Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 566 The Big Reveal



"She used her wealth to save this company from its financial crisis in the past. She paid off their huge depts, made up for compensation due to breaching of several contracts and made complete changes to the compant's structure," he began to explain.

"But due to their divorce, he made her sign documents of total transfer. That means all her property and shares of Bai Jewelry was given to him. The love Mrs Jiang Meilin had for Bai Guiren was blinding."

Jiang Meilin signed without a second thought. But Bai Guiren was not the only one who knew how to hide his evil schemes. Spending years with him allowed her to learn a thing or two.

And she was a smart woman. There was a hidden ause in the divorce documents she had signed. It stated that even if Bai Guiren owned her wealth and property, it would only be temporary.

Their daughter, Bai Renxiang would regained all those wealth as soon as she is off legal age to care and think for herself. So in terms, Bai Guiren was just Bai Renxiang's wallet for the wealth.

However, that wallet started have holes from which pest began to feed on those wealth and squander it. But that will be over now. Things will be given back and compensation would be made.

As for her shares, the ines she gave to Mr Sun, it was owned under another name. It was just for emergencies and it helped her. Now things were playing out to her plan.

"So in other words, Mr Bai, you abused your privilege as my client's guardian and your whole family used her inheritance. And the position of CEO belongs to nine ither than CEO Bai," Lawyer Long theorized.


"How dare you come here with some bunch of lairs and say nonsense in our territory?" Bai Ming barked as she slammed her hands on the table.

"I would advice you to tone down your voice, Bai Ming. Know who you are talking to," Bai Renxiang belowed at her.

Instead of doing so, Bai Ming scoffed and flipped her hair. "You are the one who should know who you talk to. I am the CEO of this company and i will not sit back and let you run your mouth loose and act kuke your are the boss."

"I am the legitimate boss of this company," Bai Renxiang declared with much emphasis laid on legitimate.

Bai Ming's expression cracked and a smirk appeared on Bai Renxiang's face. She knew that Bai Ming hated being called an illegitimate daughter of the Bai household.

It was something she could hardly accept since her mother made her believe what is hers was given to her(Bai Renxiang). Also, the soceity mocks the illegitimate.

So it would probably hurt Bai Ming's pride and ego to be called an illegitimate daughter.

"So if there is anyone acting like a boss in another man's territory it is you."

"Even if you have legal rights, we the board of directors do not approve of you being the next CEO of this company. By votes, you failed," Bai Guiren finally had the voice to speak.

"Vite stands nothing against the law," Mr Sun voiced out.

He knew Bai Renxiang asked them to not speak at such a time... but he could not bear it any longer. He was sick and tired of this father and daughter pair.

And not to forget all the corrupt memebers of the board that are on Bai Ming's side. Bai Guiren gritred his teeth as his hands clenched into tight fists.

"So it has been you all along. You are the so called eyes and ears of this woman and the one who told her about today's meeting," Bai Guiren was quick to confront Mr Sun.

"Now do not be quick to point fingers Bai Guiren. Without anyone's helo, i am capable of getting information concerning this company. Afterall, i was once an employee here," Bai Renxiang cut in.

"Look i do not care whether you have the strongest lawyer backing you up or a wealthy family behind you... But you will never be the CEO of Bai Jewelry," Bai Ming stated.

Bai Renxiang shook her head and stood up. She was done playing the cool card it was time for everything to come to the light.

As she walked round the table to where Bai Ming stood, the latter started dropping some words.

"Bai Jewelry is a company of strong principles. It is not a place for dirty business. So as a result, it ddoes not need a CEO who sleeps around to make deals. That's why you were cast out."


Loud gasps erruoted from everyone's lips. Realization started hitting them hard. How could they have forgotten that scandalous past that almost ruined the company?

"That's true. If you become the CEO with such a disgraceful past, our company will be ruined for good."

"Yes. Your past reputations will be detrimental to us all."

"We don't want a leader with such an image of a sl*t. unlike you, Bai Ming is a pure soul and has a good head over her shoulders."

Bai Ming smirked as she thought she hit a strong weak point in Bai Renxiang. It was equal now. Payback for indirectly calling her illegitimate.

Bai Renxiang laughed and shook her head. "All those talking make a good example of the pot calling the kettle black."

Her smile instantly dropped. "To think that the one who arranged for that scandal would act so righteous now."

Confusion instantly befell everyone seated in the room. But don't worry, our female was there to make things clear.

"Show them the video," Bai Renxiang randomly dished an order and instantly they began to work.

Using the large screen in the room, a video of Bai Ming and Lin Ying making arrangements for her scandal. Their chat with Mr Kong, his assistant and the so-called assistant of Bai Renxiang back then.

<<Author: For reference of Mr Kong, he was the one in the picture of Bai Renxiang's scandal. Read chapter one for better understanding>>

The shock that marred the faces of those in the room after the video ended cannot be measured.

"T-That's a lie. We only met with him by coincidence. Yes and then we talked about business," Bai Ming lied.

"You talked about 'business' in the sense of cteating a bad image for me. Let's even skip that. How about the fact thaf you hired a bunch of kidnappers to kidnap me? You ordered them to make a mess out of me, film it and blow it all up on the internet," Bai Renxiang added.

"I would never do that to you. I saw you as my sister," Bai Ming teared up.

"Yeah you saw as in past tense. But i have got it all in proof, Bai Ming. There is no denying it. Take a look at that screen."

All eyes moved to the screen once more and the evidence were displayed. The confession of the kidnappers and that if Mr Fang, the investigator as well.

The call history between him and Bai Ming. Everything was shown. Bai Guiren was shocked to his wits. He began to think his mind was playing a trick on him.

"You making things up. You are just using this as a means of revenge because dad kicked you out of the family. It was yoyr fault he did. Why are you making it seem as if I am the villian here?"

"Because that is exactly what you are. A green snake in green grass and a thief."

"Lies!" Bai Ming screamed.

The atmosphere was getting more tensed. It was as if the air in the room grew thinner with all these mountain loads of revelation dropping on them all.

"You might have decueved others but not me. I grew up with yohr evil witchiness. The first ten designs you made after getting a job in this company were the one you copied from my sketchbook," Bai Renxiang said.

"They were all my designs. I modified them into something better and more brilliant," Bai Ming unknowningly admitted to stealing.

By the time she realized it, it was already too. Accusing and disappointed eyes were now on her. Even Bai Guiren was not left out.

"And i bet the so-called board memebers wouod be happier to have not only an illegitimate heir to head this company but also a child of not blood link with your chairman."


"WHAT?!!!" Bai Guiren thundered as his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

Not only him but other memebers of the board. Talk about one bomb dropping after another- repeatedly at that.

"What are you talking aboyt? What do you mean by no blood link to me?l Bai Guiren asked.

"Why ask when you can see it all for yourself?" Bai Renxiang tilted her head in the direction of the screen. "The result is authentic and very visible."

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