Plundering in the Apocalypse

Chapter 184 Energy Veil Covering The Entire City.

It was noon, and the city of Polaris was filled with talks about yesterday's genocide. To some, it was of relevance. For others, it was just an interesting topic. For example, the awakened association who were busy investigating and cleaning up at the location site of the said incident.

"We are still collecting bodies, sir. Ah yes, yes, we will be done quickly." Putting off the call, Carnell couldn't help but let out a sigh. What should he do? He still can't find a single clue about the culprit in this incident.

'We couldn't locate anyone in the association's data who had the ability to cause such a massacre.' Rubbing his forehead to relieve his headache, Carnell continued investigating for any clues.

At that moment, his phone rang, and he saw it was Jackson Martin, the president of the Awakened Association, Aston city branch. Though they were colleagues from different branches, and in a sense, Jackson was in a superior position. They were also friends who worked together before joining the association.

A small smile formed on Carnell's face as he picked up the call.

"Yo, old bastard. Got time to call me?"

[Who are you calling old? I'm still at the peak of my youth.]

"Yeah, yeah, you have been at the peak of your youth for the past 20 years." Carnell laughed. Joking with his friend, he felt his stress relieved a little.

[You bastard!!! Hahaha.]

"Anyway, why did you call me?" Carnell felt that was enough joking around. He has a lot of work to do and he knew Jackson also has something important to talk about.

At this moment, Jackson's voice also turned serious as his voice sounded.

[It's about yesterday's matter.] After a pause, he continued. [Did you find anything?]

Carnell sighed and said. "Not a clue. I don't even understand how someone can be so cruel and powerful." Carnell felt the culprit must be an organization of cold-blooded murderers who can kill so many people without hesitation. "Once I find the culprit, I'll make sure that they are punished with the heaviest punishment possible."

Hearing Carnell's words, Jackson sighed at his friend's naivety. His friend was a good person, but his thinking was still stuck in the past before the Cataclysm. If he doesn't change his mindset, surviving in this new cruel world will be tough.

[Carnell, do you know why they want to find the culprit?]

"Isn't that so they can be punished for their crimes?" Carnell replied with a confused expression on his face, wondering what Jackson wants to say.

[They want to recruit them. If they can't control them, then they will destroy them.]

Jackson's words made Carnell dumbfounded. He was in disbelief. "Are you telling me? They will be forgiven for their crimes if they join hands with us?" He had a self-mocking expression on his face.

[The reason upper echelons are focusing so much on this case is because of the power that the culprit showed. Whether they are an individual or an organization, committing mass genocide inside a city without being caught is already an achievement. Moreover, all the people who died were strong individuals, whether awakeneds or martial artists.]

"..." No words came out of Carnell's mouth.

[Carnell, you should understand. This world is not the same anymore. Even if we try regulating and maintaining rules. Everyone knows in front of absolute power, rules are nothing. If something more dangerous appears in the future. We know these rules will be useless and only the powerful will be obeyed. That's why they want to bring as many powerful individuals on our side as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad as long as they can be controlled, they are useful.]

Jackson's words were solemn, and Carnell had no way to refute them.

But before he could say anything, the phone was cut off as the signal went out.


"What happened? Why did the call end?" Jackson muttered in confusion.


On the other hand, Carnell had his eyes wide open in shock as his body started shivering.

"W-What the hell is that?" His voice was shaky and his hands were trembling. His pupils dilated and his face turned pale at the sight he was witnessing.

A red energy pillar shot out from the top of the building they were investigating to the Labyrinth and then towards the sky. Then a dome-structured red energy veil covered the entire Polaris city.

All the masses in the city stopped whatever they were doing and witnessed that phenomenon occuring. Among them, many annoyed voices were also heard because their phones stopped working. But most of the people were silent because the red energy was giving them an ominous feeling. Which they felt like a premonition for something disastrous that was going to happen.

"I think we should leave the city for a while."

"Yeah, it's better to be safe than sorry."

A young couple discussed nervously. It was not only them but many people who were discussing similar things and many already started driving their vehicles to leave the city.

The city was jammed because of traffic and people were shouting curses at each other.

"Hey, move your car. Dumbass!!!"

*Phonk* *Phonk*

"Shut the hell up. Can't you see the road is blocked?"

"Damn it, we can only try on foot."

"Please let us leave first. My children are crying."

"What? Do you think we don't know something's gonna happen here?"

"Everyone, please maintain order." One of the law officers in uniform shouted.

"F*ck your order, we need to go, dammit. I don't wanna die."

As soon as other people heard that, they also didn't care what the officers were saying and did what they wanted. It was chaos.

At this time, almost everyone in the entire city was ready to escape. But unfortunately for them, things weren't going to happen as they planned. Because the entire city was covered by an energy veil. But the people have yet to know what kind of disastrous horror awaits them if they try passing it.

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