Night’s Nomenclature

Chapter 221: Coronation of the New King

In the secluded private room, the people barely spoke.

Everyone was reflecting on the information Qing Shi had just revealed.

Even Li Yinuo looked shocked.

No one seemed to be able to accept this fact, but only Li Yinuo felt something different from all others.

From a very young age, children in the Li family were told that Qing’s Shadows were unscrupulous. To achieve their goals, they were willing to use any method necessary.

Li Yinuo felt that she understood the meaning of those words back then, but this time, it refreshed her understanding.

While she was still helping Qing Chen get in contact with the Shadow candidates one by one, Qing Chen had already settled one of them through online dating!

This was unimaginably unscrupulous!

She had heard countless stories of how Shadow candidates fought amongst each other.

But despite how well-informed Li Yinuo was, she still felt that using online dating as a method to eliminate competitors was insane.

At this time…

Nan Gengchen murmured in a low voice, “Were you serious about the ID ‘Cutie’?”

While he was mocking the ID, he didn’t notice that the apps on his phone were being secretly deleted by an invisible hand. Every time he spoke about “Cutie”, the “hand” would delete an app in retaliation.

ONE was like a little dinosaur hiding on the Internet, secretly taking revenge on those who made fun of it.

Frankly, even if Qing Chen found out that his friends knew about the user ID, he would be embarrassed but wouldn’t feel too much shame. After all, he wasn’t the one that made the ID.

But ONE’s ID, however, was indeed called “Cutie”.

Qing Shi looked at the big screen and asked Li Yinuo out of curiosity, “So his real name is Guang Xiaotu. Sister Yinuo, do you know him too?”

“Yeah, I know him,” Li Yinuo said, “He is a boxer at the Haitang Boxing Gym. We often come to watch his boxing matches, but we didn’t know about his online nickname.”

Qing Shi nodded, “I didn’t know he was a boxer before either.”

Nan Gengchen suddenly asked, “You don’t know he’s a boxer? What did he tell you that he did then?”

“He said he is a wandering poet,” Qing Shi said seriously, “A particularly chic kind, with no fixed place of living and wandering from the first to the ninth district.”

Wandering… poet…

Nan Gengchen wondered, wasn’t that just like wandering from Queens to Manhattan?

He sighed, “Not that particularly chic if you think about it.”

When Qing Shi mentioned his identity as a wandering poet, everyone looked at the expressionless and murderous-looking Qing Chen on the big screen outside the private room.

Then they looked at Qing Shi.

Li Tongyun thought, ‘it would make sense if he were a poet, but a wandering poet… not so much…

However, she suddenly asked with her big eyes flashing, “Sister Qing Shi, can you tell us a poem that he wrote?”

“Of course,” Qing Yi said with a smile, “I’ll read you one that I really liked…”

Before Qing Shi could read the poem, Nan Gengchen’s phone suddenly played a recording, “Yinuo, I promise to be your babe for the rest of my life…”

Nan Gengchen’s face turned green. He hurriedly took out his phone and turned it off. Then, he looked at Li Tongyun and Qing Shi with an awkward smile and said, “Hahahaha, would you believe me if I say that’s a random recording from the Internet? It’s not me…”

He was confused. Why did his phone suddenly interrupt Qing Shi’s poem?

Was there a mysterious force preventing Brother Chen from social death?

Li Yinuo looked at Qing Shi and changed the subject, “Are you disappointed now that you found out that Guang Xiaotu is a boxer?”

But Qing Shi smiled and said, “I don’t care. When making friends, one doesn’t need to care about the other person’s status. As long as he’s handsome, nothing else matters.”

For a moment, Li Yinuo couldn’t tell whether Qing Shi’s opinions were correct or not.

Before they could say anything else, cheers erupted in the ring.

Qing Shi asked, “Are they going to compete in the black octagonal cage below? What are the rules?”

“The rule of underground boxing is that there are no rules,” Li Yinuo explained, “There are no rules on life or death, no restrictions on how you fight. When the iron door of the octagonal cage is opened, it is like opening Pandora’s box.”

“Why Pandora’s Box?” Qing Shi was puzzled.

