4417 The Other Side 386

What else could it be? Gong Shaoying could not think of anything else.

He did not dare to meet her rashly. For some reason, he was actually very afraid of his daughter. His heart was really too fragile to be hurt. If they met again, and in that meeting she should mock and ridicule him, and make it clear that she would never interact with him again, where would place the shards of his broken heart?

But even so, he could not bring himself to refuse a meeting. If he did, that rascal Gong Jie would definitely laugh at him for being a coward.

He figured it out. He decided to meet her. He changed his clothes and tidied up his appearance as if he were going to an important negotiation. This time round, he had to leave a good impression on his daughter.

This was a father who carefully wanted to protect his own dignity. At the same time, he also wanted to present a perfect image of himself to his beloved daughter. Although he had imagined the worst, he hoped for a place in her heart despite this.

Gong Shaoying tidied himself up and went out, only to realize that thirty minutes had passed. Gong Jie had mentioned that she was in the reception room. Almost losing his composure, he hurried towards the living room with the help of his cane.

He walked into the living room to find that there was no one there. He looked around but did not see anyone. He could not help feeling disappointed. More than 30 minutes had passed. She had probably left!

She had given him a 30-minute grace period. She wasn’t willing to wait another minute.

The man suddenly felt rather irritated at himself for having wasted so much time on his appearance. Now that she was gone, he felt a little depressed. He sighed and turned to leave.

From behind him, Yun Shishi’s gentle voice rang out. “Since you’re here, aren’t you going to sit down for a while?”

The man’s back stiffened. He turned around in surprise, to see Yun Shishi walking out of the washroom. She looked at him calmly as she wiped her hands with a handkerchief.

The reason why he did not see her earlier was because she went to the washroom to wash her hands. When she returned, she was a little surprised to see that he was about to leave.

“I didn’t see you… just then. I thought… you had already left.”

He seemed a little embarrassed and nervous coming face to face with her, so much so that the usual confidence in his speech was missing. In the past, no matter whom he faced, he always felt superior. It was the same even when facing her. Knowing that she was alive, he wanted to project the dignity and aura of a father when he went to see her.

But that is human nature. One wouldn’t treasure what one has never lost.

Now, there was no need for him to project that air of finesse. He was nervous enough just speaking carefully in her presence.

“Aren’t you going to take a seat? I made tea. It’s getting cold now.” Yun Shishi took the lead and sat down on the sofa. She had already made a pot of tea on the coffee table. “There’s a lot of good tea on the island. I’ve never even seen some of these teas before.”

He took advantage of this topic to break the ice. “Do you prefer black tea or green tea?”

“Whether it’s black tea or green tea, I won’t reject any of them. However, compared to green tea, I prefer black tea. Especially in winter, making a cup of Jin Junmei and Qimen warms me up.”

“I like black tea too.”

“I heard from Xiao Jie that you actually prefer coffee?”

He nodded lightly.


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