197 Something Belongs to The First Master

(Jane’s PoV)

“Jane Harris, you don’t believe me?”

Hmph! How many times did he practice that feeling wronged expression to be this good? I bet he must have done it, tricking other people to believe that he was really feeling guilty. But, I wasn’t that stupid!

How could a devil feel guilty to the point he could make that wronged expression?

It must have been in his trait, a perfect actor to fool humans.

“Fine. If you don’t trust me, then I’ll go. But, please, consider entering that hut. You might find it useful for you. After all, no one can take it out unless it is the master of White Army.” The Devil stepped backward while trying to smile, but I could still see the hurt in his eyes.

I blinked my eyes, and he disappeared. How could I know he was saying the truth? He was a Devil, after all. Devils tell lies to human.


I took a look at the hut and sighed. There was something that attracted me to get inside, indeed. I didn’t know whether it was my own curiosity since I liked this kind of place so much, or it was because something inside was calling for me, but I knew for sure that I wanted to go inside.


“Siji!” I shouted loudly. I needed to inform him so that he knew where I went.

As expected, he appeared in a flash, only this time he appeared on the side of the pond. He was frowning as he looked at the bridge and me repeatedly.

“I’m going there!” I shouted at him.

The frown on his face was getting deeper. “Milady, I don’t think... that’s a good idea.” He said hesitantly.

“I know. The devil was here just now, and he told me that I should go inside. There is something inside that might be useful for me.” I rolled my eyes, mostly at myself. Why would I use his words as if I believed him?

“Why don’t you come with me?” I asked Siji. If he were so worried about me, why didn’t he just follow me in?

It was surprising that he didn’t reply it right away. He was still pondering but his eyes flickered here and there, as if he was searching something.

“Sure, Milady, but there’s a tiny issue that I think you should know.” He said carefully before he lifted his eyes and looked at me.

“What is it?”

“I couldn’t find the bridge that you’re stepping on.” He said.

“What are you talking about? It’s right there in front of you.” I pointed at his feet. He could just step on it and he would be on his way to meet me, but why did he say that he couldn’t see it?

Even the Devil could step on it, why couldn’t he?

“I couldn’t see anything, Milady. There’s no bridge here.” To prove that he was saying the truth, he put his foot forward, stepped onto the bridge, but to my surprise, his foot went through it!

My eyes widened. What the hell happened?

“Siji, just wait there, then.” I put my hand on my forehead, massaging it lightly since it started to feel a bit stuffy in my head.

“Milady!” Siji shouted, but I didn’t turn back. Hardened my heart, I stepped towards the isolated island with one thing in mind; I needed to get inside the hut.

Cool wind breeze hit my face softly as soon as I stepped on the small island. Instinctively, I took a deep breath. The hut in front of me looked even more appealing now that I looked at it closely. The atmosphere was calm and cool. It was so nice to stay here for a couple of days, far from the crowded and noises of the world outside.

“Excuse me.” I greeted in front of the door, but no one answered. I remembered what the Devil told me and pushed open the door.

There was a warm light emitted from the small fire in the middle of the room. The fire was big enough to keep the room warm and at the same time provided the right amount of lighting in the house. On the furthest end of the room was a door. I stepped inside and walked into that door slowly.

Was it really okay for me to get into the house just like that?

But, I couldn’t sense any danger. Since I couldn’t sense it, might as well satisfy my curiosity, right? I pushed open the door and was greeted by an old wooden bed that looked pretty old. On the bed was a white piece of cloth, being folded neatly. It was covered with dust, but when I took it, I realized it was still so good. The material was silky and cool to touch and it was such a big piece of cloth.

No, to be exact, it was a robe.

Dust flew everywhere when I picked it up. I coughed lightly and hastily came out from the room. After my cough subsided, I spread the robe again and took a closer look.

“Hm, is it just my imagination or this robe has shrunk in size?” I mumbled under my breath as I tried to examine it. I thought the robe had shrunk to match my size.

Feeling curious, I put it on my shoulders and the robe fluttered lightly on my back. See? It really fitted me. The robe could cover my whole body perfectly. Even the hoodie was perfect to my taste.

“I wonder whose robe is this?” I mumbled lightly.

The fire in front of me flickered slightly then all of sudden; it grew bigger as if fuel was being poured into it. At the same time, the powerful feeling I felt from the portal overwhelmed me again. I gasped and stepped back.

It was the fire!

“Use it wisely.” A voice was heard in the house and the fire flew towards me in haste.

It all happened so fast that I didn’t have a chance to shout or run away. The fire enveloped me and I could only close my eyes and waited for the pain.

But, the pain never came.

My surrounding was so silent. Slowly, I opened my eyes and took a peek at the situation. There was no fire chasing after me. There was no fire in the middle of the room either. What happened?

I glanced at my left and my right, but the house was dark now that I almost couldn’t see anything.

It was a good thing that I remember the layout of the house. Using my memory as my guide, I managed to get out of the house safely. Without waiting for anything, I ran on towards where Siji and the others’ were waiting. I even ran on the bridge that I feared so much.

“Milady!” Siji’s expression was the weirdest that I had ever seen in my life. His expression was a mix of relieved, worried, and even anger. However, his smile proved that he was worried about me. He felt relieved because of his worry for me.

“I’m fine.” I assured him after I arrived in front of him. Closing my eyes tightly, I tried to steady my heart beat and my breath.

“Milady?” I heard Siji’s voice, calling me hesitantly.

“What is it?” I looked at him, half-panting.

“Where did you get it?” Siji pointed at my shoulders.

It was only then that I realized I accidentally brought the robe out with me. I felt blood rushing out from my face. It was a well-known rule in human world that if one entered the other dimension, one should not bring anything belonged to this world out, not to mention stole something. However, she had just done it!

“I-I’ll put it back. I didn’t realize I took it with me.” I stuttered.

However, the bridge disappeared. Not only that, even the small island with the hut disappeared without a trace. There went my only opportunity to put the robe back into it.

“Milady, do you know what robe it is?” Siji asked. Did he really have to tell a story about it?

“It is the robe that the First Master used when he commanded the army. This pure silky white color, combined with the fire pattern on the robe as if the fire is alive is the signs that only First Master has. After all, this robe was hand-made by him. Rumor said that the fire in the robe is indeed alive and the history of White Army stated that First Master had summoned and used the fire several times.” Siji explained excitedly while going around me to take a look at the robe.

“I guess...because you have taken out the precious items inside, the hut has finally disappeared for good.” Our guide stated. “Since you’ve got what you planned to do inside, I think it’s better for the two of you to go out. Otherwise, I really couldn’t guarantee what will happen to you if they realize that there is a human here.”

“Thank you for the reminder. I’ll come by later to play with you, guys.” I nodded in agreement.

Bumi opened another portal for us and it led to the forest. However, before I could realize, the portal brought us to a kind of dangerous place.

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