347 Taken Seriously

"Six individuals departed with the intelligence?" Evalyn inquired, her gaze icy and unwavering.

"Indeed," Kaze confirmed. "They split up, heading in different directions."

The pair conversed in a windowless conference chamber deep within the military base. The fatigue beneath Evalyn's eyes had intensified over the past month; her cold coffee was proof, as it was at the bottom of the pot. In contrast, the emperor appeared well-rested, though somber.

"What about Roxy?" Evalyn pressed, her eyes narrowing.

"Her account seems credible," Kaze answered. "It provided a troubling revelation."

"Which is?" General Skye asked, bracing herself.

"Killian is exhibiting signs of minor memory regression," the emperor explained. "He's experiencing dreams and premonitions of his downfall. That's why he dispatched the Silver Medallions to the Mortal Plane."

"How much do you believe he's aware of?" she inquired, her eyes shaky.

"Not a great deal," Kaze replied. "It appears that those with stronger ties to me have retained more memories. Harper served as my major for an extended period, Crux was a long-time friend, and you possess deep memories, though your mind has suppressed them. Andrew Killian and I knew each other, but only interacted at the end. He likely only recalls the end of the war and his demise."

Evalyn's gaze drifted to the left, lost in thought. "Why assume the extent of memory retention? Your conclusions seem quite certain."

"Roxy Grace and Mars Vanity were renowned during my life, and I was famous before their passing," Kaze elaborated. "However, they have no recollection of me. Neither do the other cultivators."

"And your level of fame?" Evalyn probed, tilting her head curiously.

"Marginally below yours," Kaze responded, devoid of arrogance.

"After all, I was one of the few, alongside Killian and the Reto alliance leaders, to possess a sacred technique. As your comrade, I played a crucial role in shifting the tide of the war."

Blinking twice, General Skye attempted to process his statement.

"Even if my memories are suppressed, it's unsettling that I haven't encountered any related dreams."

"We shared a close bond for two centuries, Evalyn," he revealed with a smile, relishing her reaction. "Less than six decades involved the war. From my observations, you show no signs of recalling events from the century prior to our meeting, but possess uncanny insight into what followed."

"I see..." Evalyn murmured, her thoughts clouded. "As for Killian, his unstable visions of death at mortal hands will likely compel him to take us seriously, regardless of any potential spies."

"That's a reasonable assumption," Kaze agreed his tone grave and determined.

"With less than a week to prepare, what's our strategy?" she grimaced.

"Our task is to give people a reason to unite and fight against insurmountable odds," the emperor declared. "Afterward, I'll handle the rest."

"But how?" Evalyn pressed. "We've already been working tirelessly to bring them together."

"It means allowing them to face the consequences of their disunity," he expounded. "Let them confront their own battles until the critical moment arrives. Can you bear that?"

General Skye swallowed, inhaling sharply. "I'm not sure," she whispered. "I'll consider it when the time comes."

"That's all we can ask for," Kaze smiled, his tone gentle. "Now let's show everyone what they're fighting for."


"Over the past month, we've trained relentlessly, shedding blood, sweat, and tears in anticipation of the formidable threat approaching the mortal plane," General Skye thundered, addressing the ten thousand gathered on the obstacle course. The day was brisk, tension palpable, as everyone sensed the imminent danger looming over them.

"Now, as the hour draws near, let's remind ourselves why we're fighting," Evalyn urged, her gaze piercing. "Survival alone isn't enough. Mere existence, driven by base desires and instinct, is insufficient. There must always be a purpose."

Whispers spread among the crowd, a ripple effect that connected each individual, reinforcing their collective resolve.

"Prepare for a two-day respite," she declared. "Immortals with families — enjoy your time together, free from the burden of training. It has been arranged."

A mixture of excitement and disappointment marbled through the crowd as Lainwright soldiers and familyless mortals grappled with their emotions.

"For Immortals and soldiers without families, you'll receive specialized training from Emperor Lexicon and learn a new technique," Evalyn revealed, stunning everyone. "As for those with loved ones, rest assured — you're on the winning side."

Her announcement invigorated the soldiers and Immortals, while her icy tone sent chills down the spines of the others. They knew her family's fate and wouldn't dare to protest her decision.

"That's all," Evalyn concluded. "Now, reunite with your families. Those joining Emperor Lexicon, gather your belongings and assemble at the obstacle course with a backpack and gear. You'll embark on a field trip upon his return. His arrival time is uncertain, so be prepared to wait."


A hundred and fifty miles from Meridian City loomed an imposing 11th-century castle perched on the east coast of ancient England.

The majestic structure resembled a fortress from a fairy tale, standing proudly atop a rolling hill with castle gates and a drawbridge that once welcomed horse-drawn carriages and travelers to a magnificent kingdom.

It was Dover Castle, the renowned bastion that withstood the test of time and once housed King Henry II, who built the Great Tower that still stood nearly a thousand years later.

Inside the Great Tower, Kaze sat with his eyes closed, envisioning a mental blueprint. The castle's interior shimmered with golden runes that continuously shifted, etching an enigmatic technique onto the ground and the space above it.

"It's almost complete," Kaze murmured, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I hope this place serves our purpose well, for we will surely need it."


Emperor Lexicon returned to the obstacle course in Immortal Skye, where thousands of eager soldiers and Immortals had gathered. He soared into the sky to address them. '"Today, we embark on a hunt," he announced. "Prepare for a feast and unimaginable power!"

His words were met with a thunderous roar, electrifying everyone and filling them with anticipation.

"But first, I shall impart a unique technique that will benefit you for the rest of your lives," Kaze smiled, igniting a surge of excitement within the crowd. They didn't know what he had planned, but their eagerness was palpable.

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