Chapter 1127 Fighting Rokarn

With Rokarn no longer holding back, Shiro felt danger in her heart. Not even the Sun Breaker Spear, enhanced with the power of Helios could do major damage to him. What hopes would they have?

Suddenly, her instincts screamed out in alarm as Rokarn suddenly appeared in front of her with his sword mid swing.

Widening her eyes, Shiro was about to teleport when her body was frozen in place much like how her skill, Keitoma, worked.


Before the sword could land, Nan Tian appeared in front of her and blocked it with his own blade.

Gritting his teeth, he barely managed to hold on for a moment before being blown away by the attack.

However, it gave Shiro enough time to get out of the way and avoid a serious blow.

Seeing that his attack missed, Rokarn’s expression was blank. It was as though his mind was being suppressed, making him a perfect fighting machine much like the other bosses Shiro saw in dungeons.

Before he could target again, Aarim created a prison around him that restricted his movements using gravity. Knowing that Aarim would struggle, Silvia had tried to buff her as much as possible in hopes that it would work.

But seeing as how he was still moving as usual, Silvia knew that Aarim was too low level to restrain him for long.

"Forget about restraint. Aarim, just focus on damaging him!" Silvia shouted out as Aarim nodded.

Turning towards Silvia, Rokarn narrowed his eyes.

Realising that it would be bad for Rokarn to target Silvia, Syradil quickly jumped in front of Rokarn and pulled her arm back.

Punching him across the face, she didn’t even make him turn his head, causing her smile to twitch.

Grabbing Syradil by the head, Rokarn grabbed his blade and stabbed it through her chest.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Syradil glared at Rokarn and grabbed his arm, keeping his sword in her.

Since her healing was strong, this much damage was negligible.

Changing her form, flames erupted out of her body, threatening to turn him to cinders.

Meanwhile, Revel had charged up a spear of Celestial energy.

Flickering behind Rokarn, he attempted to stab him in the neck.

Pushing out with his spare hand, a barrier appeared around him, stopping Revel in his tracks along with any other spells that they tried to throw at him.

Just before Revel could be grabbed by Rokarn, an invisible force pulled him out of harms way.

"Thanks." Revel said as he turned towards Aarim who now resorted to controlling the battlefield with her gravity magic.

Nodding her head, Aarim turned towards Shiro who was now charging at Rokarn with Silvanis in hand.

Clasping her hands together, a tier 6 magic circle appeared beneath Shiro’s feet as her speed was increased.

Sensing danger behind him, he summoned a second greatsword and swung towards Syradil’s shoulder.

Despite the barriers appearing around her, the blade broke past her defences and cut cleanly through her.

Widening her eyes, she watched as he pulled his first greatsword out of her body and turned towards Shiro.

Flames wrapped around her wounds and healed her but her complexion was not good. She knew that Rokarn was strong, she had witnessed his might many times before. However, there was always something holding him back. The Rokarn she was seeing now was much stronger than what she had anticipated.

Understanding that the only person who can really do damage to him was Shiro, Syradil resolved herself to do whatever it takes to keep Shiro safe and allow her to attack him as much as she can.

Meanwhile, Shiro flickered in front of Rokarn and swung her blade.

Just as he raised his sword to block, Shiro activated Silvanis’ third ability.

[Effect 3: You can shift your sword through space and it will jump forward in an instant. If there is a wall, the sword will phase through the wall as though it was never there.]

Phasing past his defence, Silvanis cut deeply into his armour and body much to Rokarn’s surprise.

Silvanis’ passive ability, ignores 80% of all forms of armour!

Adjusting her grip on the sword, Shiro pulled her body up, avoiding his horizontal swing.

Resummoning Silvanis, she activated the fourth effect.

[Effect 4: You can infuse any element with this blade and the effectiveness will be boosted by 2005% and ignores all resistance towards that element.]

Considering the fact that nanobots are her strongest element, Shiro synced it up with her nanotech attunement.

Suddenly, a red hue appeared around her blade as she swung it towards Rokarn’s back.

However, a portal opened and Rokarn grabbed her by her wrist. Dragging her in front of him, he was about to attack when both Syradil and Nan Tian appeared by his side.

