Chapter 448: Episode 84 – 1864 (4)

Why did the ‘Secretive Plotter’ watch our Fable until now?

“Answer me.”

He was the king of Outer Gods, and he had seen his ‘Conclusion’. Meaning, if he wanted to eliminate me he’d have done so even if it cost a huge amount of Probability.

⸢However, he didn’t do that.⸥

The ‘Secretive Plotter’ was now looking at Yu Jung-Hyeok and me.

His consciousness was far too deep and extensive that I’d not be able to understand even if I used the [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint] on him. That might’ve been the case, but at least in this moment, I thought that I could understand him.

– If I plagiarised the ‘Ways of Survival’ for my novel, then what were you plagiarised from?

Han Su-Yeong of the 1863rd turn asked me that question.

Even though I knew the answer, I didn’t give her one. Because, I didn’t want to admit it.

The world created by her during the 1863rd turn was, in a way, far more complete than the life I had led. Everyone from the original novel was alive, and Seoul possessed the necessary infrastructure to deal with the Final Scenario, too.

The only thing missing in that picture was ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’.

I thought that was unfair. I thought that the world copied from the original with its main character excluded was wrong.

⸢Certain copies can surpass the original.⸥

Despite that, I couldn’t take my eyes off the world that Han Su-Yeong had created. Even when I thought it was wrong. Because, her story contained the elements that I was also aiming for.

[Constellation, ‘Secretive Plotter’, is looking at you.]

Did copyright exist for one’s life, too?

But, was it okay to describe one’s life as a ‘work of an author’?

[[Demon King of Salvation.]]

The one who offered up his life for the sake of another world-line’s success was now looking straight at me. The only man in this world who possessed the ‘right’ to witness the ‘Conclusion’.

Even then, he couldn’t see the end he wanted to see. Such a man grabbed Yu Jung-Hyeok’s [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] with his bare hand and spoke up. [[Is a story with no proper ‘Ending’ a failed story?]]

Fables flowed out from the fingers cut by the blade. Fables that I was intimately familiar with.

The story that I read for over ten years.

[[Do you truly, honestly believe that a ‘proper conclusion’ exists in this world?]]

Yu Jung-Hyeok hurriedly swung the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword], causing the Plotter’s figure to distance himself.

‘Stay sharp, Kim Dok-Ja. He’s going to come at us seriously now.’

[Attribute, ‘Demon King Slayer’, is activating!]

[Attribute, ‘Terror of Stars’, is activating!]

The sword made to cut down Demon Kings and Constellation began crying out.

[Fable, ‘Hellscape of Eternity’, is howling out!]

[Great Fable, ‘Pilgrim of the Lonely Apocalypse’, is continuing with its storytelling!]

A person who completed a ‘Great Fable’ through nothing but his own life was right before us.


We couldn’t handle the approaching Fable and were forced back. Like soaked cotton, the whole body felt heavy. The Tongtian’s waters overturned and the bottom of the river got exposed.

We used the exposed bottom as our support and swung the sword towards the sky.

Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship.

Destruction Technique.

Breaking the Sky Meteor Strike.

The thunderbolt stabbing into the sky shot out from the tip of the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword]. The Statuses of a Demon King and a Constellation, as well as a Transcender, were added on top of the multiple sword lights that hacked the sky like a falling meteor shower.

And the other side shifted his [Heaven Shaking Sword] as well.


He also possessed the same techniques we possessed. Two identical meteor showers collided in the air and a massive explosion rang out.

When the technique was the same, what decided the outcome was the proficiency as well as the Status of the Fable.

[Great Fable, ‘Pilgrim of the Lonely Apocalypse’, is remembering the story.]

Unfortunately, we couldn’t claim an advantage in either of those aspects.

‘Kim Dok-Ja!’

That didn’t mean we’d back off here, though.

I desperately unleashed other Fables while still operating the ⸢Hellscape of Eternity⸥.

[Fable, ‘One who Murdered the Outer God’, has begun its storytelling!]

The reason why our opponent held the upper hand was due to the two attributes – ‘Demon King Slayer’ and ‘Terror of Stars’. In that case, we needed to unshackle the Fable that allowed us to fight against the ‘Outer God’.


One Status collided with another. Blood trickled down Yu Jung-Hyeok’s nose. However, he didn’t back away.

Not just him, but even the Fables seemed to understand it. They perhaps knew that, if they stopped telling their stories now, then all stories would stop right here.

[[It’s useless.]]

The Plotter’s Status moved. The Great Fable’s aura that previously existed in vague ripples was rapidly changing. The ⸢Pilgrim of the Lonely Apocalypse⸥ morphed into a giant, and its huge palm began crushing down on us.

