Overlimit Skill Holder

Second Coming Of Goddess And Child Of Hope (1/79) Chapter 17.1

Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 6 Chapter 17.1

Translator: Saitama-sensei

Vol 6: Chapter 17 (1)

Remaining Neutral Zone

★ Keith Gran Federation – Windle Republic ★

The Republic of Windle is a small country near Lake Brunstalk and is surrounded by countries belonging to the Federation. The land is small but blessed with fertile land. When referring to the “Federation’s grain-producing region”, it refers to the Windle Republic.

Because of that, the Republic was targeted by surrounding countries—small skirmishes took place all year round, despite belonging to the same Federation.

The Republic, which operates with the belief that “skill orb is unnecessary”, is likely to receive interference from countries with higher military power. However, the successive People’s Representatives managed to successfully avoid such interference.

The People’s Representative is required to be especially good at speaking and negotiations, to the point where they are able to avoid confrontations with their mouth alone.

Even such a representative was deeply troubled this time.

「Again? I have already turned it down 10 times.」


The office of the People’s Representative Holiday was not located in some chalk palace in the capital, but rather in a one-story wooden building. This is a national tradition that values ”honorable poverty” and embodies the idea that “the People’s Representative should live a simple life.”

The people called this one-story house a “Wooden Palace” out of love.

That said, however, since it is the place where key figures of the country are located, the surrounding area is extensively vacant, and sorcery is set up to repel intruders except in the designated route.

It has been raining since morning. The “Wooden Palace” grew more and more dim.

「This time they’re saying, “We will cover the entire construction costs, so build the temple.”…Just what is going on. I did not expect these guys to be so pushy on this matter. Even the newspapers are publishing the “Temple Construction” nowadays.」

Holiday slipped the paper onto the desk with an exasperated look. His close aide caught the paper as it was about to fall off the desk.

It was an official letter sent from the king of a neighboring country. It read, “The Windle Republic should definitely build a temple of the goddess. We will cover all the costs”.

The same country that asked double the price for the military power borrowed by the Windle Republic last year.

The same country that asked to borrow “500 people” because there were not enough people who could use “Elemental Magic” in preparation for the “World Union”.

「However, that was also the case with you at first, right?」the close aide said.


「When you returned after the “World Union”, didn’t you repeatedly trouble us with how to amass the budget to build a temple?」

「Is that so?」Holiday cocked his head in puzzlement.「If I remember correctly, at that time a large number of monsters appeared in the grain-producing region.」

「We diverted your attention to that because it wasn’t the time to be building a temple.」

「Hey… Have you forgotten that I am the People’s Representative?」

「Of course not, Your Excellency. For that reason, I know you respect the thoughts of the people.」

Holiday smiled bitterly in response as his aide saluted.

「—The next meeting is in 15 minutes. Please excuse me.」


When the aide left the room, Holiday stood up and looked out the window.

「How strange. The memories of those days are ambiguous.」

Thick clouds covered the sky. The lawn was dampened by the rain.

「I remember meeting the goddess, but I couldn’t look up… And I also remember that there was some kind of interaction at that time.」

Holiday tapped his temple with his finger, but he could not recall that moment.

「After that, battle with the monsters commenced and I took refuge. And as soon as the battle was over, I returned to the Republic. But I can’t remember what I was thinking at that time.」

Holiday has raised his aides so that they can take over smoothly even if he were to “die the next second”. As such, even if his memory was vague, Holiday’s aides must have made the best choice, which was to bring him back here.

Looking back, he can vividly remember saying, “Building a temple? Don’t joke around. I am busy right now.” But he could not recall the memories from before that time.

He didn’t even realize that until his aide brought it up a minute ago.

「Alteration of thoughts.」

As soon as he realized that possibility, Holiday felt chills run down his spine.

「Why couldn’t I even consid

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