Chapter 154 [Don’t unlock]

A/N: Chapters are almost finished and will be updated soon one by one.

So sorry about the lack of updates. I am trying my level best to not let this happen again.

I'll notify about the chapter updates on discord and in case you aren't there, you can always come back when the next chapter is posted.

Once again, so sorry about this.


When Lith asked her a question, Miwa continued to walk and replied, "There's quite a few things left. Why?"

"I need you to see someone and talk to them." Lith stated his intentions honestly.

"Someone who?" Miwa asked while struggling to take steps.

Her face was red and her muscles were still bulging, a sign that she was exerting herself to her fullest potential.

Lith, still on the wooden rod connecting the buckets, answered, "Yexin. Do you know about her?"

"Yexin?" Miwa couldn't recall anybody called by that name.

"The Empress… the ruler of Kingdom of Yexin." Lith clarified.

"The ruler, oh— OHH— OHHH… WHAT!?"

Miwa dropped the buckets as soon as she heard that, completely in shock.

She turned around to see Lith, who was standing tall, and was just able to see his chest.

Miwa didn't hesitate to kick Lith behind his knee and have him bend down.

Getting him at his eye level, she put her hands on his shoulders and asked with shock, "What did you just say!?"

Such a kick wouldn't have Lith falter like that, but Miwa was a friend and he bent down to meet her eye level willingly.

Looking at her, Lith chuckled and asked, "Why are you surprised like that? Didn't I tell you that I am the Vampire Prince? I could literally even meet your Human Ancestor, this is nothing."

Miwa frowned upon hearing that and then let go of Lith's shoulders.

She suddenly realized that her question was totally stupid and that the way she was surprised was also really dumb.

She should've remembered that this tall annoying idiot was actually an authority and not someone normal.

It wasn't her fault to forget this though. In her head, she had thought of the Vampires to be cruel, bloodthirsty, evil, and whatnot. Naturally, their Prince would be someone cruel too, she thought.

But in reality, what Miwa was looking at was totally different.

This guy was far too stupid to seem like the Prince and the two friends he had, they too didn't give off that royalty-like vibes.

Fei's lips twitched upon hearing that. "Master, she's your age and not a child."

Not every short person was a child. And Miwa for sure wasn't one with how she looked.

Fei was annoyed by her master's comment because Miwa looked older than her. If Miwa was a child, then what was Fei? An infant or something?

Lith ignored his cute butler and focused on the menacing shorty in the front.

Miwa walked past the kneeling subjects and took the stairs to go right up towards Yexin.

Yexin, a goth woman with hourglass-like figure, donning purple robes, stared at the brown-haired Miwa walking close to her.

She exuded her Emperor Rank pressure and tried to let Miwa know who she was up against, but sadly for her, there was no effect on Miwa.

Miwa easily walked close to Yexin and looking up to meet her eye level, she asked while squinting her eyes, "Your Majesty, I expected better from you, but all you did were cheap things."

A frown formed on Yexin's face. "You are?"

This was her first question. She didn't care about what Miwa was referring to, all that mattered was who she was.

Yexin could clearly see that there was no effect of her aura on Miwa. If that was the case, she must definitely belong to some revered clan.

Yet, if such was the case, then why was she calling her with honorifics? Yexin didn't understand this.

Miwa, when asked a question like that, felt obliged to answer since this was her superior.

Though, she had been strictly told by Lith to not put herself down in any case whatsoever.

She was instructed to treat Yexin as if she was her equal and not be intimidated by her.

Miwa wasn't really intimidated, she just felt the need to introduce herself since she was literally a peasant as compared to the Empress here.

However, with being strictly told to act like equals, she didn't act submissive or like a peasant in front of Yexin. Instead, she said calmly while still looking up, "I'm Miwa from the Mountain Town Washi in the Karonji Kingdom. Is this enough of an introduction for you?"

A surprise look flashed over Yexin's face. A countryside bumpkin dared to come up here and talk to her like this?

"Are you courting death, peasant?" Yexin said and tried to put her hand on Miwa's head, but found herself unable to do so.

Miwa frowned upon being called so rudely like that.

She realized, Lith was right and she should've definitely treated this woman as equal.

Although she wasn't wrong at being called a peasant, since she really was one, with the tone Yexin had just said that, Miwa didn't like it one bit.

"You know… Empress Yexin. I'm really trying to be nice here." Miwa said with her eyes flashing with a serious glint.

Being called by her name right away made Yexin frown harder. "What did you—"

"I'm the one asking questions here, Yexin." Miwa said and kicked Yexin's legs, making her get down on her knees.

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