Leaving the Anbu’s Headquarters, Shisui didn't go home to rest, but rushed back to the Military Police Force’s Headquarters to continue to formulate the patrol schedule for next month.

“Squad Leader Shisui, what happened to your left hand?” The Uchiha Shinobi, who had communicated with him before, saw Shisui’s bandaged left hand and was immediately shocked. His paranoia almost instantly made up dozens of unimaginable human relation tragedies!

Tragedy 1: Yondaime planned to dissect Shisui for research, but Shisui resisted and injured his left hand.

Tragedy 2: Yondaime planned to take action against the Uchiha Clan, but Shisui fought back and injured his left hand.

Tragedy 3: Yondaime planned to take Shisui’s Sharingan, but Shisui is unwilling, so he resisted and injured his left hand.

Tragedy 4:…

One terrifying scene after another flashed through the Uchiha Shinobi’s mind, so much so that he hardly listened to Shisui’s explanation.

Walking down the Military Police Force’s Headquarters, this Uchiha Shinobi finally couldn’t control the fear in his heart, and quickly rushed to the office building next to Hokage Tower…and found Uchiha Clan’s Clan Head, Fugaku.

“Clan Head-sama!” The Uchiha Shinobi knocked on the door and walked in, sweating nervously on his forehead, “Something terrible has happened!”

“Call me Advisor-sama.”

Fugaku frowned disapprovingly, then slowly put down the documents in his hand, and asked with dignity, “What’s the matter?”

“Clan Head-sama, Yondaime summoned Squad Leader Shisui to the Anbu’s Headquarters today. But when he came back, I found that Squad Leader Shisui’s left hand was wrapped in bandages and smelled of blood. I suspect this is a sign that the Yondaime is taking action against our Uchiha Clan!” The Uchiha Shinobi immediately explained what happened today. He’s someone who added details while telling a story.

Fugaku asked: “What did Shisui say?”

The Uchiha Shinobi was taken aback, ‘Squad Leader Shisui… seemed to have said something, but I couldn't remember.’

Seeing his reaction, Fugaku frowned, and said: “I will personally investigate this matter. You may leave now.”

“Clan Head-sama…”

“Call me Advisor-sama!” Fugaku slapped the table in displeasure, looking unhappy.

‘The situation is already like this, and Clan Head-sama is still worrying about a title…’ Uchiha Shinobi said softly: “Yes, Clan Head-sama. By the way, Clan Head-sama, should I inform the Shinobi in the clan about this matter and let prepare them?”


Fugaku’s eyes twitched, and after a while, he said, “Until I investigate this matter further, don’t disclose this matter to anyone, understand?”

“Understood, Clan Head-sama!” The Uchiha Shinobi responded loudly, then turned around and left, returning to the Military Police Force’s Headquarters to spread the news about Shisui’s bandaged left hand.

As soon as they got off work, dozens of Uchiha Shinobi gathered outside Shisui’s office and stood silently.

When the bell to get off work rang, Shisui used his right hand to hold the schedule table, and planned to hand it over to Kakashi when he went to work tomorrow.

When he walked out of his office, Shisui was taken aback when he saw a sea of people outside the door.

“Everyone…what’s wrong?” Shisui closed the door and looked at them with confusion.

“Squad Leader Shisui, was your left hand chopped by Yondaime?”

“I heard that Yondaime wanted to take away Squad Leader Shisui’s Sharingan? “

“You're all wrong. Yondaime is planning to destroy our Uchiha Clan, and Squad Leader Shisui is injured while protecting everyone. Damn it!!!”

Of course, there are other voices in the crowd.

“I don't think the Yondaime is that kind of person. Could there be a misunderstanding?”

“Squad Leader Shisui worked in Anbu, which is directly under the Hokage, before he came to the Military Police Force. If Yondaime wants to attack him, why wait until now?”

Back and forth, neither side could convince the other.

Finally, they simultaneously looked towards Shisui.

Uchiha-Tired-Shishui said: “You've all misunderstood. Actually, I have a problem with my left hand, so I asked the Medical-Nin from Anbu’s medical team to treat it. You're all overthinking it.”

“Is that so?”

“Squad Leader Shisui, your expression tells me that you are lying!”

“Squad Leader Shisui, you… could you have been coerced by someone?”

“Squad Leader Shisui, please tell us the truth. No matter what, we will support you!”