Stabbing his sword into Rokarn’s ribs, Nan Tian frowned when he realised that he couldn’t bypass his armour.

But it wasn’t just the two of them.

Appearing above him, both Yin and Attie were enraged as white flames flickered around their body.

Combining their flames into the one that even Shiro struggled at extinguishing, Attie created several fire chains that restricted his movement ever so slightly before releasing a wave of fire towards him.

In the distance, Estrella, Misu, Aarim and Esil were creating a tier 6 array that slowly increased in size. While it may not be as impressive as some of Shiro’s arrays, the goal was not to attack but rather summon.

Shiro had already helped both Estrella and Misu with improving their magic before the fight. Plus, she had given them a special something in case things were dire.

"Your body will soon be ready." Estrella spoke as she was currently locked onto his body that Shiro sent to space in a different dimension.

Hearing this, the Ancient Terror chuckled.


Slamming her hand down, green flames appeared as Misu started to chant in a different language.

Black mist and bones started to appear as a portal opened up in the centre, allowing the Ancient Terror’s previous body to float through.

Seeing the mindless husk that was still alive, the soul of the Ancient Terror floated towards it as Misu enhanced the link between soul and body.

Suddenly, the eyes of the behemoth snapped open with intelligence.

"URAHHHH!!!!! I’M BACK MOTHERF*CKER!" The Ancient Terror shouted out in joy as he charged towards Rokarn.

"Get out of the way! My body is immortal unlike the lot of you so I’ll keep him occupied. Shiro, you should know this first hand." The Ancient Terror shouted out as Shiro smiled and nodded her head.

Clasping her hands together, portals opened up next to Nan Tian, Syradil, Yin, Attie and Revel, sending them away from Rokarn so that the Ancient Terror wouldn’t accidently slam into them.


Colliding into Rokarn’s body, the Ancient Terror immediately opened his mouth and bit down on his head.


Snapping his jaw, Rokarn glared at the giant behemoth that was grappling him and cleaved his body in two.

However, just as he did this, the two halves melded together in an instant.

Healing his jaw, the Ancient Terror laughed.

"Surprised? Don’t be, I’m something the primordials struggled to seal."

Opening his chest, tentacles started to explode out of his body as Rokarn’s arms were restrained.

While this was happening, Shiro healed herself and jumped back into the fray. Appearing behind the two, Shiro’s lips curled up into a grin.

"You don’t mind if I cut you in half right?" Shiro asked.

"Go for it, it’s not like it worked the last time you tried." The Ancient Terror smiled as a wave of energy exploded out of Silvanis’ blade, cutting deeply into Rokarn’s back.

Since the Ancient Terror was much bigger than Rokarn, the rest of the blades cleaved through his body even as it was healed at a visible pace.

Gritting his teeth, Rokarn wanted to attack Shiro but the Ancient Terror refused to let go. No matter what Rokarn did, he would just heal.


Roaring out in anger, black aura exploded out of Rokarn’s body as he grabbed one of the tentacles around his body and ripped it out of the Ancient Terror’s body.

Just as he was about to heal, the black aura appeared around the wound and prevented his healing. Not only that, it was now also eating away at the rest of his body.

Without saying anything, both Shiro and the Ancient Terror knew what was happening. The power of Chaos and Destruction. The divinity that destroys all.

Despite his physical immortality that even Nyx guaranteed, Rokarn’s divinity was one of the few that could strip such a body of its usefulness.

With the Ancient Terror only being able to hold back the Demi God for a little longer, Shiro tried her best to damage Rokarn as much as she could.

While each of her strikes may cleave past his armour and onto his flesh, his wounds would keep healing. The only thing telling her that she was going damage was the fact that his armour was slowly falling to pieces.

Suddenly, an orb of darkness appeared in his hand as Rokarn crushed it to pieces.

In the next moment, Shiro’s face became pale.

After all, 14 charges of Grace were used up instantly from the large crystal she had as backup. In a single move, he had caused everyone’s health to go into the red. Judging by the faces of the rest of the party, they knew this as well.

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