Pick Me Up!

Chapter 59: Mission Type, Escort (3) (1)

The girl widened her eyes upon seeing the decapitated head of the priest.

“What the…! Who are you? Who dares to invade the temple and commit such madness!”

‘This little one can see me too.’

With a bloodied sword in hand, I approached the girl.

“An assassin? Have you come to kill me? I am…”


I grabbed the girl by her head and pressed down.

She collapsed on the floor beneath me. Three figures emerged from below the railing. In the hands of these hooded figures, there were crossbows.

Accompanied by a clang, three bolts were released.

I wasn’t the target. The bolts were aimed at the girl, who was lying prone, trembling. I deflected the bolts with my sword in three different directions. Then, three daggers were thrown from different angles. This time, the target was the girl again. I used my shield to knock the daggers away.

“What in the world…”

“Lie flat.”

I looked at the daggers scattered on the terrace floor. A purplish liquid dripped from their tips. They seemed to be poisoned. 

The assassins shoot similar daggers once more.


At that moment, an arrow pierced through the head of one of the assassins.

I seized the opportunity and closed in on the one closest to me. He swung his poisoned dagger, which I easily evaded before thrusting my sword deep into his chest.

The last assassin extended his right hand toward me.

Clank. A mechanical sound came from within his sleeve, and a hidden blade was launched. I blocked it with my shield.

They were skilled at tricks, but their combat prowess was weaker than a knight’s.

As the assassin prepared to throw a dagger at the girl, a shadow descended from above and struck him.

The shadow’s blade gleamed before blood spurted from the assassin’s throat.

Edis turned the bloodied dagger around in her hand.

“The walls were very high, I had a hard time climbing them.”

“What about the others?”

“There were two more. I dealt with them.”

Edis sheathed the dagger and glanced at the girl lying on the ground.

I asked, “Does you know her?”

“Hmm, she seems familiar from somewhere… and…”

“Who are you people?”

The girl spoke with a frightened expression.

‘This little one is the target we need to protect.’

And the other can see us, but they’re enemies.

The situation became clear at a glance.

If I had been a little later, the girl would have been torn apart by the priest’s magical arrow, in front of everyone at the plaza. The subsequently appearing assassins were also clearly targeting the girl.

I looked down at the terrace below.

Due to the live broadcast of the tragedy, chaos had erupted throughout the square.

Soldiers who were outside the square rushed towards the temple. The previously locked gate had been breached.

“This place isn’t somewhere the likes of you should casually enter. Go back immediately… Ugh!”

An arrow struck the ground next to the girl.

Archers from the second-floor windows of a nearby two-story building were aiming at us.

I chuckled slightly and said, “Are you really okay with us going back? If we go, you’re going to die.”

“What in the world…”

“Keep it short. We don’t have time.”

I deflected the incoming arrows with my shield.

“If you want to live, come with us. Otherwise, die right there.”


“Yes or no. Don’t waste words. Your answer?”

The girl looked at the bodies strewn across the floor, alternated between Edis and me, then closed her eyes tightly before saying,


[Mission Success!]

[Special NPC ‘Priasis Al Ragna’ has joined the party!]

[Mission type has been changed.]

[Mission Type – Escape]

[Objective – Escape the city with the protected target!]


The mission objective was updated.

As expected. I told the girl,

“Alright. sit there by the railing. Don’t come out until I say so.”

The girl lowered herself deeply behind the railing.

I picked up a crossbow from next to one of the assassin’s bodies. There was a quiver filled with bolts nearby.

“Edis, prepare to descend.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll keep them in check.”

I took cover behind the railing and aimed at the archers through the scope. Pulling the trigger, a bolt shot out and struck an archer in the torso. A hit. It was my first, but not difficult.

I began shooting back at the archers in the other building.

Edis retrieved a long and thin rope from her belt pouch. She created a loop with the rope, then hung the loop over the protruding part of the railing, allowing it to hang downwards.

Made from the sinews of the Forest Queen, the strong rope could easily bear a person’s weight.

(T/N: The boss of the weakly dungeon: Candleroot Forest.)

Loading a bolt into the crossbow, I said, “Have you ever done rope climbing?”

“What are you talking about?”

“If you don’t know how, hang on to me. If you fall and hurt yourself, it’ll be a hassle.”

As I shot the third archer with the crossbow,

Jenna, Aaron, and Eolka joined us. Their clothes were stained with blood.

Jenna spoke anxiously, “Oppa, there’s no time! Soldiers are rushing in from below.”

“I don’t need you to tell me. That’s why we’re preparing.”

I pointed to the girl who was watching us suspiciously and said,

“Watch closely. This little one is our protected target.”

“I’m not little.”

“As you can see, she gets upset if you call her little.”

Jenna and Aaron looked at the girl and nodded.

However, surprise flickered in Eolka’s eyes.

“This person is…”

“Doesn’t matter who she is.”

“But it’s surprising. To meet here.”

“Who are you? Do you know me?”

“…We’re a bit in a hurry at the moment.”

I let go of the crossbow.

Jenna was taking over my role of suppressing the enemies. With her much faster and precise shooting, the building’s archers fell one after another.

“Listen up. Starting now, we’ll descend using this rope and reach the escape route.”

“I know the route. There are fewer soldiers on the left. The path is complex, which makes it easy to hide.”

“Then we’ll head that way. Any objections?”

All three shook their heads.

“Eolka, create a wall of flames. Prevent the enemies from approaching.”

“Got it.”

“The descent order: Edis, Aaron, me, Eolka, and lastly, Jenna.”

——————— –

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