Yu Jung-Hyeok roared out in opposition. “We too have Great Fables!”

[Great Fable, ‘Demon World’s Spring’, is continuing with its storytelling!]

[Great Fable, ‘Torch that Swallowed the Myth’, is continuing with its storytelling!]

The world of the Great Fables streamed past before our eyes.

The ⸢Demon World’s Spring⸥ that battled against Surya during the Demon King Selection.

The ⸢Torch that Swallowed the Myth⸥ we earned while experiencing the ‘Gigantomachia’.

Two Great Fables, one taking on the figure of a lion while the other, a dragon, began biting and tearing into the giant’s palm, and resisted it.

[41st turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is watching you.]

[666th turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is watching you.]

[999th turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is watching you.]

Countless Yu Jung-Hyeoks within the ‘Secretive Plotter’ were observing this battle.

I recalled the [666] and [999] in my mind. They should be in there somewhere. Along with the Plotter himself, they had been watching me from the beginning of this world-line.

They were watching the heated battle between two Yu Jung-Hyeoks and were growing agitated.

[The ⸢Stage Transformation⸥ is activating!]

The sky split open, then light and darkness began creating a new ‘world’.

[Great Fable, ‘Season of Light and Darkness’, has begun its storytelling.]

The ⸢Season of Light and Darkness⸥ was our ‘Great Fable’. But at the same time, it was the Plotter’s Fable, as well.

And even in this Great Fable, Yu Jung-Hyeok still lost to the Plotter.

[[You cannot win.]]

The effects of the ⸢Stage Transformation⸥ were absolute.

The history of defeat would only go on to create yet another history of defeat.

⸢A man wearing a white coat was looking up at the sky. And the man wearing the black coat met that gaze.⸥

The Plotter’s eyes trembled.

Without a doubt, this was the exact same battle against the same Yu Jung-Hyeok as before. Yet, something was different. The Plotter looked down at his own coat.

It was black.

The colour of his coat was the opposite.

⸢Light and darkness were colliding. And one single watcher was observing the whole story.⸥

Incredible Status gathered on Yu Jung-Hyeok’s right arm. It was clear which technique he was planning to use.

The greatest technique the current him could call upon: the [Shooting Star Slash].

Back during the Apocalypse Dragon battle, Yu Jung-Hyeok failed to defeat the ‘Secretive Plotter’ with this technique.

[Incarnation, ‘Jeong Hui-Won’, has temporarily transferred her share of the Great Fable.]

Everyone from <Kim Dok-Ja Company> in the not-too-distant battlefield was adding their strength to us. Everyone who held shares in the Great Fable was now participating in this battle.

[Incarnation, ‘Han Su-Yeong’, has temporarily transferred her share of the Great Fable.]

[Incarnation, ‘Shin Yu-Seung’, has temporarily transferred her share of the Great Fable.]

[Incarnation, ‘Yi Gil-Yeong’, has temporarily transferred his share of the Great Fable.]

Every Fable of <Kim Dok-Ja Company> gathered on Yu Jung-Hyeok’s [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword]. After seeing his Fable balloon up like that, the ‘Secretive Plotter’ began pouring out his own Status as well.

They might be two identical Yu Jung-Hyeoks, but the Fables they created were completely different.

⸢Who is Yu Jung-Hyeok?⸥

The Fables they possessed acted like that question’s answer.

[Great Fable, ‘Pilgrim of the Lonely Apocalypse’, is continuing with its storytelling.]

The Fable of the ‘Secretive Plotter’ was Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1st regression turn, 2nd, then 100th, and even the 1000th. A Fable built up solely by one person’s existence piling up on top of one another.

⸢All tragedies had become dull, and only one being’s existence grew bloated.⸥

The sword light from the swung [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] opposed that very Fable.

[Fable, ‘Comrade of Life and Death’, is continuing with its storytelling.]

That was Yu Jung-Hyeok’s reply.

[Fable, ‘Child of the Past and Future’, has begun its storytelling.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok was Shin Yu-Seung.

[Fable, ‘Judge of Apocalypse’, has begun its storytelling.]

He was Jeong Hui-Won, and....

[Fable, ‘False Saviour’, is continuing with its storytelling.]

He was also Han Su-Yeong. And then....

[Fable, ‘Demon King of Salvation’, is continuing with its storytelling!]

And, he was me.


The [Shooting Star Slash] collided with the Plotter’s Great Fable. This fight was quite literally at a deadlock, and a moment’s carelessness could very well decide the victor. Every Fable we possessed powerfully slammed forward. And then...

