My Unconventional Delivery System!

Chapter 65 - IQ That Surpasses Einstein?

An expression of pleasant surprise and shock was etched on Kyle's face as he watched the live feed of his sister in the intercom; a perfectly justifiable reaction, if taken into consideration the fact that he hadn't seen her for more than half a decade.

The surprise and shock made way for an excited visage as he immediately exclaimed to his sister. "Shizuka-nee, please wait a minute I'll come and get you in a jiffy!" ​​

With that said, he hurriedly went out, the excitement in his face still radiating brilliantly, to greet and welcome his sister to his home. 

'How come she didn't call us after she got home? No more importantly how did she even know our new home address? Ah! right, She probably went to aunt's old apartment, and because she didn't see us there she probably asked the landlord for our new home address!' were the thoughts of Kyle as he rapidly strutted towards his mansion's gate.

Arriving there, he finally witnessed the sight of his sister, the sight of the face he had been deprived from, for the better part of more than half a decade. His sister was just as enchanting as he had last seen him, nay she had become far more charming, adding to the equation her now mature exterior and charismatic aura, she had now become an exceptional beauty, not that she wasn't exceptional in the past to begin with.

He thought back to the reason they were estranged for so long, it was a valid one but he didn't like it. Many years ago, after Shizuka graduated high school early at the age of 17, she was sponsored by a foreigner for studying abroad. The foreigner had enthusiastically insisted for his sister to accept her offer. The offer itself was very lucrative and worked on her favor so his sister naturally accepted the offer.

Now came a question, why would the unknown foreigner insist so much on giving his sister such a lucrative sponsorship? The answer to it was equally simple. Shizuka, his dear sister, was born with an IQ of more than 200+; far surpassing one of the greatest geniuses of all time, namely Albert Einstein who was suspected to have an IQ of 160.

Her intelligence was an extremely rare sight in the world that easily allocated her in the top 100 most intelligent humans of all time. Ironically, only the foreigner was able to identify that unique trait of hers and later confirmed it by giving her an IQ test. 

Knowing she had obtained such a gem, the offer was made immediately and through his sister's acceptance, she took Shizuka away with her to settle his sister in her motherland. All of this was done behind the scenes, since if the Japanese government were to know of Shizuka's talent they would've never let her take his sister away.

An Intelligent Quotient of more than 200 was a world treasure, destined to greatness from birth and his sister Shizuka was of an exceptional variety even amongst them. Not only did she have a great IQ coupled with innate intelligence, she was also wise and charismatic, showing maturity and a deep understanding of the world as a whole from an early age, which just increased her value that much more.

In the sponsorship, there was a free scholarship to study at any institution till her degrees were completed, thus she had left home to pursue her academic career.

Of course like everything in the world, and any world in existence where Humanity reigned supreme, nothing was for free. The deal here was that after Shizuka obtained her degrees she would have to immediately join the foreigners company as a foreign secretary. Before graduation she was allotted an allowance of $2,000 each month, which was impressive and enough for her to lead a lavish academic life. Her job was also very lucrative, salary wise at least, since it offered a starting salary of $30,000 per month, it was a very attractive offer to her parents at that time, naturally the work that came with it was equally difficult and drained Shizuka every day.  

But despite all of that, the main reason for her accepting the offer, almost instantly, was due to the sponsor being a woman and the company employing his sister also being a female exclusive company.

Had the sponsor been a male instead, they would've denied the offer, though nobody knew the exact reason behind that except for their parents.

All of this culminated in him being left with his father, while his mother tagged along with Shizuka, the foreigner had allowed it, since his parents had insisted for a guardian to be there with her. Speaking of his mother. 'Where is mom anyways? I don't see her nearby. Did she not come with Nee-chan?'

"Kai-chan! What the hell happened to you guys while I'm not here?!" Shizuka exclaimed in wonder, still outside the gate, she was staring at Kyle with a mixed gaze of shock and curiosity.

"A lot did, I'll explain it to you later, first of all, come inside with me nee-chan, you must be tired from the long journey." responded Kyle, while unlocking the gate to let Shizuka in.

Getting inside, Shizuka approached Kyle with slightly hastened steps, a smile hanging on her face now, not for long because taking a thorough glance at Kyle, she noticed something which made her brows furrowed in confusion. "Kai-chan, I didn't expect you to become this good looking. I had originally calculated your growth and set an image of your adult self, but you're vastly different from it. In my illustrations, you were supposed to have scary looking eyes like oba-san and only a slightly above average face, moreover your jaw line was…"

"Okay! Okay stop! I kind of feel offended, I had imagined our next meeting to not be like this... this is completely different from what I had in mind, geez let's not talk about my features. Since you're here now let's rekindle some of our past memories, shall we!?" answered Kyle, he wanted to quickly change the topic of this conversation, not wanting to delve deeper into his sudden transformation, maybe later but not now.

Shizuka raised her eyebrows, fully noticing the intent behind his words, mischief swirling in her eyes she started, a mature teasing tone tickled Kyle's ears. "Alright, then let's talk about the past, remember, the times you used to secretly watch me taking a bath, or when I changed clothes you would take a peek, or how about those times when you stole some of my panties. I still remember your absurd and cringey excuses for touching my boobs and ass too…"

Shizuka kept on talking while Kyle, for the first time in his life, truly regretted changing the topic, the times Shizuka spoke of were the darkest, most embarrassing moments of his life. He was new to this world and seeing the eye candy that was his sister, doubled with him going through puberty a second time, reinforcing his already horny demeanor, he made some decisions that made him regret his existence. Just remembering it made him want to commit seppuku!

