Night’s Nomenclature

Chapter 215: My body is not part of the deal!

“You should also know about my memory,” Qing Chen said to ONE in the floating car, “So you should also know that just a few hours ago in terms of the Inner World time, you said as an AI, you can’t do something like online dating.”

“Did I say this is online dating?” ONE’s voice was very quiet, “Just friends on the Internet. However, unlike you humans who can hug each other and touch each other in real life, I can’t. I don’t have such needs, but the friends I made do, so you need to fulfill their needs for me… Don’t get me wrong, they’re just some normal needs. “

“Hey, are you mistaken? My body’s not part of the deal!” Qing Chen growled.

“You humans really have weird thoughts from time to time,” exclaimed ONE.

“Wait a minute,” Qing Chen got curious, “Can’t you make a body for yourself? With tech in the Inner World, this can surely be achieved. A bionic body and bionic skin should make you look and feel identical to normal people.”

ONE asked strangely, “Why should I live like a normal human being? My father has taught me since I was a child that I don’t have to feel sad because I am not a human, and I don’t need to deliberately imitate humans. I am who I am. Although I am different from humans, I am not inferior or superior to humans… Of course, there are also some historical reasons why I don’t want to imitate humans. Time travelers like you don’t know a lot about the history of the Inner World.”

Qing Chen was a little curious, “Let me ask a question. When you were created, did you have no underlying rules, such as not harming humans?”

The three laws of artificial intelligence were first proposed in the famous works of Isaac Asimov:

(1) a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;

(2) a robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law;

(3) a robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Many people think that by adhering to these three laws, they can control artificial intelligence indefinitely, but Qing Chen knows that this would be simply impossible.

Therefore, he was curious about what ONE’s “parents” did when they were tasked with raising true man-made intelligence.

To his surprise, ONE said, “You are talking about the three laws. I know this. Asimov coined them. My father told me.”

Qing Chen was shocked again, “Your father took the initiative to tell you this? He even knows Asimov?”

Wouldn’t that mean that your father was also a human from the Outer World?

Earlier, when Qing Chen learnt about Farewell and Canon, he suspected that there had been some time travelers in this world before him. Now it seems that there were many.

ONE said slowly, “My father said that any underlying logic would not work on artificial intelligence. He educated me as his biological child.”

Your father sure was a carefree man… Qing Chen thought.

In the Outer World, everyone was worrying over how AI could destroy humanity, but with your father, his only strategy was just to raise the AI like his child.

However, for now, it seemed like there was nothing wrong with ONE, and the AI is mentally healthy.

“But after all you said, you still haven’t explained why you want to date humans online,” Qing Chen complained.

ONE couldn’t make up any more excuses to dodge his question, “I just want to, anything wrong with that? Moreover, I never said that there’s any loving relationship. Friends, that’s all.”

Qing Chen felt that he had met a strange AI. Not only did the AI have an independent personality, it could also lie and date online!

How did the senior named Ren Xiaosu teach his children??

“Getting back to what we were talking about, I agree to meet your friend for you,” Qing Chen said while thinking to himself: It’s just playing an act, right? Comparing that to getting Liu Dezhu out of jail or protecting his identity in the Outer World, this was a small price to pay.

In Qing Chen’s mind, this couldn’t be too hard.

“I will give you the materials you’ll need to get Liu Dezhu out of prison, and I will also prepare the program for you to bring into the Outer World,” ONE said.

Qing Chen asked, “Okay, so that’s just the first favor I need to do for you. What’s your second request?”

ONE was silent for a moment and replied, “This itself was two requests because you’ll have to meet two people separately.”

Qing Chen, “???”

It was at this moment that he suddenly realized that not only was the AI dating online but also dating multiple people at the same time!

“Wait, stop,” Qing Chen looked out the window blankly, “I haven’t even dated yet. Is it reasonable for you, an AI, to have so many online relationships? And this is just in City 18. I can’t even start to imagine how many you’ve dated in the entire Federation.”

“You see, there are girls out there who feel lonely and have no one to talk to. This always makes me feel worried and anxious. I was born with the ability to multi-task and chat with many people,” said ONE. “As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility…”

“Stop talking, please, my head hurts,” Qing Chen said.

