Naked Sword Art

Chapter 197 - Half-Sister Xiao Jing

Chapter 197 - Half-Sister Xiao Jing

<< Divine Sword sect >>

Outside of the Patriarch’s Hall, a bratty girl standing 165cm tall, with almond brown eyes, and a tender frame, approached the two core court disciples guarding the Patriarch Hall’s main entrance.

"Move out of my way!" she demanded haughtily.

"Miss Xiao Jing, please understand, we cannot do as you say. The elders are discussing important matters there, so they cannot be disturbed." One of the core disciples replied respectfully.

"That’s why I’m telling you to move!" The arrogant girl shouted with a frustrated look.

Xiao Jing’s eyes suddenly went black as her frown deepened. Both guards unsheathed their swords instinctively. They both emitted intense pressure at the peak of the Profound Realm, far beyond what Xiao Jing could fight against.

The two guards had been fighting in the war against the Chaos sect for most of their lives. They had lost many close friends and loved ones on that battlefield, so when they felt Xiao Jing release the same aura as their enemies, they both pointed their weapons at her.

Xiao Jing took a step back because she knew she was no match for them.

"Y-You dare point your swords at me!? I-I am your next Matriarch!" She pointed at them with her finger while slightly trembling.

"Gong Su, Zhu Tai, put your swords away," a core court elder suddenly spoke.

"Master!" The two disciples said in surprise when they heard the Elder’s voice before doing as they were told.

"Little Jing, are you alright? It seems you triggered some of their traumatic memories. Please grant this old one some face, and forgive my two reckless disciples." The old man humbly asked Xiao Jing with a smile.

The Core Court Elder seemed to be middle-aged, but he had a short white beard, a robust frame, and narrow eyes that always seemed to be closed. His cultivation was so deep, she couldn’t feel anything at all, but the lack of an aura made him feel more friendly and approachable.

"Hmph, I’ll forgive them this time, but!--" Her aura suddenly got denser as her voice got louder. "If they dare stand in my way again, I’ll!-"

Her heart suddenly stopped, and not a single breath could escape her lungs.

’What’s happening!?’ She thought warily.

However, when she looked up at the elder, she saw that he had one of his eyes slightly opened and looking down at her. Her body trembled as every fiber of her being screamed for her to get away, but she couldn’t move. With just a single glance, he had brought her to such a weakened state.

"Little Jing, you are no longer in the Chaos sect. If I feel you release that dangerous aura again, you’ll have to forgive me for being impolite." The old man said with narrowed eyes.

As the Elder spoke, his brows began to wrinkle, but he still maintained his smile, reminding her that although he was loyal to the Divine Sword Sect, he was not faithful to her. So as long as she stayed here, she would have to play by their rules.

After retracting her aura, she felt like she could finally breathe again. Still, she was reluctant to let things go, so she did the unthinkable.

"If you won’t let me pass, then I’ll just stay here."

Xiao Jing began to strip.

"Ah, young miss!"

The guards looked away, but not before seeing her beautifully smooth, pearly-white shoulders. The Elder didn’t know what to do because something like this had never happened before. He couldn’t even imagine what kind of punishment he would receive for seeing her naked body, so he finally caved in.

"Quickly, let her through!" The old man hastily ordered.

The disciples were surprised to hear that order, but they didn’t hesitate to do as he said.

After hearing what she wanted to hear, Xiao Jing covered herself up then smiled as if she was a spoiled girl who finally got what she wanted.

"Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?"

As Xiao Jing walked past them, she kicked one of the disciples in the shins. Earlier, when she was stripping, the elder and the other disciple immediately looked away, but the disciple she kicked watched her for a bit longer than he should have. He stared at her till the top half of her milky-white breasts were being exposed.

The truth was, the disciple felt as though he got off easy. It was no exaggeration to say that she was the most beautiful girl they had seen; no one even came close. A simple kick to the shins was nothing; he felt that the crime he committed was worth a punishment far worse than that.

