Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 441: Kanpū’s Small Book

Chapter 441: Kanpū's Small Book

Nothing else happened all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the cold deck gradually became lively. After a night of rest, the six sailors are full of energy. They wiped the deck, adjusted the direction, catching the fish on the sea, and boiled water for cooking. In short, they are very busy.

Kakashi walked out of the cabin with yawn. After he fell asleep last night, he seemed to have a nightmare. In that dream, Orochimaru suddenly appeared in front of him and sneering non-stop while walking slowly towards him. He could neither move nor make a sound, and when he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, he suddenly saw Kanp and Shisui whispering in the corner, looking at him with gloating eyes from time to time. The experience was very bad!

As for what happened later, he cant remember clearly.

What a nightmare.

Kakashi glanced at Kanp, who was moving his body on deck, his movements were a little exaggerated, while Shisui just stood behind him.

What are you doing? Kakashi put one hand in his pocket, straightened the messy white hair on his head with the other, and walked over lazily.

Exercising and strengthening physical fitness. Kanp said casually.

Shisui turned his head and gave Kakashi a subtle smile.

For some reason, Kakashi felt something was weird, but he couldn't tell.

He just shrugged, turned around to chat with the sailors about the local conditions and customs of the Land of Tea, and then got to the point: If you go to the Land of Water from here, how should you go?

A sailor didnt think too much about this and said: There are two ways to go to the Land of Water. The first way is to the nearest dock to the Land of Tea, and then cross the Land of Tea after getting ashore. Then, rent a boat at the dock on the other side to go out to the sea. The second way is to sail along the coastline of the Land of Tea, replenish supplies along the way, and then bypass the Land of Tea.

Kakashis expression turned serious when he heard this, There are actually two ways?

He pondered for a while and asked: How long will it take to get to the nearest dock in the Land of Tea?

The sailor answered immediately: The weather is fine these days, so we can get there in two days at the fastest!

Two days is too slow! Kakashi frowned.

Orochimaru and Sasori set off three days earlier than them. If they dont hurry up, God knows if they will be able to find their traces when they arrive in the Land of Tea.

We need to speed up the sailing speed!

Kakashi remembered the scene of the ship sailing slowly during the night watch last night, so he asked the sailors to sail in two shifts, day and night!

The sailors look at each other, neither saying yes or no.

Kakashi is now a member of society, so he pays without saying anything further.

The sailors immediately slapped patted their big muscles and said domineeringly: No problem, leave it to us!

Although sailing at night may be dangerous, we are all experienced Sailors, there will be no problems!

The six sailors immediately split into two group. One group went to sleep in the cabin, while the other group worked harder.

After one day and one night of continuous sailing, the ship slowly docked at the dock in the Land of Tea.

As a country dominated by fisheries, the Land of Teas dock is full of fishing boats and countless catches. The fishy smell is like a thick mist covering the dock, even the strongest sea breeze cant blow it away!

After Kanps group of three landed ashore, they subconsciously covered their noses, and waited until they got used to the smell before starting to act.

Kanp and Shisui scattered to find the people on the dock to inquire about Orochimaru and Sasori.

And Kakashi summons five Ninken out to see if they can track Orochimarus smell.

But under the heavy fishy odor, the five Ninken started sneezing as soon as they came out, and it took them a while before they can recover from the odor. They then put their pitiful noses on the ground and searched around.

An hour later, the three met, looked at each other and shook their heads.

Kakashi frowned and said: Since they didn't land here, they should have sailed along the coastline.

Kanp shook his head: Orochimaru already knows that we are following him, its impossible for him to not do anything! By the way, although the Land of Teas dock is fixed, the coastline is long. If Im Orochimaru, I will let the boat sail along the coastline to attract your attention, then jump on the boat and land somewhere random, and then cross to the other side of the Land of Tea, and rent a boat to go to sea!

So youre saying that we should go directly to the other side of the Land of Tea? Shisui asked.

