Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 268: Vision; Earth Knight

Lin Moyu continued to advance along the planned route, carefully measuring the land. Based on the information provided by Bai Yiyuan, it would take at least a few months to walk around the core area.

The core area had been expanding year by year, and some speculated that it might swallow the central area in thousands of years and eventually the entire Immemorial Battlefield. If that happened, those below level 60 wouldn’t be able to enter the Immemorial Battlefield.

However, others argued that although the core area expanded, the Immemorial Battlefield itself grew as well, so there was no cause for concern.

In Lin Moyu’s opinion, since this was beyond his control, it was best not to dwell on it. Instead, he focused on his immediate goal: killing more Demons and invading the Abyssal World—that was what truly mattered.

"Why are there so few monsters?" Lin Moyu wondered, "Could it be that I’m following a path others have already taken?"

His undead legions were clearing the way ahead, continuously sending back information. To his surprise, the number of monsters they encountered was unusually low. The undead legions advanced in a fan-shaped formation, with 10 skeletons per team, spaced far apart to cover a large area.

The route Lin Moyu had chosen was just 2,000 to 3,000 meters from the core area, practically hugging it. There should have been plenty of monsters, but there were pitifully few. However, this allowed him to increase his speed, advancing more than 1,600 kilometers per day. In retrospect, this was beneficial, as he wasn’t here to grind levels. His priority was to find the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon and collect enough Dragon Crystals.

If he wanted to grind levels, he could do so more efficiently in dungeons.

In the distance, Lin Moyu suddenly noticed brilliant clouds shimmering in the sky. Clouds… How could there be clouds in the Immemorial Battlefield? These clouds were composed of light orbs.

"A vision!" Lin Moyu murmured, hastening forward with a hint of anticipation. "It might be the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon."

Whenever the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon appeared, it always triggered a great conflict. To enter the Demonic Dragon Hall, parties had to fight numerous battles. This was because the appearance of the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon always caused a vision, though the vision was different each time.

This phenomenon wasn't limited to the Demonic Dragon Hall. The dungeon Lin Mohan entered previously, it triggered bands of light formed from starlight. Similarly, after acquiring a Primordial Rune, a vision would appear during the ten-day fusion period. This was a rule of the Immemorial Battlefield, signaling the presence of a treasure and inviting others to fight for it, attracting numerous creatures.

Visions were triggered not only by dungeons, but also by secret realms and treasure. Even when certain bosses that dropped treasures appeared, unusual scenes would unfold.

Lin Moyu was hundreds of kilometers away from the starlight orbs but swiftly closed the distance. In just half a day, he reached the area where the vision was occurring. A few skeletons ran ahead, relaying information in real-time.

"Human class users, Abyssal Demons, and Dragonkind class users are in a three-way standoff…"

According to the skeletons' reports, the three sides were in a stalemate. Each side had large numbers and was wary of the others, unwilling to act recklessly.

Lin Moyu approached and sensed the aura of a dungeon, but felt a hint of disappointment—it wasn’t the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon.

Bai Yiyuan had told him that the aura of the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon was a unique blend of Abyssal Demon and Dragonkind bloodline powers, combining darkness and Dragonkind characteristics. It was distinct and could be sensed from dozens of kilometers away.

This dungeon’s aura didn’t match that description. Even so, anything that could trigger a vision was likely to be an extraordinary treasure.

"Could it be another dungeon containing a Primordial Rune like the one Sister found?" Lin Moyu wondered, "Or is it something else entirely?"

As he drew closer, Lin Moyu saw the dungeon entrance from afar—a massive, round stone, over five meters in diameter, floating in midair and emitting a yellow glow. Within the glow, he sensed a unique element: earth.

Human Mage magic spells were divided into four primary elements: fire, wind, water, and lightning. The earth element was absent. However, there was a rare human class called Earth Knight, a hidden class ranking higher than legendary Knight, that dealt with the earth element.

The number of people who awakened hidden classes was much lower than those who awakened legendary classes. To awaken hidden classes, various conditions had to be met. Some could be acquired during the first awakening, while others required special items during the second or even third awakenings. Earth Knight was one such class.

To awaken as an Earth Knight, a special item called the Heart of the Earth was needed. When a Sacred Knight reached level 40 and underwent the second awakening, they had to use the Heart of the Earth and undergo class sublimation to have a chance to become an Earth Knight.

The process was extremely difficult: one had to be a Sacred Knight, achieve class sublimation during the second awakening, and then use the Heart of the Earth. All three conditions had to be met.

The human race hadn't acquired the Heart of the Earth for many years and thus no new Earth Knights had appeared in recent decades.

According to records, Earth Knights were incredibly powerful, surpassing other Knight classes. Historically, Earth Knights had achieved significant victories against Demons. One godly Earth Knight had single-handedly withstood the siege of 10 Demon Kings, securing an immortal legacy for the human race.

The legend of the Earth Knight was not only known among Abyssal Demons but was also widely circulated among Dragonkind. Earth Knight was considered the pinnacle of the Knight class.

The Heart of the Earth came from the Eartheart dungeon, which only appeared in the upper layer of the Immemorial Battlefield. The chance of the Eartheart dungeon appearing was very low, and it only lasted for a short duration.

The Heart of the Earth was only useful to humans. To prevent humans from acquiring it, Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind would do their utmost to stop them from entering the Eartheart dungeon whenever it appeared.

Lin Moyu quickly reviewed his knowledge about the Heart of the Earth. He didn’t know much, but he was aware that it was crucial for humanity. His high school history teacher had once lamented the absence of new Earth Knights in recent years.

"So, it’s the Heart of the Earth’s dungeon," Lin Moyu concluded, resolving to enter the dungeon and obtain the Heart of the Earth.

As soon as he saw the dungeon, he thought of Shi Xing’an, a kind and gentle older brother who had long envied Sacred Light Knights. Shi Xing’an was one of Lin Moyu’s few friends, and if Lin Moyu could help him, he certainly would.

With this in mind, Lin Moyu headed toward the dungeon.

In front of the dungeon, the three forces remained in a standoff. The Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind focused on the humans, preventing them from entering the dungeon. This stalemate would likely continue until the dungeon disappeared.

The humans weren’t weaker than the other two forces but couldn’t fight both at once. Neither the Abyssal Demons nor Dragonkind wanted to clash with the humans, knowing any losses would ultimately benefit the other side. Thus, the three forces remained deadlocked.

"These guys are despicable!" Jialan Yeyu gripped her sword, her face full of anger as she glared at the Abyssal Demons.

Mu Xianxian responded with a concerned hum, her face showing urgency, "The dungeon only has 10 hours left. If we don’t go in soon, we’ll run out of time."

It took time to raid a dungeon, and with less than 10 hours remaining, it was hardly enough.

At that moment, Mu Xianxian suddenly thought of Lin Moyu and his undead legions. She muttered to herself, "If he were here, things would probably be fine."

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed. An undead legion marched forward in formation, with Lin Moyu at the front, looking every bit like a military commander.

When Jialan Yeyu and Mu Xianxian saw Lin Moyu, they were dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

After a few moments, Jialan Yeyu exclaimed, "You’re alive!"

Her remark reached Lin Moyu’s ears, causing his lips to twitch, "Is it that surprising?"

Jialan Yeyu uttered reflexively, "So the tombstone was all in vain?"

Lin Moyu felt a brief urge to order his Skeletal Warriors to give her a few slashes but restrained himself.

"Senior Officer Lin!" On the human side, Jiang Hanshan stepped forward and saluted Lin Moyu.

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