Li Yinuo pointed at the enthusiastic gamblers and spectators in the stands, “To the boxers in this octagonal cage, every punch they throw represents how much effort they have put in training and how much talent they have. Every punch is the truth. You can see the desires in the eyes of the spectators. The desire to see people fighting for their lives; the desires of primitive human nature.”

At this time, Nan Gengchen suddenly said, “I’ll order some food, and you guys can continue to chat.”

When Xiao Taibao started to yell harsh words on stage, Qing Chen was still making final preparations in the dressing room.

Jiang Xiaotang called the best doctor in Haitang Boxing Gym to perform a physical examination on him, testing his vision, hearing, and heart rate. While he underwent the physical examination, he didn’t say a word.

“You’re quite obedient,” Jiang Xiaotang said with a smile, “Many boxers are extremely confident in their bodies, so when the doctor wants to check, they always say no.”

Qing Chen thought for a while and said, “Physical conditions exist objectively. Taking a checkup is just being responsible for my body. There is no need to refuse. Moreover, this has nothing to do with whether I am confident or not.”

The doctor attached the instrument for detecting heartbeat to his chest, then looked at the numbers and was stunned for a moment. The doctor then nodded to Jiang Xiaotang, “There is no problem. He is very healthy.”

“What are you surprised about? Is there something wrong?” Jiang Xiaotang frowned, “If I find out that you are fooling me…”

“No, no,” the doctor said quickly, “I was just surprised that this boxer’s heartbeat was too normal.”

Jiang Xiaotang immediately understood what the doctor meant.

Before a boxer faces a boxing match, no one could be sure whether he could come out of the octagonal cage alive. After all, he would be facing boxers of the same level, and he may die if he wasn’t careful.

Therefore, boxers’ heart rates would fluctuate greatly due to nervousness or excitement before the match, and it would be common for boxers to exceed 100 beats per minute.

However, Qing Chen’s heart rate was too normal, which was an abnormality in itself.

No nervousness, no fear, not even excitement.

It was the first time the doctor had seen this, so he was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Xiaotang glanced at him, “You know what you can and can’t say. Do you understand? This matter is confidential. Go to HR to sign an additional confidentiality agreement. You’ll also receive a confidentiality stipend.”

“I understand, thank you, boss. You’re the most supercalifragilisticexpialidocious1Defined as: extraordinarily good; wonderful. The literal translation from Chinese for this line would be “You are liked by every person who sees you; the flower will blossom because of your presence.”.” The doctor quickly nodded.

“Get lost,” Jiang Xiaotang rolled her eyes, “If you dare to speak a word about what you saw today, I will throw you into the river to feed the fish.”

At this time, the host’s voice came from outside, “Ladies and gentlemen, we now invite Boxer Guang Xiaotu to come on stage! He is the winning champion in the last round of placement matches. He is the young boxing champion who defeated Huang Zixian. How will he perform tonight…”

Qing Chen walked out. He suddenly turned to look at Jiang Xiaotang as if he remembered something, “Sister, how many matches can I fight tonight?”

This time it was Jiang Xiaotang’s turn to be surprised, “I have only arranged one match for you… How many matches do you want to fight?”

“Nothing, I was just asking,” Qing Chen said.

Jiang Xiaotang said seriously, “Do you know what fighting consecutive matches means? It’s very dangerous. Why do you think so many talented boxers often fail in the placement matches? Confidence is a good thing, but you can’t be blindly confident.”

“Yes, I know,” Qing Chen nodded. He didn’t know why, but he could feel her sincere concern about his safety. He smiled and said, “Thank you, sister.”

With that said, Qing Chen walked out of the locker room.

The moment he appeared, the crowd cheered.

But when everyone was waiting for him to say some harsh words to his opponent, everyone saw Qing Chen walk directly into the octagonal cage without any hesitation.

Xiao Taibao looked at him coldly and said nothing.

The referee said, “You know the rules. There will be no restrictions in this match, and you will be responsible for life and death. Understand?”

Xiao Taibao, “Yes.”

Qing Chen, “Yes.”

The referee, “Start!”

As he said that, he walked out of the octagonal cage and prepared to lock the iron door. This was a custom of the matches.