No way!

Kakashi said, Orochimaru may have guessed what you think, so what if he is still on the boat? By the timewe arrive at the other side of the Land of Tea, would have gone far away by boat!

Then, we split up? Shisui frowned.

Then, he suddenly remembered what Orochimaru said last night when his clone dissipated, This is the last time.

Does Orochimaru already know that we will face this choice?

Once we dispersed, Orochimaru, who is hiding in the dark, can defeat us separately!

Although Shisuis Mangekyo Genjutsu restrains Orochimaru, there is still Sasori on Orochimarus side. As a Puppet Master, Sharingan is very restrained to a certain extent against Sasori. After all, Genjutsu cannot be used on puppet!

If Genjutsu doesnt work, I can only use Susanoo.

But remembering the consumption of the pupil power of this technique, Shisui suddenly felt a deep malice attack from all directions.

Its too dangerous to split up.

Kakashi shook his head, The other party is the legendary Sannin, and there is also Sasori of the Red Sand beside him. If the two of them team up, it is impossible for us to win alone.

Kanp put his hands behind his head, sighed and said: As expected of Orochimaru. We obviously have the advantage, but we just can't catch him.

It would be great if some of us had mastered a Sensor Ninjutsu with wide range. Shisui also said with emotion.

Kanp was taken aback. Thats right, Sensor Ninjutsu.

Kanps Sensor Ninjutsu can only sense a range of a little more than a hundred meters, so he has always wanted to collect a powerful Sensor Ninjutsu, but after a series of events, he forgot about it.

After thinking about it carefully, he clearly planned to collect Sharingan and Byakugan before, and even completed 3/6 and 4/6 respectively, but inexplicably, he forgot because of messy things.

Is my memory that bad?

Kanp frowned slightly: Or is it because plot is lowering my intelligence?

Yes, it must be plot that is demoting my intelligence, my memory can't be that bad!

Thinking of this, Kanp took out a small notebook and wrote xly, by, and gzys on it. These letters are the Chinese initials of Sharingan, Byakugan, and Sensor Ninjutsu, so it is impossible to decipher the true meaning of these letters without speaking Chinese! (T/N: In Chinese, Sharingan is Xi ln yn, Byakugan is Bi yn, and Sensor Ninjutsu is Gn zh de y sh.)

Kanp puts away the small books, and then frowned: No, the plot is demoting my intelligence again!

He immediately took out the small notebook again, opened it and wrote xs, which is Senjutsu. (T/N: In Chinese, Senjutsu is Xin sh.)

Even if I forget everything, I cant forget Senjutsu!

Kanp then remembered about the Biju.

He wrote a series of letters on the small notebook again: bw, qw, lw, ww, sw, sw, ew, yw!

They are the abbreviations of Hachibi to Ichibi! (T/N: In Chinese, Eight is B, Seven is Q, Six is Li, Five is W, Four is S, Three is Sn, Two is r, One is Y, and Tail is Wi.)


Kanp stroked his notebook obscenely, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

Kanp, what are you writing?

Shisuis voice suddenly came from the back, and Kanp suddenly turned around and saw Shisui and Kakashi, one on the left and one on the right, looking at his small notebook intently.

The atmosphere became inexplicably awkward, but Kanp calmly put away the small book with his excellent psychological quality, and said: This is my memo, so theres no need to make a fuss. By the way, what shall we do next?

Shisui and Kakashi glance at each other, and chuckled in unison: Shadow Clone!

Kakashi raised his head slightly, his white hair swaying under the sea breeze, and said: Since we cant separate, then lets just use shadow clone. Each of us creates a shadow clone to form a second team, so that we can act separately!

Shisui continued: The second team crossed the Land of Tea and tracked Orochimaru by land, and we, as the first team, continued sailing along the coastline!

Good idea.

Kanp nodded in approval, but then frowned again, But, isnt this a gamble?

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