Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 210: Gentleman Ye

Chapter 210: Gentleman Ye

“Huh?” The old man looked at her oddly. “Miss isn’t the Ye Family’s...?”

Lu Mingshu stared at him.

The old man laughed awkwardly and apologized. “I’m sorry, I thought you were a Ye Family disciple without a doubt. The Ye Family’s annual spring hunt is held in Green Hills Bank this year, and the younger disciples are all here.”

“Spring hunt?”

The old man looked at her in shock. “Haven’t you heard of it?”

Lu Mingshu shook her head. “The Ye Family is isolated from where I came from, I haven’t had much of a chance to hear about them.”

Such a powerful family is considered isolated to her? Where does this Miss come from?

The old man became more respectful to her. “The spring hunt is the tradition of the Ye Family. Once every year, anyone in the Harmonization Realm or below is entitled to participate. Every year, they will distribute resources according to the position achieved in the spring hunt, so it’s an important event for every Ye Family disciple.”

“I see.”

Lu Mingshu took the bag of medicine and proceeded to the door. Suddenly, someone rushed in and nearly banged into her.

It was a teenager who looked scholarly and weak, with skin as white as a sheet of paper. He was wearing the turquoise clothes of a Ye Family disciple and looked gloomy.

He threw her a cold glance, not apologetic at all for banging into her. “Do you have any medicine for injuries?” he asked the old man.

The smile on the old man’s face disappeared, and he hung his head. “Customer, I’m so sorry, the injury medicine is all sold out.”

Lu Mingshu furrowed her eyebrows. She saw a pack on the table a moment ago.

The teenager’s expression changed, and he grabbed the man’s collar. The weak and scholarly side was gone, replaced with a sinister expression. “Sold out? You don’t even have any business here. Are you purposely not selling it to me?”

No matter how weak he looked, he was still a Harmonization Realm disciple. The old man stammered.

Lu Mingshu glanced over and unleashed her imposing aura.

He was already wounded, and his power wasn’t as strong as Lu Mingshu’s. He let go of the old man suddenly as he stumbled and banged into the door.

The teenager looked up and gave her a death stare. “Who are you? How dare you meddle in the Ye Family’s business?”

Lu Mingshu pointed outside the shop. “Green Hills Bank belongs to the Ye Family, right? Since they collect taxes, they have to care about the orderliness of this place. If this incident is reported to the Ye Family’s elders, you’ll be at fault for messing things up.”


He gave her another death stare, but seeing that she wasn’t giving in, he stood up and stumbled out.

Seeing that he left, the old man heaved a sigh of relief and bowed to Lu Mingshu in gratitude. “Thank you, Miss. This old man would have been in trouble today if not for your help.”

Lu Mingshu remained unmoved. “Why did you lie to him?”

Seeing her staring at him like a hawk, the old man smiled bitterly. “Miss, it’s not that I do not want to, but the Ye Family came earlier and told me not to.”

Lu Mingshu stared at him weirdly. “Isn’t he a Ye Family member?”

The old man sighed. “Miss, it’s something that you are unaware of. He may be from the Ye Family, but his background is different from the rest.”


If it was someone else, the old man would have already stopped there, but since Lu Mingshu helped him just now, he couldn’t possibly reject her, so he told her everything.

The gentleman who came in previously was called Ye Mingguang. His father was the third master of the Ye Family, but because his mother had a low status, she couldn’t get into the Ye Family. In other words, he was an illegitimate child.

Last year, the third master passed away, leaving no other descendants, so the Ye Family took Ye Mingguang back.

He didn’t have a brilliant family background, and he didn’t get many resources. He was basically being ostracized by everyone else.

During this spring hunt, the Ye Family disciples around his age ganged up against him; they knew he was injured, so they came over earlier and instructed the old man not to sell him any injury medicines.

The old man shook his head. “Miss, you can see how much business I have. Why would I not want to sell him medicine? But if those who came earlier knew I did, I’ll lose this shop....”

“No wonder.”

“That Gentleman Ye, he’s such a poor thing. It’s said that his mother died early, and he lived under another’s roof. Now, he’s entered the Ye Family, but he’s still having a tough life.” The old man sighed, but he suddenly smiled after being reminded of something. “But no matter what, he is still a Ye Family disciple, so how bad can his life be? My fears are groundless.”

Lu Mingshu never expected to meet him again, but she saw a familiar figure near the window of her hotel.

There were three guys and one girl, all wearing the turquoise shirt representing the Ye Family.

The guy being surrounded by them was the one she saw half an hour ago.

Ye Mingguang rubbed away the bloodstain at the corner of his mouth. He stood up abruptly, giving them a death glare. “Are you all trying to have a private fight with me?”

“Che!” Ye Zhenxing looked at him, “Twelfth Brother, how do you see this as us coming for a fight? We are just practising, practising. Even if you tell Second Uncle, it’s just practice.”


“Oops, I’m so sorry, I forgot that you’ve only just come back to the Ye Family a while ago, so I doubt you’ve memorized the rules. Let me tell you; we are allowed to practice as long as we don’t hurt the other party. See, I didn’t hurt you, right?” Ye Zhenxing looked unbothered.

Ye Mingguang bit his lips.

They indeed didn’t. They only forced him to use his mystic force. He was injured internally earlier when he was going after the centipus, and he didn’t have enough injury medicine, especially since they stopped him from getting more. Now, he was forced to use his mystic force. If he couldn’t get any injury medicine soon, there was no chance of him getting a good position in this spring hunt.

“Twelfth Brother, you’re still injured. Elder brother will get going now, see you tomorrow!”

The footsteps got further away, and Ye Mingguang felt his blood boiling as his eyesight became blurry.

Fatigued from fighting the beast, the pain from his internal injury, and the humiliation, he could no longer take it and leaned against some bamboo. Plop! He slid down to the floor.

As a Ye Family disciple, he finally had a powerful family name. Many envied him, but all he saw was a dark future.

So what if his surname was Ye? The whole Ye Family took him as an enemy, and he had no relatives!


Ye Mingguang sat up suddenly as something fell from the bamboo. He instinctively moved away. He looked around and saw there was a bamboo viper on the ground in two parts. It wiggled for a while and stopped.

He broke out in cold sweat.

The bamboo vipers of Green Hills Bank were very venomous. If he was bitten by one, he would be in big trouble. Who would save him then?

He looked up, and what he saw shocked him.

A girl in spring clothes stood ten feet away from him, staring at him with a poker face as she sheathed her sword.

He wanted to thank her, but he didn’t. Half an hour earlier, she was the one that caused him to not get any injury medicine.

The other party didn’t seem to want his gratitude either. She left immediately afterwards.

I’m indeed a bearer of bad luck, huh? Everyone runs away when they see me.

Ye Mingguang smirked and laughed at himself.

Suddenly, something was thrown at him. Out of instinct, he grabbed it. Ye Mingguang was extremely shocked to see what was in his hands.

It was a porcelain bottle used to hold medicine. He trembled while opening it up, and the familiar smell of medicine came out from it.

He looked up to see the girl again, but she was nowhere to be seen.

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