Seeing his expression, which was reminiscent to that of a man, wanting nothing but a swift death only made her want to laugh because it only looked comical in this situation. Her eyes twinkled with gentle warmth as she mused. 'I guess even after half a decade of no contact, not being able to see each other, some things never change..'

"Alright, alright! I'll stop teasing you geez... but you have to admit that it's your fault for doing those things." responding while smiling, she came closer and gave a deep hug to Kyle, she sighed, a sigh of one who finally got what she desired. She had really missed this horny little brat of a brother of hers, too much even. Even she didn't believe that she would miss him so. Kyle was her only brother, and in some ways he was the most important person in her life, surpassing even the importance of her parents in her heart.

Kyle, smiling, hugged her back, just as deeply, his chin slightly resting on her head as he closed his eyes in contentment, inwardly though, another dilemma ensued. 'I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, but… wow, why does nee-chan smell so good!? Damn, even her knockers are so big, they feel so good when she presses them on my chest. They have become so much bigger during these years, well not as big as Tohru's but I can practically feel their softness through the fabric… this is bad.. this is bad Kyle, don't think of that about your ow. sister..'

A faint seductive whisper, broke him out of his winding thoughts. "You're thinking about how I good I smell and how my tits became bigger right, Kai-Chan~"

"Who, me!? Nahhhhh... you're overthinking things, nee-chan" he denied calmly, inwardly though, a storm was brewing. 'Damn! Did she pick up a mind reading skill or what!?'

"I'm not a telepath Kyle, at least not what you're thinking, I'm just good at reading expressions and intentions, it only amplifies when it comes to you."

"Damn! Another Quetzalcoatl!? Fucking fantastic!!" grumbled Kyle in unrestrained irritation. One Quetzalcoatl was enough of a problem now his sister had to go and become one as well. Suddenly his life started looking bleaker by the second.

"Huh? Quetzalcoatl? The Dragon Deity of Venus?" Shizuka queried, she misunderstood, thinking that Kyle was talking about the mythical deity of the ancient times, she had read in a book. A small piece of information in the gigantic storage of information that she had acquired along the years.

"No, It's the name of the woman who is currently living here."

"Hah?! You're living with a woman?! Is this that woman's mansion? If it's the case then you should immediately move to another house." Shizuka stated sternly, but her gaze was filled with worry as she misunderstood Kyle's wordings.

"No, of course not. This is my mansion and it isn't just me and her who are living in the house, Oba-san is here alongside 2 other people." 

"....Is this really your mansion? From the looks and the architecture I can confirm that it is at least worth a few hundred million yen, and I don't think you could afford it." stated Shizuka, she could tell that her brother wasn't lying, she could read him like a book so it was to be expected.

Shizuka was extremely talented in reading a person's intentions, unless said person was able to control their expressions and intentions to microscopic details, she would be able to easily read them, she knew for a fact her brother wasn't someone like that, coupled with the fact that she knew almost everything about him already it wasn't hard to believe him.

Thus started Kyle's explanations, about how he managed to get the mansion, he was using the system's guidance so it wasn't a lie. Shizuka also couldn't find any loopholes or lies from his explanation, but she was still doubtful so she insisted on showing her the legal documents of the mansion.

"Sure, I'll get it later after we get inside the mansion, oh yeah by the way where is mom?"

"Oh, mom is still in America. She really wanted to meet you but she couldn't because of her job, she tried to take a leave from her work to come with me to Japan but her company didn't allow it because some important project is going to be negotiated and mom's presence was crucial to this deal." Shizuka laid out the reasons for which his mom wasn't able to come.

Random talks and casual banters were exchanged as they arrived inside the mansion. Shortly after, Kyle pretended to go to his room to get the documents his sister had asked for.

In reality though, he just went to a corner and took out said documents out of his inventory. He wasn't planning on explaining about the supernatural aspect of the world to his sister yet.

It's been more than 6 years, 6 long years since they had contact. He wasn't willing to plunge his dear sister in this mess so soon, the simulation would be too much for her. He would reveal everything to her soon enough though. He'll just wait for her to adapt to living here, then he'll slowly reveal all his secrets.

Seeing the mansion's legal documents, Shizuka practically snatched it from him and scrutinized everything carefully, searching if her brother had missed some details or not, and finished reading she could only utter awkwardly. "This is real…."

Surprise was etched in her face as she stared at Kyle, still not being able to believe that the mansion was his. Kyle only shrugged. "Told you it was."

"It's too unbelievable to take in.." In her prolonged flabbergasted state, she was still able to notice the stare coming from a girl she could only describe as an otherworldly beauty, dressed in a maid outfit. Her stare made her uncomfortable.

"That woman who is staring at us for quite some time already, Kai-chan, who is she?" 

Kyle had only now noticed the presence of Tohru in the room, he was just too nervous that his sister would find something wrong or of the sorts; totally not noticing Tohru being present for some time now.

Gazing at Tohru he smiled, he quickly strutted towards her and circled an arm around her waist that shocked both Shizuka and Tohru herself, though in her case there was added embarrassment, shyness and adoration in the mix.

Kyle, pulling her close to him now faced his sister, smiling at her; a smile Shizuka could swear she had never seen him make in the long time she knew him. His tone was joyful as he proudly declared. "Shizuka nee, I'd like you to meet with Tohru, my beloved girlfriend."

"WHAT!?" A loud cry of disbelief, shock and... pain? was made by Shizuka, startling the other two in the room. They could only gaze at Shizuka's shivering form as she kept watching them in disbelief, nobody knew what was going on her mind, whatever it was though, was sure to not be good.

The silence continued...….

( `END` )

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