Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 440 - The Swan Enterprise’s Senior Management Meeting, Confronting Eden

Chapter 440: The Swan Enterprise’s Senior Management Meeting, Confronting Eden

His Fourth Uncle not only transferred her the shares, but he also transferred all of his own shares to Jeanne.

After all, other than the 10 percent of Swan Enterprise’s original shares in the outsiders’ hands, 82 percent were with Old Master Swan, and only Edward had 8 percent. The rest of the Swans did not have a single cent, yet Jeanne now had 8 percent!

It was impossible!

“Eden, have you seen enough?” Edward reminded Eden because the share transfer document had been with the latter for too long.

Only then did Eden come back to his senses.

He tried his best to make himself look alright with it. He said, “I have. I just wanted to confirm it because it’s a little surprising.”

After that, he handed it to Elaine, who was sitting next to him.

Elaine also looked at it carefully. “Edward, does father know?”

Did he know Edward was giving his shares away like that?

“He told me to transfer it,” Edward said

Elaine’s expression changed.

None of the Swans had any shares, yet he gave it to an outsider!

In the past, only Edward held the shares. Although the other three siblings were unhappy with it, Edward was still a member of the Swans. Moreover, she was very capable, so they had no choice but to accept it.


Yet now, the shares of the Swans were in the hands of an outsider!

Eden obviously could not accept it.

What kind of merit did Jeanne have to receive his grandfather’s love?

Jeanne was a second-hand good.

What right did she have to receive her Fourth Uncle’s doting and grandfather’s recognition?

He definitely would not allow her to continue strutting around like that.

In the senior management’s meeting room, all the senior management had seen the transfer document.

At that moment, other than the Swan members being a little indignant, no one else dared to say anything else.

“I won’t be wasting everyone’s time.” Jeanne stood up from her seat.

After all, she was now the second largest shareholder of Swan Enterprise, so she had the absolute right to speak.

She said, “Today, I have asked President Swan to gather everyone here for me. Other than meeting everyone to get to know each other, there’s one other thing that I don’t quite understand, and I need everyone here to give me an answer.”

The room was silent.

Everyone looked at Jeanne, that young woman who looked so calm and collected in front of so many people.

She said, “I wanted to ask, is Swan Enterprise profit-orientated?”

Everyone looked at each other.

They did not quite understand what Jeanne wanted to say.

“President Swan, ” Jeanne suddenly called out to Edward.

“Yes.” Edward was very respectful.

According to the company’s hierarchy, the status of a shareholder was naturally higher than all the employees in the company, including the senior management.

“Since you manage Swan Enterprise. I’ll have to trouble you to answer this question.”

“As a for-profit enterprise, our goal is definitely to make a profit.”

“Do you guys do charity work?”

“To contribute to society is also the responsibility of the enterprise.”

“Do you guys do charity without publicizing it?”

“To develop a good reputation, we generally won’t choose to do it silently.”

“I hope President Swan can give me a more accurate answer.” Jeanne looked at Edward with a serious expression.

The two of them looked as if they were really doing business.

Still, everyone did not understand the purpose of Jeanne’s visit today, but it did not stop them from observing the interaction between the two of them.

Not only was it eye-catching but also very imposing.

Edward replied, “First of all, the enterprise needs to survive, so we must be profit-oriented. This is a general principle. Once the enterprise makes profits, if it is within the scope of our ability, it must give back to society. There are many ways to give back to society, such as doing it silently or announcing it to the world. An enterprise would usually choose to announce to the world because it could earn us enough reputation, which could bring value to the enterprise. That’ll kill two birds with one stone, and as a successful enterprise, our choice would be to get twice the result with half the effort.”

“So, what you mean is that if Swan Enterprise wants to do charity, you will definitely let everyone know!” Jeanne confirmed.

“You can say that.”

“Alright.” Jeanne nodded. Then, she turned her head to everyone. “To my understanding, I also think that if an enterprise wants to do charity, they will definitely have to run around and spread the news. Whether it is active or passive, at least the public must know, and only then will it be able to increase the market value of our enterprise. But now, I have discovered something strange in Swan Enterprise.”

Everyone looked at Jeanne.

They instantly understood that Jeanne was going to talk about the main topic of today’s meeting.

“I wonder if everyone knows about an in-store bulk-buying campaign in South Hampton City’s Minze District? It’s a huge thing. The merchants are selling the products at cost, and it’s currently in full swing in Minze District. The merchants do not take any profits but are very enthusiastic about it,” Jeanne said.

Richard answered, “I was just there on a business trip and also heard about that campaign. Because the effect was excellent, I also went to understand the situation. They are indeed selling it at a cost price, and the merchants don’t take any profits. If they push their sales too much, they might even lose money.”

“Why do you think the merchants would do such a thing?” Jeanne asked Richard.

“To attract people to their business.”

“If you were a merchant, would you be willing?”

“Depending on the situation. If it was just a one or two-day event, I think I would be able to accept it if I gained popularity and used the subsequent sales to make up for the loss.”

“You should know that the event goes on for a month.”

“In that case, I won’t be willing.” Richard gave an affirmative reply.

“Have you looked into why the local merchants are willing?”

“I didn’t stay there for long, so I didn’t do any in-depth research.”

“Now, can you guess the mentality of the local merchants? Why are they so enthusiastic?”

Richard thought for a moment. “Maybe they were forced to participate.”

“Actually, they weren’t.” Jeanne said, “It’s because someone is subsidizing their profit.”

Richard retorted, “Impossible. The local Chamber of Commerce doesn’t have the ability to give out so much subsidy.”

“It’s not the Chamber of Commerce. It’s Swanhaven Bank’s unconditional giving!” Jeanne made sure to enunciate each word.

The moment she finished speaking, the finger was pointed at Eden!

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