate. There’s no rush,” Jeanne comforted her.

“That’s all we can do.” Monica nodded. “Anyway, giving birth to a child is not a matter of one or two days.”


Jeanne looked at her, speechless.

Monica said very calmly, “Didn’t my parents nag for me to have a child as well? Now that I want a child, I want it as soon as possible. It’s best if I give birth to a pair of fraternal twins, or I’ll have two kids in three years, one boy and one girl.”

“How do you know you’ll have a son and a daughter?”

“I have a hunch.”

Jeanne was speechless again.

However, she had a feeling that with Monica’s positive attitude toward life, God might treat her better.

Jeanne and Monica chatted for a while until Edward reminded Jeanne, “It’s getting late.”

Jeanne looked at the time and said to Monica, “We’ll head off now.”

“You’re leaving so soon? That’s too insincere of you. No matter what, you have to have dinner with us before you leave!” Monica did not look happy.

“It’s Old Master Swan’s birthday tonight. I don’t dare to be late.”

Still, Monica was unhappy.

“I’ll try my best to come over and spend time with you when I have time.”

“You never have time.” Monica hit the nail on the head.

Fine. Jeanne had to admit that she was a little busy.

“Forget it. You can go.” Monica suddenly smiled again, and her smile was very bright. “I have my husband to accompany me.”

Sometimes, Jeanne really envied Monica’s personality, to be able to love so passionately and hate so intensely.

Jeanne smiled and did not say anything more before leaving the ward with Edward.

After leaving the ward, Monica lay beside Finn.

Finn frowned as he was not used to her intimacy, but he could not bear to push her away.

Monica said, “Hubby, do you want to get up and walk around?”

She had spent most of the day lying in bed, and the doctor said she could get out of bed.

Finn refused. “I’m sleepy.”

“Are you a pig? It’s still so early.” Monica could not help but complain. “You’ve been sleeping all day. How can you be sleepy?”

Finn glanced at Monica, thinking, ‘You’re the one who’s been sleeping all day.’

That woman could even fall asleep after flirting with him.

On the other hand, he... could not sleep at night.

Jeanne and Edward returned to the Swans family’s courtyard.

It was 6 p.m., so the two of them went straight to Universe garden. By then, Teddy had already brought George over.

In Old Master Swan’s main hall, the rest of the Swans had also arrived.

The Swans were quite a big family.

Old Master Swan had four children under his care. They were Henry, Elaine, Ricard, and Edward.

The eldest son, Henry, only had one son, Eden, who was 25 years old.

The second daughter, Elaine, had two daughters, Tatiana and Sasha, who were 21 and 19 years old. However, both of them were studying abroad and were rarely at home, so they were absent today.

The third son, Richard, had two sons, Kenny and Quinton, who were 17 and 6 years old. The eldest son was in a boarding high school, so he specially requested to come home today. Meanwhile, the second son had been staying at the Swan family home the entire time.

As for Edward, he had brought his “son”, George, with him.

There were many people in the hall, and it was quite lively at the moment.

Elaine was Old Master Swan’s only daughter, so naturally, she would be pampered. However, he only indulged her on the surface because everyone knew that Old Master Swan only valued this fourth son.

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