However, before the referee could walk out of the ring, both sides immediately assumed an attacking stance without shaking hands.

Xiao Taibao stretched out his right hand to test Qing Chen’s attack radius… The moment he stretched out his hand…

Qing Chen reached out with his left hand, starting late but arriving first.

He grasped the joint of his opponent’s forearm with his palm and twisted it, forcing Xiao Taibao to kneel on the ground.

In the first second of the match, what was supposed to be a bloody scene turned into a Jiu-Jitsu wrestling match. No one was expecting this.

Xiao Taibao turned over and tried to jump up, hoping to use rotation to break free from Qing Chen’s grasp, and was about to trap Qing Chen’s neck with his legs.

Qing Chen knows Jiu-Jitsu, and so does he!

However, when his legs began to exert force while kneeling on the ground, he was shocked to find that the hand holding him down had been released in advance.

It was as if the teenager predicted his next move and was waiting for him to take the bait.

Before Xiao Taibao could react, his legs were grabbed and thrust backward.

In the eyes of the audience, Xiao Taibao didn’t seem to be fighting back but instead deliberately put his leg into Qing Chen’s arms, letting Qing Chen swing him out in a semicircle.

With a thud, Xiao Taibao’s whole body felt like it was falling apart. He wanted to get up but found that Qing Chen had already gotten onto his back and crossed both arms around his neck, locking him in tightly!

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Xiao Taibao slapped the ground hard and wanted to admit defeat. He knew very well that if the main arteries on both sides of the neck were choked, even a superhuman would die quickly.

However, Qing Chen didn’t pay attention to his opponent’s surrender. He just waited for his opponent to faint due to cerebral ischemia and lack of oxygen flow before finally letting go of his arms.

These were the rules of the ring. Never trust your opponent.

At this moment, the referee hadn’t even locked the doors and the fight was over.

There was an uproar in the stands.

In the last qualifying placement match, although Qing Chen passed all levels, the teenager did not show any fighting techniques, and the fight with Huang Zixian was more about risking his life, like a reckless man.

However, this time it was different. The skills and predictions Qing Chen displayed were perfect.

People in the stands were screaming. The young man in the octagonal cage was about to leave, but suddenly he saw a middle-aged figure in the crowd.

He stopped again.

Qing Chen did not leave the octagonal cage. Instead, he just stood there and waited.

The next second, Jiang Xiaotang’s voice sounded in the referee’s earpiece, “Tell the audience that today’s tigerweight boxing match will last until no one in the boxing gym can fight Guang Xiaotu. Let people bet on how many fights he can win today. Tell all the tigerweight boxers in the gym to start warming up.”

In the front row of the stands, Huang Zixian was sitting in a wheelchair, silently looking at the young man in the octagonal cage.

He was still waiting for a new opponent to enter the cage. It seemed that the noise around him had nothing to do with him.

There was a world outside the octagonal cage and another inside.

Among those present, Huang Zixian was the one who felt the most about Qing Chen’s improvements, because he fought Qing Chen before.

Huang Zixian realized that Qing Chen’s skills were beyond imagination at this point.

He didn’t understand how the teenager did it.

“Wait a minute, why didn’t Guang Xiaotu step down when the match was over?” an audience member asked in confusion.

“What is he waiting for?”

The next moment, the host shouted to the audience, “Everyone, Haitang Boxing Gym will usher in a historic moment in the tigerweight competition tonight. Boxer Guang Xiaotu will not only challenge Xiao Taibao tonight but also start a true unrestricted fight!”

“Tonight, he will continue to fight against the other five tigerweight boxers present in the boxing gym until he wins against all of them or dies!”

“The betting option has been opened. Go place your bets!”

Neither the spectators nor the gamblers in the stands expected the sudden change in the usual program.

They had never seen any boxer dare to challenge multiple boxers at the same level in one night!

Everyone thought Guang Xiaotu was crazy.

However, when people thought of the scene where Guang Xiaotu had easily beaten Xiao Taibao just now, they hesitated for a long time and were speechless.

