142 Side Story: The Seventh Adviser (4)

Danan was made to study hard by Sir Guntur after their talk that day. He followed the regular classes and private classes by Sir Guntur. He even didn’t have time to visit Chief Dewi Sasmaya as he used all of his time to study and study more. Fortunately for him, he loved reading and studying, which helped him a lot with the process where others would find agonizing. He was a fast learner and his progress made Sir Guntur proud.

By the time the selection started, Danan joined it and maybe by the will of Universe, he passed the test and joined the Class of Adviser as the seventh student.

Therefore, his name, Number Seven, was known as he was the Seventh Adviser admitted into the class.

To his surprise, there were only the ten of them. Before he was admitted into the class, he thought there would be around twenty to thirty of them in the class. Who knew that there would only be the ten of them?

Later on, he found out that they were prepared to be advisers of ten mystical army in the Middle Region. As to which army would they be assigned in, they didn’t know. The Elders only told them that they would be assigned based on their performance, skill, and knowledge.

He also thought that it might take several years, probably four to five years, to learn about all the things that an adviser needed to know and do. Little did he know, he would spend hundred years to master all of it; almost three hundred years, to be exact.

He watched as the initial excitement in their faces faded away as the time went, but nobody complained. They did what the Elders asked them to do, learned what the Elders taught to them, basically obeyed every single thing the Elders and Teachers said to them.

Sometimes, they would be assigned to some tasks, be it a small case to bigger case. At first they were sent as a big group, later on it was divided into half, then a pair, until when they were assigned with their tenth case, they were required to travel alone and find the solution alone. Since that time, all of the cases were handled individually.

Most of the time they were outside of the Sacred Region, practicing their skills. They had trained themselves until they could solidify themselves, practiced martial arts, mastered spiritual combat arts, and filled their memory with knowledge of Middle Region and everything. Those were precious information and Danan took them all seriously.


Danan could see that everyone was trying so hard, so he didn’t want to bring everyone down. He learned harder and harder, even though he had to divide his attention and memory in searching and learning information about his chaotic aura.

Even though Chief Dewi had said that his aura might not affect humans, Danan was still a bit skeptical. He practically put a fair distance between him and anyone else. Sir Guntur had tried to suppress his aura, but it was useless. They came to conclusion that it might be because he didn’t have human body and advised him to keep his distance with people, especially humans. Sealing his aura inside his own soul was like trying to fill a basket with water. So, he gave up and tried to find another useful information from where ever he could get.

It took him more than two centuries until he finally found out something about his chaotic aura.

He was in his mission to track down dangerous Shadows and their Master where he needed to stay around humans for a long time. These Shadows and their Master were so crafty that they managed to hide themselves from Danan. He didn’t have any choice but to wait a bit longer.

At that time, even though he still managed to put some distance with him and humans, there were some occasions where he would squeeze himself among the humans.

At first, he didn’t really pay any attention to the things around himself, especially those humans couldn’t see him so he didn’t find any reason why to put his attention towards them. Only after he noticed the fifth crime happened around him less than three days he was around them, then he started to be more aware.

The first one was the couple husband and wife who were living near the tree he usually used to scout on situation were having a big fight in which the husband yelled at his wife about his dissatisfaction towards her and ended up in him almost killed her wife who had gone through everything with him for forty years. Not a short time for human, yeah, that’s why after he thought about it, he found it ridiculous. Not to mention he heard the talk of their neighbors where they were also bewildered with the change happened to the husband, for they had never heard him raised his voice towards his wife, ever.

The wife was still under treatment, but seeing her condition, Danan was sure she wouldn’t last long. Two days after that, the wife died and the husband was accused and punished for killing her.

The second crime was the waiter in the restaurant where Danan would occasionally visit to find some information while drinking tea stole the money and ran away. The owner of the restaurant always thought that he was an honest man, that’s why he kept the man as his right-hand. Even though he was in need of money, he had never stolen any money from the owner. But, this time, he did so! The man was still on the run.

The third one was a good young man raped a teen girl. The problem was this young man was known as a kind, polite, patient, and all best virtue in him. Let alone raping a girl, even if he was locked in a same room with a girl, all the people in the village knew that he would never cross the boundary. He was the favorite boy of the village. But, he raped the girl who was almost ten years younger than him. How was he related to Danan? This young man was the one who provided information to Danan whenever Danan appeared in the restaurant. It was not like he went around to collect it, but Danan would ask it as if he was only initiating a casual conversation. Of course, the young man was being detained while the girl’s family demanded the court to behead the young man for tainting their precious daughter.

The fourth one was the sisters in the shop in front of the restaurant were losing their mind and started to fight over a man. It was chaos, Danan couldn’t find the words to describe the situation at that time. Both the sisters were detained in the local prison for causing disturbance.

The fifth one was the one where Danan started to think deeply. A lovely girl seduced a married man, and now she was accused of adultery together with the man. The man was no other than the owner of the restaurant and the girl was the one who always came to deliver the tea leaves that the owner ordered from her mother. What’s more that they did the ‘deed’ in the warehouse in the back of the restaurant and was caught in the act by the man’s wife.

As he pondered about it, he realized two things; first, these five major things happened in less than a week. This village was considered peaceful as only minor things would happen from time to time. For five major immoral things happened in less than a week, it was something big for them. The second was all the people were related to him in a way, they were usually ‘inside’ the perimeter he had created.

Danan had just arrived in the village for maybe twelve to fourteen days before the incident happened. It was a rather short time for his chaotic aura to take action. It proved what Chief Dewi told him to be wrong, that his chaotic would not affect human. Instead, it worked faster than when he was still human. At this rate, he couldn’t get close to any human at all in the future.

After accepting new information about himself, Danan started to increase his effort in finding the Shadows and the Master. His hard work was not in vain as before the first month ended, he had found out the place where the despicable human was hiding in.

The next action was carried swiftly and without any significant trouble holding him back. He managed to destroy their den and cleaned everything; Shadows and their Master. After that, he returned to the Sacred Region and talked to Chief Dewi about his findings.

They talked about it a lot in safe perimeter, then Danan left the woman. This time, he was really strict with his rule to maintain safe distance between him and humans.

Many things happened to him after that, but he faced everything head on with cold-headed, hastily gave any problems with the best solution he had.

By the time their study ended, they were told to enter the chosen army. Danan, without him knowing, was appointed as the best adviser and chosen to be the adviser of White Army. After the inauguration as the adviser of White Army, he was bestowed with the name ‘Siji’ which meant ‘One’, as the symbol of him being the best adviser. Apparently the name ‘Siji’ was exclusive for the best adviser only and the previous ‘Siji’ was chosen to serve as an adviser in the other army.

Of course, he would still be the seventh adviser in the eyes of his teachers.

But, his study didn’t end there. Right after he was appointed as the adviser, he learned a lot about White Army from the library of the Guardians of Legacy.

Yeah, it was a never ending study session, but he liked to do it.

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