No one questioned the reason why she kicked him. The blood trickling down his nose and the southern bulge that could be seen extruding out of his robes was enough to explain what exactly happened.

"You lucky bastard! Tell me everything," the disciple next to him demanded once Xiao Jing was gone.

There wouldn’t be much to say in a normal situation, but his simple reply made the other disciple crazy with envy.

"It was Heavenly..."




Inside the Patriarch’s hall.

The sound of the two large doors being busted open, attracting everyone’s gaze.

"Xiao Jing! What the hell do you think you are doing!?" Her mother spoke furiously.

From all the powerful Elders in that room, only her mother was seated next to the Patriarch’s throne.

Xiao Jing frowned when she saw her mother sitting up there. She hated the Divine Sword sect for the longest time, but it seemed that her mother had already fitted right in.

"Why am I being excluded from this meeting? Aren’t I next in line to become the Matriarch of this sect?" Xiao Jing complained arrogantly.

"Little Jing, how has your swordsman training been coming along?" Xiao Jianhong spoke to her kindly.

"How can I focus on training when the future of this sect is being discussed behind my back?"

"This is a meeting for grown-ups. There will be a time when you’ll be included in our discussions, but for now, you should just focus on improving your swordsmanship," Xiao Jianhong said.

Xiao Jing raised an eyebrow and replied. "Is that a wise decision? It won’t be long till you are leaving for the royal court. The sooner you teach me how to rule over this sect, the more prepared I’d be in the future. Wouldn’t you agree?"

The elders quietly spoke amongst themselves. It was true that Xiao Jianhong didn’t have long in the sect. He was currently at the 9th stage of the Divine Body realm, so he would have to leave to the Royal Court once he reached the Heavenly realm. If he were to leave before properly educating Xiao Jing, it would be a huge detriment to the future of the sect.

Seeing that her words were swaying the elders, Xiao Jianhong quieted them down.

"Xiao Jing, there’s reason in your words. Allow me to discuss it with my elders. Till then, go back to training."


Xiao Jianhong finally frowned; although it was hard to tell, she could feel the atmosphere in the room dramatically change.

"Elder Sun, please escort little Jing out. Don’t let her back in unless I say so."





Later that day, in Xiao Jing’s room, her mother had visited her to talk about the behavior Xiao Jing showed to the elders in the Patriarch’s hall. Still, Xiao Jing didn’t agree with anything her mother told her, so they ended up being in a heated argument.

"But uncle said-"

"Forget what your uncle told you; he’s just trying to use you. The Divine Sword sect is our home now. The Chaos sect has always been our enemy. Stop being such a spoiled brat!" Her mother shouted with a frustrated look on her face.

Xiao Jing started to get teary, but she fought against it because she didn’t want to cry in front of her mother.

"Jing’ah, you know just as well as I do. Since I left the Divine Sword sect, the Chaos sect had never treated me the same. They treated us like outcasts, and your cousins bullied you any chance they could. You don’t have to suffer anymore. This is where we belong." Her mother whispered as she hugged her daughter.

"Uncle was right about you! You love Xiao Jianhong so much you can’t even think straight. He abandoned you for another woman, and we had to suffer because of that. How could you love such a pathetic man? I hate him!" Xiao Jing screamed.


Xiao Jing fell to the floor from her mother’s vicious slap. When she looked back up, she saw her mother’s scary frown and blood red eyes as her dark aura began to seep out of her body uncontrollably.

"Don’t you ever speak about your father that way! If you can’t be a good little girl, then say nothing at all. If you embarrass me like this again, I will definitely make you regret it! This is your first and final warning."

Her mother finally walked out, leaving Xiao Jing in her dark room.

Slowly getting up from the assault, Xiao Jing spat out a mouthful of blood, then a deep frown appeared on her face as a menacingly dark aura seeped out of her skin.

"I hate swordsmen, I hate this sect, I hate Xiao Jianhong, and I hate you too, mother."


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