Just ten minutes after the host announced the new event, a strange phenomenon occurred in various boxing gyms in District 4. The audience who was watching matches at other gyms seemed to have heard the news from their friends, all rushing to the Haitang Boxing Gym.

At this time, there was only one-fifth of the audience left in the other gyms, making them seem quite empty.

The bosses of various boxing gyms were a little confused. What was going on?

In the Tianshou Boxing Gym, a subordinate ran in from the outside and reported to the boss, “A tigerweight boxer appeared in the Haitang Boxing Gym and said he would challenge 6 tigerweights in one go tonight. He would only leave the ring after winning against all six or dying!”

Zhang Tianshou, the owner of Tianshou Boxing Gym, was stunned, “You must be kidding me. How can any tigerweight be able to stand after six consecutive matches?”

“It’s true, boss,” the subordinate said, “Everyone in District 4 is heading over there. The boxer just beat Xiao Taibao to the ground, and the second match is about to start.”

“Xiao Taibao, I know him. What’s so strange about him being beaten to the ground? He gets beaten down to the ground about once a week… He’s only rated as tigerweight because he’s a Level E, otherwise, he would have been dropped from the class a long time ago.” Zhang Tianshou said.

“It’s a little different this time, boss. I heard someone say that this boxer beat him like playing with a doll,” the subordinate said.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianshou became serious.

Although Xiao Taibao was the worst in the tigerweight class, he was still a genetic fighter. With his physical abilities, he could still withstand quite some punches at a minimum.

So Zhang Tianshou had to think about it seriously, “What is the name of the new boxer?”

“His name is Guang Xiaotu, and he is said to be a newcomer,” the subordinate said.

Zhang Tianshou asked curiously, “Wait a minute, isn’t this Guang Xiaotu the newcomer who defeated Huang Zixian? Are all newcomers so crazy nowadays?”

“Boss, he defeated Huang Zixian, so it’s normal to be a little crazy,” the subordinate said.

“What you said makes so much sense…” Zhang Tianshou said with a look of dismay on his face, “How come a demon like Jiang Xiaotang got her hands on such a boxer?!”

All the boxing gyms in District 4 were competitors. Whichever one had the best matches and had the most popular boxers would make the most, so every gym would always put large amounts of effort into finding new talents.

Sometimes, once a new talented boxer was found, the gym would even request to sign a long-term service agreement and provide free genetic injections.

To promote a bantamweight boxer to tigerweight would only take two genetic injections, but a good tigerweight boxer would be able to help the boxing gym earn back the cost in just a few years.

Moreover, training the gym’s boxers could also help protect the gym from others. The boxer could be considered a loyal subordinate.

At this time, the subordinate whispered, “Boss, I asked my cousin, who is a waiter in Haitang Boxing Gym. He said that Jiang Xiaotang recognized Guang Xiaotu as her younger brother, gave him the 001 VIP private room, and paid him dividends at the cruiserweight boxing champion rate.”

“How could a tigerweight boxer receive such high dividends?” Zhang Tianshou frowned, “She’s breaking the rules!”

“Boss, what should we do now?” the subordinate asked.

“Who will Guang Xiaotu fight next?”

“Lin Yuhui, Li Lin, Qi He, Lu Wei, Li Ziming.”

“Huh,” Zhang Tianshou was taken back for a moment, “I thought Jiang Xiaotang would bring in five weak opponents to pave the way for Guang Xiaotu, but the remaining five are all tough ones. And isn’t Li Ziming Haitang Boxing Gym’s tigerweight champion? He’s Haitang’s number one fighter and very loyal to that woman. Is Jiang Xiaotang willing to use Li Ziming as a stepping stone for Guang Xiaotu?!”

This time, even Zhang Tianshou was a little confused. What is Jiang Xiaotang up to?

Something was wrong. Although Jiang Xiaotang was a devil-like woman, she knew and followed the rules.

What was the relationship between Guang Xiaotu and her that made her break the rules?

At this moment, in Haitang Boxing Gym’s private room, Li Yinuo was looking at the ring silently in a daze, “This is crazy.”

She had no idea that the Knights got such a ruthless newcomer.

