New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 252 Despair Of The Prideful Prince

*Warning: Violence!*

Shouts of despair rang through the night as they saw that the men marched to carry the immobilized Kazimir on a dark purple portal.

Even so, the knights still went up on their feet and drag their wounded bodies to stop the men from successfully abducting their First Prince Kazimir.

"Let go of our Prince!!" They shouted valiantly while doing every means to obstruct and delay the men from approaching the portal.

"D*mned knights! They were like cockroaches! So persistent!" Said one of the hooded men as he struck the purplish dagger into the back of a knight that was clinging to his thigh desperately.

"Just shake them off and fall back, we can't be discovered here!" The leader was also irritated as he was trying to maintain the portal while also fending off the desperate knights who were willing to die in honor only to protect the prince of the land.

"Just fall back! Men! Heed my orders and flee!" Kazimir saw the young valiant knights that he trained and interacted with fall to their deaths one by one. Even Antoine's knights did not hold back in their desire to stop his abduction at all costs.

At this particular moment, it was not an issue of whose corps they belonged to. At the moment they were just simple knights who swore to protect the Empire and the Throne.

With their honor, they will not allow to let the Prince of the Empire to be abducted in front of their eyes. No such disgrace would allow them to let it happen, even if it meant that they had to die!

"No your highness! We can't allow you to be taken!" They were already battered, some have already taken their final breaths. But the knights stood up and delayed the men for they know that as long as they delay the men even further, the reinforcements would eventually come and stop the men from taking the First Prince away.

Kazimir trembled, as he helplessly struggled out of the bizarre net that was sucking his mana and energy. He tried to use his famed sword to break through the entrapment but his sword was like a dull knife against the net.

'Pathetic! Pathetic! Pathetic! ' He cursed himself as he continued to strike the net while tears were already uncontrollably flowing in his face.

The dignified, prideful, and haughty First Prince of the Seirende Empire was now disgracefully crying in desperation as he tried his best to turn such a hopeless situation around.

"Aaaaah!" He cried out in despair as he saw the once youthful and hot-blooded knights fall on the ground with eyes wide open.

There were no traces of despair and hopelessness in their dying expressions. They died full of determination and without an ounce of regret.

"Ahhhh…" Kazimir felt like he lost his soul, he was still desperately struggling to break away from his entrapment while he watched the young men's sacrifice.

"Someone… Is there someone who could help!! Someone! Pleaseeee… save these men… Oh, Heavens… please…" The scene was enough to break Kazimir's entire being as he let go of his sword and knelt to the ground, begging the heavens to help them turn the situation around.

"It's useless to pray… dear prince. Even if they weren't dealt with a fatal blow, once they are wounded by our weapons, their deaths were inevitable." One of the masked men heard his seemingly pathetic prayers and answered.


Hearing the criminal's words, whatever drop of hope that Kazimir was clinging to finally dissipated into nothingness.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom It was when he finally realized the peculiarity of the murders around the capital. Not one of the victims received a fatal blow! They just received multiple wounds that would indicate signs of torture but never the killing strike!

All of these people, according to the coroner and doctors died even before they bled out.

'So this is the truth of the murder?!' Kazimir felt like his body was eaten by hopelessness and fear.

How are they supposed to fight with this kind of weapon? In a battle, it was inevitable to suffer from cuts and wounds. It was extremely hard to walk out of the battle unscathed without sustaining even a single scratch!

Most of all, why didn't they think of this possibility after having full access to the victim's report? This kind of thing could have been easily deducted if they gave enough time for themselves to analyze the information before going around the city to patrol.

It was a huge mistake on their side. A huge careless mistake!

If only they knew of this matter, they would have prepared enough to at least decrease the chances of getting wounded by the mysterious weapons the criminals held.

But it was too late.

The knights have already fallen and they could no longer rewind the time.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"At last… these roaches had finally fallen!" Kazimir was again dragged back into the reality of the situation the moment he heard the triumphant voice of the criminals.

However, the place was already quiet as all the knights were already defeated, Kazimir couldn't react nor hear anything but the eerie ringing in his head because of the despair and self-reproach.

"Take the prince away and fall back." The leader ordered with an annoyed tone.

"Leader, what about our original target." One of the men asked as he pointed towards the carriage of the Villard Barony.

"There's no time to delay, their reinforcements might come if we dilly dally!" The leader bellowed with an annoyed tone as he started to conjure a portal again, which was successfully interrupted by the knight's sacrifice.

"Damn! I have not enough power!" He cursed as he stood at one of the bodies laid on the ground.

He picked the knight's body up and it revealed a bloodied young knight struggling with his last breath. "I'll feed with what was left in you.."

Kazimir helplessly watched as the leader performed a seemingly odd spell. A purple light emanated from his hands that were holding the head of the knight.

Kazimir saw in his own eyes how the purple light 'eat' the knight's body as it slowly shriveled into skin and bones, while the exposed skin of the leader's hand became visibly vibrant and healthy.

'What kind of magic is this?' Kazimir's hair stood on ends he repeatedly experienced horror after horror in just one night.

"This should be enough. Quick! Leap into the portal!" The leader ordered with a seemingly unwilling voice, it was apparent that what he took from the poor knight was something enticing and beneficial to him. But because of the circumstance, he had to let go of some kind of a feast.

Soon the rest of the men scrambled to fall back to the portal as they dragged the dazed Kazimir away from the place.

"Prince, we might have to temporarily blind you." Said one of the criminals as he put his hand on top of Kazimir's face, taking away it's ability to see any light.

Kazimir was now utterly hopeless and terrified. He no longer had any will to resist as the men picked up the net and dragged him to the portal.

With only darkness in his vision, he could only feel that his body was brushing on the surface of the ground as he was dragged to the said portal.

He accepted the fact that he was already destined to be taken by the men and just prayed that the people left behind would find a way to defeat these enemies.

'Somewhere out there, please see the note I left and prepare for the worst.' He prayed in his heart as he left a note written through his blood saying the crucial things he saw.

'Never get wounded by the purple weapon. They use magic that eats a person's life!'

He hoped that the reinforcement would come and find the note he hid under the knight's body which was nearby before his sight was taken by the criminals.


Just as when he already accepted his fate, an abrupt explosion was heard in the direction where he was being dragged.

"Insolent people! You dare to cause chaos in our city and attempt to abduct the prince!" A loud valiant voice rang on top of their heads.

The starry sky and the moon were completely hidden by the gigantic body of a griffin that was hovering in the air.

Its wings were enough to deprive the criminals of any light coming from the heavenly bodies.

Standing on top of its head was a young man clad in knight armor with his long red hair swaying as the wind above brushed his body.

Also behind him were tens of men each riding on their winged beast ready to attack at any moment. It was an awe-striking sight, especially from the perspective of the people on the ground.

As the sky was filled with countless winged beasts and knights, they felt like there was no place they could no longer run to.

Hearing the familiar voice, Kazimir knew who the man was, it was Antoine, his younger brother.

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