[666th turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is.....]

A very small change occurred in the midst of this battle.

[362nd turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is.....]

A deafening boom went off, and the exploding spray of the river water formed a curtain of grey fog. The river water then rushed down on us and swept Yu Jung-Hyeok’s body away. His consciousness was fading.

I subbed for him and dragged the Incarnation Body towards some nearby floating debris to climb on top of it.

When I took a closer look, though, it wasn’t some normal piece of debris, but a small island created out of the corpses of the ‘Outer Gods’, instead.

It was then that I heard a voice.

[[There is only one difference between you and I.]]

As the grey fog of river water rescinded, the figure of the ‘Secretive Plotter’ flopped down on the corpse island revealed itself.

[[You simply got lucky, and I didn’t.]]

Tsu-chut, chuchuchut!

His black coat was in a tattered mess. Sparks were dancing all over his body.

[1562nd turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is....]

[1321st turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is....]

‘Yu Jung-Hyeoks’ inside him were now rebelling against him. They were refusing to heed the Plotter’s will.

[999th turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ wishes to see the end of the 1864th turn.]

His Status was decreasing little by little. And his body was also gradually shrinking, as well. His bulging muscles were getting smaller, and his height decreased, too.

Soon, the ‘Secretive Plotter’ that lost his Status had morphed into the figure of a boy.

I staggered back to my – Yu Jung-Hyeok’s – feet.


I wanted to say something, but no voice wanted to come out.

[The absolute majority of the audience are shivering at your battle!]

[A portion of the audience is....]

We won.

Countless indirect messages flooded in, but not one of them entered my head.

The ‘Secretive Plotter’ was sitting on his butt all alone on top of this island. The [Heaven Shaking Sword] stabbed into the floor was the only thing supporting him.

While gripping the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] tightly, I cautiously approached him.

Even though he was the same Yu Jung-Hyeok, why did he have to live such a different life? Why did this guy have to overcome all these tragedies by himself?

[Great Fable, ‘Pilgrim of the Lonely Apocalypse’, is faltering in its storytelling.]

Was it because he didn’t have any comrades?


[41st turn’s ‘Yu Jung-Hyeok’ is staying vigilant of you.]

....No, he had.

He definitely had comrades.

‘Kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeoks’ emerging out of his body were standing right there.


Kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeoks were now surrounding him protectively. And then, the ‘Outer Gods’ were surroundings those kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeoks.


The history that the ‘Secretive Plotter’ had lived through – every part of the ‘Ways of Survival’ he lived through was now protecting him.


They were stories that got discarded because they failed to reach the ‘Conclusion’.

I moved Yu Jung-Hyeok’s body again and lowered my posture towards them. When I reached out, one of the small Outer Gods bit the extended finger. Crimson blood formed on the tip of the bitten finger.

It was a lie that this world-line was a brand new story.

Even now, Yu Jung-Hyeok’s story – the ‘Ways of Survival’ – hadn’t ended yet.

‘Kim Dok-Ja.’

He must’ve regained his consciousness, because Yu Jung-Hyeok began talking to me.

I didn’t reply immediately, and made my way past the Outer Gods to approach the ‘Secretive Plotter’.

Now in the form of a boy, he was looking up at me while being surrounded by the Outer Gods.

Yu Jung-Hyeok saw me holding the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] tightly and spoke. ‘You’ll regret this.’

⸢No, I won’t.⸥

I raised the sword only to slowly sheathe it back in its scabbard.

⸢Besides, you weren’t going to kill him, anyway.⸥

Yu Jung-Hyeok’s retort came back a little later than usual. ‘....Even if we kill him, he’ll simply regress again, anyway.’

Even if he was saying that, it was pretty clear what he was thinking of right now. We had enough of this tragedy already.

[Many Constellations are watching you.]

[Many Constellations can’t understand your decision.]

I didn’t make this decision for the sake of earning a Fable. And I knew that this wouldn’t even offer a tiny speck of solace to a life that lasted for 1864 lives.

But, even then....

“Secretive Plotter.”

I called out and he looked up at me.

Even if this world had changed from the original story, even if this world was no longer a simple novel.... If it wasn’t for this guy’s story, this world wouldn’t have existed.

⸢Without him, the current Kim Dok-Ja wouldn’t be here.⸥

I definitely owed him a debt. A debt that nothing could possibly repay.

“You said that a sentence once written, can never be changed, right? I disagree with that.”

Indeed, sentences could be changed. Just like how the revised versions of the ‘Ways of Survival’ existed.