Although the Knights were strong by default and were the ceiling of physical strength at the same level, this advantage could only open up a significant gap when reaching Level B. At Level B, they would also have Autumn Leaf Blade to aid them.

Therefore, in the past, Knights tended to keep a low profile before reaching Level B.

She looked at the others in the private room, only to find Li Tongyun, Nan Gengchen, and Qing Shi were standing side by side with their noses to the glass window, watching intently.

“What are you so excited about? He completely crushed the opponent,” Li Yinuo said.

Li Tongyun said sweetly, “I just like to watch Brother Xiaotu crushing others.”

Qing Shi also said with a smile, “‘Cutie’ can write beautiful poetry and fight in the octagonal cage. He’s a master of the pen and fists!”

The second match was against Lin Yuhui.

Not a single word was exchanged between the boxers. The host seemed to be in a hurry and directly announced that the second tigerweight boxer Lin Yuhui would come on stage.

Before going into the ring, his coach specifically told him to be on guard against Qing Chen’s Jiu-Jitsu, to keep a safe distance between them, and to not let Qing Chen push the fight to the ground.

However, Lin Yuhui felt a little strange. When the match started, the teenager did not seem to intend to rush over and knock him down. Instead, they both chose to keep a safe distance and test each other.

Moreover, the boy’s posture was also very strange. When moving, his center of gravity was always on his left foot and left leg.

The young man’s back was slightly bent with his arms in front of him.

A different fighting style?!

Both of them circled each other in the octagonal cage, constantly exchanging positions, but no one acted rashly.

Qing Chen tentatively used his right foot to sweep Lin Yuhui’s calf, but when Lin Yuhui raised his leg to avoid it, his arms opened and closed involuntarily.

Now was the time!

As fast as lightning, Qing Chen’s whole body weight was concentrated on his left leg. With the support from the ground, his leg suddenly shot up!

A Muay Thai kick!

Just when Lin Yuhui opened and closed his arms, Qing Chen’s right leg passed through it like a spear, kicking his opponent’s mandible with his right heel.

Lin Yuhui tried to defend himself with his arms, but how could his arms hold up against the kick?

With two cracks, his arm and mandible were broken together!

The tigerweight boxers’ strength was enough to ignore each other’s body weight. Lin Yuhui lost his balance under the force of the kick and flew backward.

His back slammed hard into the octagonal cage!

“Next,” Qing Chen said.

The teenager stood in the octagonal cage, panting slightly.

Gamblers in the stands yelled angrily, “Lin Yuhui is stupid! How can he not see such a straightforward kick coming to his face?!”

“Isn’t this a staged match!?”

The gamblers who lost said anything and everything. Those tickets that had lost their value were flying everywhere in the boxing gym, like fireworks celebrating the winner.

Huang Zixian watched silently at the front of the stands, frowning, and thinking.

Why did Qing Chen change his fighting style on the spot?

The differences between the fighting styles were so great that it would take years to master just one of them.

The third match was against Li Lin.

Qing Chen, who had already demonstrated his skills, seemed to have given up on both of his previous fighting styles.

He only used his arms to attack, planning the attack radius perfectly. Every time his opponent wanted to throw a punch he would find that his fist was one centimeter away from Qing Chen.

The boxer almost felt like he would never be able to touch Qing Chen.

This made him powerless and angry as if he was being played.

He was always just a step away!

This was a scary sense of distance in the ring.

In the eyes of the audience, Li Lin looked like a madman constantly trying to close the distance between him and Qing Chen.

Gradually, there was only one thought left in his mind: Hit Guang Xiaotu!

However, in the boxing ring, once someone lost his mind, his failure was certain.

Finally, Li Lin forced Qing Chen to the edge of the octagonal cage and hit Qing Chen’s left elbow with a punch. He felt that his fingers were shattered from the collision with the hard elbow.

This was the most classic defensive posture, using the elbow to defend against the fist.

The next second, Qing Chen coldly punched Li Lin, hitting him in the face. The audience seemed to be able to see the skin and muscles on Li Lin’s face trembling.

Violent and brutal.

Li Lin fell to the ground, while Qing Chen stood on the ring panting violently.