“I think until the truth is investigated, let's not wrongly accuse the Yondaime.”

“Why not notify Clan Head-sama first?”

Listening to the discussions of these clansmen, Shisui’s facial expression gradually lost its vigor.

“Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have hidden it from you.”

Shisui lowered his head to admit his mistake and said, “It’s Kakashi, I encountered him on my way back from the Anbu. He challenged me, and I was careless and injured my left hand.”

“How could Kakashi possibly injure Squad Leader Shisui… unless… it is a sneak attack!”

“That despicable and shameless Kakashi! “

“I knew the Yondaime couldn't possibly target our Uchiha Clan.”

“Although Yondaime is a good person, his disciple is not.”

“Ever since that bastard Kakashi came to the Military Police Force, he has made us restless. Damn it!”

“We absolutely cannot let him take over the authority of the Military Police Force!”

“We must fight him to the end!”

“Even if Advisor Guy intervenes, it cannot stop our determination!”

Everyone solemnly vowed, united as one!

A few minutes later, Kakashi yawned as he walked out of the Military Police Force Headquarters.

Just as he stepped out of the entrance of the Military Police Force’s Headquarters, a chilling and imposing aura suddenly descended upon him.

Kakashi’s muscles stretched taut instantly, and he slightly bent his body, fully alert.

Then, he saw the Uchiha’s team members standing in two rows in the open space ahead, staring at him emotionlessly.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, then straightened up and said: “What are you all doing?”

The Uchiha’s team members remained silent, just staring at him quietly.


‘They've put up quite a show.’

‘Why didn’t Shisui notify me in advance?’

Kakashi waved his hand, and dozens of ordinary members he personally recruited into the Military Police Force instantly jumped out from behind him. They quickly stepped forward, also standing in two rows, facing the facing the Uchiha’s team members, nose to nose, eye to eye, jabbering away.

Seeing this, Kakashi calmly walked to the side, and then…




Dozens of stray cats, driven away by some of Uchiha’s team members, passed by from the side street. Among them, seven or eight cats ran happily towards Kakashi when they saw him, neatly blocking him at the exit.

Kakashi’s dead-fish eyes rolled up slightly. At this moment, he realized that this was an organized and premeditated demonstration.

And Shisui must have been involved.

He looked around, and found Shisui standing on the corner of the street not far away with a wry look on this side.

‘So, what exactly happened?’


When Shisui came home with a heavy heart, he found that there was a stranger at his house. No, this is not a stranger.

“Clan Head-sama.” Shisui quickly bowed his head to greet him.

Fugaku got straight to the point and asked: “What’s the matter with your left hand?”

“It’s Kakashi… Uh.”

Shisui quickly corrected himself, “I have a problem with my left hand, so I asked the Anbu’s medical team to perform a surgery. Clan Head-sama, how did you know about this?”

Fugaku carefully observe Shisui’s expression and confirmed that he wasn't just talking nonsense before replying: “A member of the Military Police Force reported it to me, but you can rest assured that I have issued a gag order to him. This matter will not cause any disturbance.”

“Is… that so…” Shisui forced a smile, wishing he could take a picture of what had just happened in front of the Military Police Force’s Headquarters and show it to him.

For some reason, Fugaku felt that Shisui’s smile was a bit strange, but he didn’t think too much about it. After chatting for a few more words, he got up and left.

Back home, Fugaku saw his eldest son and second son sitting at the dining table in the living room. The eldest son hesitated to speak, while the second son tilted his head ninety degrees to look at the ceiling, and the dining table was very quiet.

For the past few days, for some reason, the relationship between the two brothers, who used to be so harmonious, seemed like strangers. They hardly spoke to each other all day, making the whole house… much quieter.

Returning to his study, Fugaku pulled out a map of Konoha and looked at it.

Since the Joint Chunin Exams, the village has received a large number of missions from other countries. The employers include Daimyo, nobles, wealthy merchants, actors, writers… In short, Konoha had been making a fortune these past few months!

As an Advisor, Fugaku needs to use this money to develop the village!

‘The bridge needs to be repaired.’

‘This road needs to be paved with concretes.’

‘Build a few more public toilets.’

‘More and more freshmen are enrolling in the Academy, and another teaching building needs to be added this year.’

‘Also, my back garden is going to be expanded…Well, that should be arranged last, so as not to delay the village's major affairs.’

After scribbling on the map, a perfect day passed ‘without trouble’.

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