[[My Fable has already come to an end.]]

“....And then?”

[[....There is no ‘then’. That is what it means to end.]]

“Some stories can only begin anew after coming to its end. Back in the world I lived in, there was this guy who repeatedly said that his story would end that year, but he kept it going for over ten years.”

And that very story was what helped me to survive.

“I think I heard that the story was supposed end at around the 500th chapter, but before I knew it, it went past 1000th, and then, it shot past 2000 chapters.”

[[....What is it that you want to say?]]

“That story was written up to the 3149th chapter.... but the 3150th hasn’t been written.”

Even if a full stop had been laid down, as long as the next sentence was written, then the story would continue on.

The ‘Secretive Plotter’ should be well aware of this, too. Because, he was a guy who had been telling his story far longer than anyone else out there.

I spoke with a grin on my face. “It feels like that story is still continuing on even right now. And maybe, it is really continuing on. I feel relieved, actually.”


“Because, I’m a Constellation, you see.” As the Plotter’s expression hardened, I added something else with a cold voice. “Constellations are creatures like that.”

This was the answer I had chosen. This was the only way to not belittle him, even if it ends up hurting him.

The Secretive Plotter’s eyes were glaring straight at me. [[....That story you bastard have seen....]] His seething voice was directed at me. [[....Will result in your death. It will show you the worst end result imaginable. And as for your Nebula....!]]

“Doesn’t matter.”

I knew that what I was saying here could be seen as irresponsible. My petty attempt at atonement could bring upon untold misery and misfortune for everyone else. I knew that.

Even then, this was the best I could do right now.

“Every time that happens, I’ll do my best to fight back.”

The Plotter’s expression was changing – to one that I couldn’t make. An expression seemingly reserved for when analysing the ends of the distant universe. With that sort of expression, he scanned the battlefield.

The rain falling on the battlefield had stopped, and the storm clouds that the Great Sage Heaven’s Equal had summoned were receding away.

The ‘Great War Against the Heavenly Worlds’ was drawing to a close.

<Emperor>’s fallen Constellations were looking up at the Great Sage and the Yogoes. The sense of defeat thickly drawn on their faces told me who today’s winner was.

[Currently, the Fable chamber ⸢I’ve become the retired SSSSS-grade Sun Wukong⸥ is in possession of the ‘sacred texts’.]

[Scenario will automatically conclude if the sacred texts are guarded for one hour.]

[Ten seconds currently remaining until the conclusion of the scenario.]

Finally, the lengthy scenario was coming to a close.

I looked up at the blindingly bright skies of the <Star Stream>. The ‘Great Dokkaebis’ who’d control the Final Scenario were there, glaring at me.

[Scenario has concluded.!]

[Fable chamber ⸢I’ve become the retired SSSSS-grade Sun Wukong⸥ has won the scenario!]

Bright messages announcing an incredible amount of reward payout and words of congratulations sent by the Constellations rained down and blanketed the sky above.

I spotted Shin Yu-Seung, with Biyu riding on top of her head, hurriedly running towards me while waving around the ‘sacred texts’.

The title of the texts was the following:

⸢I’ve Become the Retired SSSSS-Grade Sun Wukong⸥


[Shares for ‘Outer God’ in the applicable scenario is enormous!]

[<Star Stream> is acknowledging the existence of ‘Outer God’.]

[‘Outer Gods’ can now officially participate in the scenarios!]

(As the blinding rays of light accompanied them, the Yogoes all rose up to the air.)

(Yogoes gathering around Sun Wukong as their centre all howled towards the heavens like a single colony.)

I heard their cries.

(It sounded like a song from an unfamiliar foreign country.)

Next up, I spotted Jeong Hui-Won carrying my Incarnation Body while waving her hand. I might have heard it wrong, but I thought I heard her say “I finally got you” or something like that.

Next up, I saw Yu Sang-Ah, now the ‘Sakyamuni’s Successor’, and Jang Ha-Yeong carrying the enervated Yi Gil-Yeong.

I looked to my side to discover the ‘Secretive Plotter’ witnessing the same spectacle as me.

(The ‘Journey to the West’ will end here.)

One scenario came to an end, yet the story continued on. However, even that story would have an end.

[You have acquired a new ‘Great fable’!]

[You have partially completed the fourth condition of the ‘Hidden Scenario – A Single Fable’!]

And so, ever so quietly....

[Your Great Fable has completed the first half of the ‘Conclusion’!]

The message foretelling the end of this world could be heard.

[Your Nebula has acquired the qualification to enter the ‘Final Scenario’.]

<Episode 84. 1864 (4)> Fin.

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