There were more and more spectators at Haitang Boxing Gym. So many that the aisles were full of people.

The gambling pool in the boxing gym was getting larger and larger, and the amount of funds flowing was huge.

The fourth match was against Qi He.

Qing Chen began to look tired, but he no longer limited himself to a single type of fighting style in the matches and began to combine all attack routines together.

He was like a flexible machine, moving quickly in the ring, pulling his opponent to reveal weaknesses.

The fifth match was against Li Lin.

Qing Chen’s expression became even more tired and serious. Sweat was pouring down like rain.

This time, he used Jiu-Jitsu again, which was a fighting technique that would lead to the least hits on his body.

In VIP room 001, Ji Hao asked Jiang Xiaotang, “Boss, do you want to stop? I think his physical load seems to be at its peak right now and he is not suitable to continue fighting.”

Jiang Xiaotang also had a hesitant look on her face.

Bodyguard Ji Hao continued, “Boss, I know stopping the game will make gamblers angry, but gamblers are forgetful. As long as Guang Xiaotu can make them money in the future, they will come to Haitang again. If we lose Guang Xiaotu now, it will be hard to find one like him in the next decade.”

Jiang Xiaotang looked at him, “Ji Hao, you are a cruiserweight boxer. Judging from your perspective, how is his strength?”

Ji Hao thought for a moment and said, “I don’t want to fight him.”

“Why? You are a whole level higher than him,” Jiang Xiaotang was confused.

“Boss, we boxers are very sensitive to strength. Guang Xiaotu’s physical fitness is extremely close to the peak of Level E. If the critical value between Level E and Level D is 9, then he is now at 8.9999,” Ji Hao said, “Most Level E would stagnate at 7 or 8. The better one’s talent, the higher one could get before leveling up. So, right now, he can be considered a pseudo-Level D.”

Jiang Xiaotang thought for a while and said, “Even so, Ji Hao, you don’t have to be afraid of him. You are a Level D, a true cruiserweight boxer.”

“Boss, it’s not that I’m afraid,” Ji Hao shook his head, “but because I’m not sure if I would be able to beat him. So, I wouldn’t take the risk.”

“You’re a cruiserweight, and you’re saying you’re not sure you can beat him?” Jiang Xiaotang asked. She knew Qing Chen was powerful, and she knew Qing Chen was a Knight, but she never thought Qing Chen would be capable of fighting a whole level above him.

Ji Hao thought for a while and said: “Boss, his fighting style is too unpredictable, and his fighting technique is some of the best I’ve seen. He is about as good as I am at Muay Thai, but my Jiu-Jitsu definitely can’t be as responsive as his. Therefore, I might lose unexpectedly.”

The technique has little to do with level. It was not uncommon to see a bantamweight fighter have better technique than a cruiserweight.

Sometimes, these techniques were the key to success.

This was why Qing Chen wanted to lay a solid foundation.

“Boss, do you want to stop the matches?” Ji Hao asked.

Jiang Xiaotang looked at the octagonal cage and shook her head, “I believe in him. This is the path he chose. He will finish it.”

Ji Hao hesitated and said, “Boss, this is indeed the path he chose, but he only said he wanted to fight one more match and didn’t mention he wanted to fight six matches in a row…”


The sixth match was against Li Ziming.

This time, Qing Chen asked for a 15-minute break.

This was a reasonable request and the referee agreed.

In fact, there should be a 15-minute break between each boxing match.

Everyone looked at Qing Chen, who seemed so exhausted that his back was a little stooped, and suddenly everyone felt that he might not be able to pass this match.

Li Ziming was the tigerweight boxing champion and one of the best boxers at Haitang Boxing Gym. Countless have fallen under his fists.

If Qing Chen was in his prime, this would be a fair match, and people would have faith in his abilities.

But now, this young man was tired and weak.

Instantly, many gamblers went to bet that he would lose in the sixth match.

However, among these people who were placing bets, Nan Gengchen, who had just left the private room, was walking in the stands wearing a peaked cap and called out, “Recycling tickets betting on Guang Xiaotu winning all matches…recycling them at a 90% discount… He is exhausted now, and Li Ziming is the tigerweight boxing champion. There is no way he can win.”

