Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 239: Playing a Trick?

Chapter 239: Playing a Trick?

Jasper Sun Mountain was about ten thousand meters high, and it occupied more than a hundred miles of territory. With Lu Mingshu’s cultivation, it was impossible for her to go around the whole area within a short time. Thus, she took note of key places when she first arrived and brought Little Daze to them all.

She once bought a book in the Heavenly Wheel written by an array master from another world. His world specialized in arrays, and with just a few words, he explained arrays clearly from the view of a person who made them.

The master mentioned in his book that arrays weren’t actually created by humans, but something given by the gods. They were simply a principle of the world; humans only discovered the laws and found ways to use them. Many mountains, rivers, beautiful places, and blessed lands were in line with the laws naturally. They were even more sophisticated than artificial arrays.

Jasper Sun Mountain was a blessed land, and that wouldn’t change just because the environment was being altered by some kind of array. Otherwise, it would be a huge waste of blessed land.

After roaming around a few key places, Lu Mingshu roughly had the answer in her heart already.

“Little Daze, let’s change the trick, shall we?”


Turning around to see that there was a bunch of younger disciples following her, Ling Wuxia nudged her junior sister. “Junior Sister Zuo, I need your help.”

Junior Sister Zuo immediately came to her side. “How may I help you, Senior Sister Ling?”

“There’s a powerful enemy nearby playing some tricks, and it’s unfavourable to us. You’re careful and have a great observation, so I hope you can go check the other party out.”

Their trip was obviously centered on Ling Wuxia, and the two disciples had already been reminded to listen to her. Hearing her, Junior Sister Zuo nodded. “Senior Sister, please be at ease. I’ll head over now.”

And without hesitation, she went off.

“Senior Sister Ling, what do you need me to do?” the junior brother asked.

“Let’s get to the peak first.” Ling Wuxia smiled at him.

Even though she said that, some disciples following behind her hesitated upon seeing Junior Sister Zuo leaving. Most still followed behind Ling Wuxia, but some changed their mind and followed Junior Sister Zuo. However, this Junior Sister Zuo had strange and agile movements. In the blink of an eye, she vanished into thin air. Those who followed were now at a loss and could only turn back.

Jasper Sun Mountain was indeed high; their group only got to the peak when the sun had set.

Ling Wuxia immediately looked for a suitable place to set up a tent, as if she was preparing to stay for the night. Seeing this, many people dispersed and found a place to set up a tent as well.

It was a silent night, and it was the first night since the disciples entered the mountain. It was so quiet that one could even hear a pin drop.

In her tent, Ling Wuxia sat there silently to improve herself while patiently waiting for her junior sister’s news. That was the most important thing right now.

However, Ling Wuxia was unaware of her junior sister’s situation at the moment. Junior Sister Zuo was currently at a loss on what to send in her message.

This Junior Sister Zuo obviously had her ways of finding people.

Unfortunately for her, Jasper Sun Mountain was so big that, by the time she found Lu Mingshu, it was already night time. All she saw was Lu Mingshu next to a waterfall, scribbling on the ground furiously. It was too dark for her to see what Lu Mingshu was drawing, she only knew that it was complicated.

Junior Sister Zuo hesitated for a while before sending the message through a secret skill.

On the peak, Ling Wuxia heard a very light buzz beside her ear. Someone without the basics for this skill wouldn’t even sense anything wrong.

Ling Wuxia opened her tent. A bird as small as her thumb flew to her.

She took the white silk from the bird’s legs and opened it up. Seeing what was on it, she furrowed her eyebrows.

“Junior Brother He,” she called softly.

Junior Brother He immediately lifted his tent’s opening. “Senior Sister!”

Ling Wuxia passed the silk over to him.

Junior Brother’s face changed immediately upon seeing the silk. “Array!”

Junior Sister Zuo was good at hunting down prey and spying while Junior Brother He was very knowledgeable. When he saw what was on the silk, he immediately figured out the main gist of it.

“This Lu Mingshu knows how to use arrays? When did Nine Jade Palace learn about arrays?”

There wasn’t much about arrays in their world. Only some powerful factions like Seventh Truth Platform had anything about arrays.

Junior Brother He used to think of Lu Mingshu as nothing and felt that the rumours were insane, but now, he dared not look down on her. He had tried to learn arrays for a long time, but he, unfortunately, didn’t understand math, which prevented him from learning.

“Let’s not talk about that right now.” Ling Wuxia bit her lips. “We’re in trouble.”

Before Junior Brother He could ask, a ray of light flashed past them.

At the foot of the mountain, under the moonlight, a ray of light became brighter and shot into the air like fireworks.


An explosion could be heard.

This alarmed those who were at the peak. A group of disciples immediately ran out of their tents to have a look.

“What’s happening?”

“What is that?”

“Fire?” A disciple rubbed his eyes.

Someone hit him hard on his head. “Are you mad? There’s only mud and rock here, how could there be fire?”

“Where is this light coming from?”

The people at the peak were busy discussing what was happening. At the foot of the mountain, Junior Sister Zuo was scared out of her skin.

She only just sent her senior sister a message, and then Lu Mingshu took a mystic crystal and put it on the floor. Within seconds, the mystic crystal shone, and the scribbles on the floor lit up like they were set on fire.

She’s... playing tricks?

She was so shocked that she didn’t even realize Lu Mingshu was walking toward her.

“This young lady, what are you looking at?”

Hearing this, she turned around abruptly. “You...” Being caught spying, she couldn’t help but feel awkward.

“Ling Wuxia sent you here, huh?”

Junior Sister Zuo calmed down quickly and smiled. “Senior Sister Ling is always smart. She guessed that you were playing tricks after all.”

“Tricks? What tricks?” Lu Mingshu sneered.

“Lying through your teeth, huh?” Junior Sister Zuo pointed to the scribbled ground.

“Girl.” Lu Mingshu grinned at her. “You don’t even know what that is, so how can you say that it’s a trick?”

Lu Mingshu sighed. “What a disappointment from Ancient Jade Summit.”

Hearing this, Junior Sister Zuo blew her top and yelled at Lu Mingshu. “Why are you talking shit about my sect when it’s only me here?”

“Am I wrong?” Lu Mingshu turned her back against her. “Fine, I’ll stop teasing you. Take a look and you’ll know what it is.”

Lu Mingshu extended her hand to draw in the air. Like a string being pulled by her, the light followed her movements.

Different strings were drawn into a unique shape. With a boom, it rose up into the sky.

In a flash, the whole ground started to shake.

Rumble Rumble!

Something started moving because of this vibration. It slowly changed position, and mystic force burst out.

“Eh?” On the peak, Ling Wuxia could feel something. “This place...”

Everyone turned towards the same direction. No matter how good or bad they were, they could clearly feel that there was mystic force gushing out from somewhere.

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