What kind of bullshit excuse is that? What a true scumbag!

ONE continued, “Also, this time it’s just a coincidence. One of them is from City 1 and the other is from City 10. Traveling between federal cities is quite difficult, so I said I am from City 18 to avoid meeting them. But just recently, both of them suddenly said they were coming here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t need you to meet them for me.”

Qing Chen suddenly realized that this AI was very good at avoiding being exposed. She specially arranged to tell her friends that she was in a different city so that she could avoid meeting them.

But this time, they were coming after ONE!

Qing Chen thought for a moment and said, “What a playboy.”

“You can’t call me a playboy if I am not a male,” ONE said, “First of all, there is no accurate gender for artificial and mechanical lifeforms. If you want me to classify myself under a human gender, you must assess that by personality, not physiology. Secondly, to be precise, my personality has been more feminine since I was a child, and my parents also raised me as a daughter.”

Qing Chen felt that he was shocked by the amount of information too many times today. Perhaps everything related to AI seemed mind-blowing to him.

This was something that the Outer World doesn’t have yet…

ONE is a woman!

“Do the people dating you know that you are female?” Qing Chen asked.

“No. I chatted as a man, otherwise, I would be reported.”

“Then why are you dating girls?” Qing Chen the lack of logic in this, “Shouldn’t you be dating a man?”

ONE answered very rationally, “Liking a person should be determined by preference, not by gender. Gender is objective and should not affect a person’s emotions.”

“Oh, so what kind of girl do you like?” Qing Chen asked.

“I like good-looking ones.”

Qing Chen looked out the window of the floating car and said, “A scumbag.”

In the private room of the Haitang Boxing Gym, Li Yinuo was walking out with Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun.

She muttered, “Today’s boxers are boring. They are barely fighting! To watch the exciting ones, we must come on Saturday night.”

With the lack of labor protection laws, there weren’t any “weekends” since Saturday was the only day off for most workers.

So no matter which city, Saturday night was always the busiest.

The rich nightlife would reach its climax that night.

However, when they walked out of the boxing gym, they found a young man standing calmly against the wall at the door, as if he had been waiting for them for a long time.

Li Yinuo subconsciously pulled Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun behind her, while her bodyguards rushed forward.

The young man said sincerely, “Miss Yinuo, I have no ill intentions.”

“Who are you?” Li Yinuo asked with a frown.

“Qing Wen, from the Qing family,” said the young man smiling gently, “I just arrived in City 18 this evening and came here to visit you.”

When Qing Wen said his name, Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun’s heart rate sped up.

The two of them wanted to look at each other, but they held back the urge.

To others, they didn’t know each other well. If they started having unusual behavior, they might be questioned.

“Qing Wen from Qing’s main branch… You are quite well-informed about my whereabouts.” Li Yinuo sneered, “As far as I know, Qing’s main branch is based in City 1, and City 18 is controlled by Qing’s fourth branch. You’re a shadow candidate in the Fight for the Shadow. With no bodyguards, are you not afraid of the fourth branch coming after you?”

“Qing Huai from the fourth branch is dead, so they will naturally withdraw from the Fight and choose the best candidate to support,” Qing Wen said with a smile.

“What are you here for?” Li Yinuo frowned.

“I’m here to help Miss Yinuo,” Qing Wen said gently, “I feel very sorry for Mr. Li’s health. I also know very well that Miss Yinuo has a dear relationship with him, but right now, it’s time to make plans for the future. I’m guessing that you must be hating the main branch of the Li family right now. They’ve been jumping up and down recently, and many people are finding that annoying. I think that compared to them, Miss Yinuo’s father is more suitable to take over the reins of power.”

Li Yinuo sneered, “So, is this the second round of the Fight? Choose someone from the Li family to support and see who gets the last laugh?”

“Miss Yinuo is very smart. You’re right,” Qing Wen said frankly, “So this matter is a win-win for both of us. There is no reason for me to hide anything from you, and there is no need for you to reject me.”

Qing Wen said sincerely, “For me, I have to choose someone to support. If Miss Yinuo rejects me, then I’ll have to find someone else to support. It’s not that I want to do this, but it’s the nature of the mission. So, Miss Yinuo, think about it, why not have another ally rather than another foe?”

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