Countless people flocked to Nan Gengchen that he had to take off his coat to load the tickets he bought at just 10% of the face value.

It turned out that gamblers sure were forgetful.

At this time, Nan Gengchen suddenly saw a middle-aged man holding a ticket betting that Guang Xiaotu could win all six matches, with 2000 written on it.

In the underground boxing gyms, 1 meant 1,000, and 2,000 would mean the upper limit of 2 million for the ticket. Nan Gengchen’s heartbeat began to accelerate. This was a fat sheep!

He asked, “Uncle, do you want to sell the ticket in your hand? You can recycle it at a discount. If you want to sell it now, you’ve got to hurry, otherwise, you will lose all your money later!”

The middle-aged man’s expression seemed a little surprised, and he was also a little bit dumbfounded, “No, no, get out of here. When these gamblers find out about this, they’ll beat you to death.”

“Okay, okay,” Nan Gengchen whispered, “Thanks for the reminder.”

After finishing the last couple of deals, he walked to the general stands, secretly made an OK gesture with his right hand, then turned around and ran away.

There were so many people in the stands, and no one noticed him, but Nan Gengchen knew that Qing Chen had been waiting for this signal.

The next moment, the audience suddenly found that Qing Chen was no longer breathing heavily, and even his rickety back straightened up as if nothing happened.

His eyes also regained their composure.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

The gamblers who had just sold their tickets cursed angrily. They turned back to look for Nan Gengchen, only to find that he had disappeared.

“How can a man be so evil? That kid is a dog! I need to report it, report Guang Xiaotu for fake matches!”

However, the definition of fake matches in underground boxing was losing the match on purpose, and Guang Xiaotu did not lose on purpose. He just looked a little weak.

This time, Qing Chen didn’t bother dragging out the match.

After Li Ziming launched his attack, he found that his opponent had expected every attempt he made.

It only took Qing Chen 9 seconds to suppress him to the ground.

Li Ziming didn’t know that when Qing Chen came to the boxing gym that night when the Divine Scepter fell, he happened to be fighting in the boxing gym.

Therefore, the matches that Qing Chen recalled and analyzed the most during this period were his.

The sixth boxing match ended in an unusually calm manner. There was no blood, no fierce back-and-forth, just a simple one-sided crushing.

Huang Zixian watched six full boxing matches. Qing Chen’s fighting style was completely different in each one, making it impossible for others to find a pattern in his moves.

Only Huang Zixian understood that this young man used six styles in six matches to integrate the skills he had mastered in practice.

The teenager didn’t know any of these before!

At least not when he was competing with the teenager!

“What kind of person can master so many skills in such a short period of time?” Huang Zixian sighed.

There were no more tigerweight boxers left to fight Qing Chen in the Haitang Boxing Gym. The host said with a smile, “Congratulations to those who put money on Guang Xiaotu winning all matches tonight. You will receive your well-deserved reward to celebrate this victory with Guang Xiaotu!”

“Of course, Haitang Boxing Gym is here to make another announcement. We will set up a bonus of 20 million, and welcome all tigerweight boxers to challenge Guang Xiaotu. The challenge lasts for 15 days, and the winner can take all the prize money!”

Huang Zixian took a deep breath.

Not only was Qing Chen the crazy one tonight…

But Jiang Xiaotang also wanted to make Qing Chen the boxing champion in the entire federation!

Winning 20 million in a match would convince many people to give this a try. There would even be boxing champions from the other cities coming to challenge him.

As long as Qing Chen could successfully hold on to his undefeated status for 15 days and stand in the ring, he would become the most unquestionable tigerweight boxing champion!

Huang Zixian looked at the young man in the octagonal cage only to find that there was no joy of victory on his face.

What he didn’t know was that this was just the beginning for Qing Chen.

All this only meant that he could prepare for his second Life and Death Challenge and start a new life of his own.

Qing Chen looked around the stands, trying to find his master, but his master seemed to have left already.

  • 1Defined as: extraordinarily good; wonderful. The literal translation from Chinese for this line would be “You are liked by every person who sees you; the flower will blossom because of your presence.”

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