Chapter 1109 Royal Guard of The Beyond

Flying through the skies, the dragon narrowed his eyes before quickly diving down.

Gesturing for Nitha to do the same, he had a serious expression on his face.

"What happened?" Lyrica asked as she summoned a sword to get herself ready for combat.

"Don’t fight, this isn’t something we can fight just yet. Let it pass." The Dragon replied with a deep tone.

Confused by what he was talking about, Lyrica suddenly felt an oppressive aura invade this realm.

Feeling something large fly above them, she had cold sweat down her back as she knew whatever was above them was strong.

Slowly tilting her head up, she saw the being that just arrived.

Stretching as far as the eye could see, it was a giant serpent like creature with a pair of muscular arms that was twice as thick as the dragon. Wings that could dwarf Asharia since she had last saw it.

Cracks in space could be seen as the being threaded through the beyond for a moment.

In this moment, Lyrica couldn’t help but inspect the being.

[??? LVL 999 Royal Guard of the Beyond]

Suddenly, all of them felt his gaze lock onto them as thee dragon immediately stopped flying and bowed respectfully.

"Don’t check him out, don’t call out of him, don’t get his attention. Just let him pass and don’t disturb him." The Dragon warned as Lyrica nodded her head.

Staying silent for the next few minutes, the rupture in space finally closed and the presence disappeared.

Sighing in relief, the dragon transformed into his human form and fell face first.

"Goodness..." He muttered. Strength left his body as he rested for a short minute.

"Who was that." Lyrica asked with a frown while she did the same.

"Well if you saw his tag then you should know that he’s one of the guards. Mother has told me before that each dimension naturally has its own deity and ruling party. They don’t interfere with things normally and just watch. For Earth, it’ll be Gaia. The Shadow Realm, The Void, The Demon Realm, The Reaper Realm and so on. They each of their own ruling party and what we just saw was one of the guards for this realm. Now that we’re travelling deeper, we naturally have to pay our respects when we see them. But just because they’re guards doesn’t mean they’ll help us if we’re attacked." The Dragon explained as Lyrica nodded her head.

"I see... Wait, what exactly are we looking for in the centre of this realm again?" Lyrica asked as the Dragon glanced back.

"Something that can help me surpass level 980 while helping you find a link to level up your class again. Since you said that you wanted to see if you can reach the status of a Queen or Empress, you need to understand what they are. They’re rulers of a certain concept much like Gods only weaker. If you want to find such a concept, the best place is naturally the centre of the Beyond. After all, there hasn’t been someone that linked themselves with this concept just yet. I think it should be the perfect opportunity for you." The Dragon said as Lyrica nodded her head.

Looking up at the skies of this realm, she wondered what kind of concept she could gain control over. How it could help and most of all, how it can help her protect everything else she has left.


Sitting in the command centre, Shiro tapped the table with her finger.

Right now, their overall combat power was strong. Stronger than any Queen out there right now. However, there was a problem.

Rokarn is a Demi God who was able to kill gods despite being surrounded.

He is definitely much stronger than the Raven, even if the Raven is technically better as he is a ’God’ and Rokarn is a Demi God.

But that’s not all, Syradil did explain that Rokarn will invade with his army.

She had no idea what kind of army he has but if it’s something that could wipe out a majority of life on Earth much like what the start of the New Age did, then it’s certainly nothing weak.

"We don’t have enough information." Shiro complained while sighing heavily.

"Have you tried contacting Syradil again?" Nan Tian asked, bringing over some food since they’ve been working till late.

"Yes I have but she’s not picking up. I even sent her some messages but she hasn’t look at all. I’m pretty sure she’s busy so I can only wait." Shiro shrugged while accepting the food.

"Busy huh? We’ll things should calm down after a while. We’re closing in on level 1000, which is apparently the limit, before the divinity comes in. So there will be calm for a while. No rush to level up for now." Nan Tian said while checking the strength of military personal. Not everyone can level up crazily like Shiro and the others so the average level in the army was only around 250 to 300. Specialist pilots were better at around 400 and closing in on 500.

Needless to say, all of this was so that they can also fight if the mechs were to be destroyed. It was highly unlikely but still in the realm of possibility.

"Well if it’s calm then sure. I’ll probably sleep the rest of my days away making juice or something. I did like the flute but meh, too much work. At least with making juice I can drink it after wards." Shiro shrugged while leaning back on her air.

"Perhaps you should make a personal garden with the best fruits that you’ve found." Nan Tian offered as Shiro was seriously considering the suggestion.

"Maybe. At least there will be more job openings then. I’ve also noticed that a lot more people have started to slack and literally do nothing now. I think I might have been too good to them." Shiro forced a smile while looking at the number of people in Asharia compared to the ones who have jobs.

Of course, this was excluding the children since they can’t work just yet.

"Well Asharia is literally the best place for them in this world. Even without working the basic things we give them are more than enough. What they work for is the luxury rather than the need of survival."

"True... Maybe I should adjust the rules a bit." Shiro muttered.

Right now, the situation in Asharia was stable. Everyone had a house and had enough resources to feed their family. There was no inherent need to risk your lives in the dungeons since most only did so to sustain their family. Those that continue are mostly doing it for fun or to have that extra sense of safety with their levels.

Conflict doesn’t happen often in the streets but when it does, the drones sort it out quickly.

But as good as everything is, Shiro can also see the flaws.

{Indulging them too much is rather toxic for their growth. Perhaps you should set aside some time to adjust the rules in this place. They may not like it to begin with but overtime they’ll understand. Or at least I hope so. Otherwise once you disband Asharia after the new age ends, they won’t be able to handle things.} Nimue said as Shiro nodded her head.

’I know. I’ll hold a council meeting with the others later.’ Shiro nodded, creating a note for herself.


Treading through the blood soaked sand, Syradil panted heavily as she was heavily wounded.

Leaning against a rock, she started to heal herself starting from her missing eyes.

The wounds on her body started to close up as her missing arm regenerated.

Once everything was healed, she sighed out and looked at the battlefield.

Seeing the dead dragons mixed in with the corpses of humanoid beings, Syradil looked up at the moon.

"I didn’t think that scouts would appear so early. Shiro must have interacted with the gate and awakened the army. I thought we could get the surprise attack but it might be the other way around. Though it’s about time we set off anyways." Syradil muttered while looking at the phone that Shiro gave her.

Seeing the messages, she was about to reply when she felt danger behind her.

Before she could react, there was a split in the void and her body was cut in half vertically.

Keeping her eyes on the being hidden in the sand, the two halves of her body burst into flames and transformed into a giant flaming dragon.

Opening her mouth, mana disappeared completely from the area as Syradil released a breath attack.


Disintegrating her assailant, Syradil transformed back to normal and pushed her hair back so that it didn’t obscure her view.

Looking at the giant trench which was now being filled with the water from the ocean, Syradil clicked her tongue.

"I’ll need to warn Shiro about their ridiculous attack power. They might be weak as sh*t to kill but we can’t let our guard down." Syradil muttered while leaving the area.

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