My Werewolf System

Chapter 808 A Wild Prisoner

Gary was surrounded in the open space, and rather than it look like anyone was coming round to help him, instead, it just looked like all the others were there to watch a show.

[You have been surrounded by a group of prisoners being led by a man named Stinger]

[New Quest received: defeat the group and get stronger, aiding you on your journey out of here.]

If there was one saving grace about the whole thing, it was the fact that Gary was getting something out of it. It wasn't the same as when he went up against random gang members on the street; all of these were Altered, which meant they were somewhat worth fighting.

"Attack him!" Stinger shouted.

Immediately, the man from before with his pursed lips spat out several spitballs, to which Gary moved his head from side to side, avoiding them all.

Another prisoner had transformed, with his skin turning slightly green, and started to throw slime towards Gary, to which he shifted his feet, moving a few times, avoiding them all.

When the gooey substance hit the floor, Gary could see that it was somewhat stuck on the ground. After unsuccessful attempts at getting him from far range, a few others had decided to charge forward.

One had practically sprinted right at Gary, transforming his legs into a type of animal, but once again, Gary had ducked the attack, making it avoid him, and the man overshot, running ahead and nearly crashing into a wall.

"This guy, does he have some type of sixth sense? He's avoiding everything!" Stinger complained.

This was when one of Stinger's best-performing men, who had been at the prison nearly as long as him, had acted. He charged forward, and when he threw out his hand, it started to extend.

His arm had transformed into a type of javelin spear with a large stinger that had come out, relatively thick, right towards Gary.

The force and speed of the strike were quite different compared to everything before.

Seeing this, Gary then lifted his hand, and it started to transform; the brown fur was appearing, and right then, he grabbed onto the stinger, stopping it right in its tracks.

The man tried to move it, he tried to pull it back out, but Gary had a firm, strong grip on the stinger that had attacked him.

At that moment, the Altered that had attacked had a slight worry going through his mind.

'This guy, he's not just fast, but he's incredibly strong as well, and just his arm transforming... I just noticed, but he avoided all those attacks before, without even transforming... does this mean he's not just stronger than us, he's actually on a whole other level.'

"What is wrong with you guys today? Did you all drink out of the funky juice, or something!" Stinger shouted, annoyed at his group's performance.

Class: Dark Warrior

Level 33

[Health: 300]

[Energy: 500]

[Strength: 75]

[Dexterity: 65]

[Endurance: 68]

Werewolf Skills

[Claw Drain: Level 3]

[Last Stand: Level 2]

[Lethal Pounce: Level 2]

[Magnetic Howl: Level 2]

[Claw Strike: Level 1]

Alpha Skills

[Howling Force]

[Alpha Bite]

The man standing next to Stinger was sure of it now after seeing everything.

"He said that he was an upcoming rookie in the AFC... one of the best and that he disappeared into nowhere. It looks like all those things were true."




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