"It's hard to explain, so I'm just going to say magic." He said.

"Magic? Does it exist?" ​​

"Of course, it does."

"I thought that it only existed in fairy tales.."

"Well in your world it might be the case, magic is from a fairy tale, however, magic does exist and I'm a living proof of that so anyway let's stop the unnecessary chit-chat and let me feed you!" After that without a warning, he put a soft bread inside Hiro's mouth making him unable to breathe for a moment.

As the piece of bread entered his mouth, Hiro's eyes widened, he thought. 'Was bread always this delicious? No more importantly the fact that I feel energized after eating a single piece of it! What is this bread?!'

Seeing this, Kyle smiled and said. "Delicious right?"

"Yeah! I never tasted bread as delicious as this! Also, I feel a bit better after eating it!" Hiro said excitedly.

"You feel a bit better?" He frowned, the bread he bought is just ordinary and doesn't have any special effects on it, which means the system did something with the bread..no probably the entire food he brought!

"Is there something wrong?" Hiro noticed his frown, it made him a bit worried.

"Ah, it's nothing, anyway eat so that you could recover to your peak state! Honestly, if you were a human-like you were before, you would have died before you could achieve your goal 2 years without eating... that's insane, I wonder how did you endure it."

"It's becaus-" Before he could finish a sentence, Kyle cut him off and said.

"You're not going to say because of the love between you guys right?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to say! How did you know?"

".... Cliché and stuff.".


"Yep, so anyway can you eat by yourself now?"

"Yes, I can."

"Then you can feed yourself, just pick whatever you want to eat." As he said that, Hiro started to eat the dishes one by one, everything was delicious after all this was the first meal he had for the last 2 years!

While eating the dishes, suddenly he saw Hiro tearing up, he couldn't help but ask. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I couldn't help but cry. I never thought that. I could eat these dishes again.." Hiro immediately wipes the tears in his eyes.

"Is that so? Should I say your welcome?" He gave him a gentle smile, honestly, he doesn't know what it felt like to starve for an entire 2 years, he could only imagine how uncomfortable it is.

"Thank you." Hiro was grateful to him, even though he doesn't know anything about this strange person that claimed to be a human-like him...well former human, but it was nice seeing a human-like person in the vast space at this point he trusted Kyle because he had a reason why, first of all, if he was an enemy he wouldn't have fed him with this dishes, and the fact that he helped him recover is already enough.


After an hour,

Hiro finally at his peak state, he never thought that he could feel this comfortable again, this feeling of being alive is wonderful, he looked at Kyle who was looking around, honestly, he couldn't put to words how grateful he is to him, this also gave him hope of returning alive, maybe? Perhaps? They could come back alive on their planet, if that happens...he would be the happiest person alive.

However, he didn't take his expectations high, because he knows that they have also zero chances of surviving, however, little did they know that their chance of survival became 90% because of the existence of Kyle!

Suddenly Zero Two spoke. "Darling! I can feel it, you're back at your peak state right?"

There was only happiness in her voice, what makes her happy is knowing that the person she loved is okay, also she had to thank this person who claimed himself to be a human and God? She doesn't know what it means but it sounds powerful.

Either way, she was grateful that this strange person helped them. Zero Two and Hiro are connected at this point, so if Kyle helped one of them then it means he helped both of them.

"Hey, you've been flying in space for 2 years right? Aren't you bored?"

"Bored? We can't afford to do so, the fate of our planet, our friends is up to us, being bored is out of the question." Zero stated.

"Heeehh..is that so? Then what about you Hiro?" He asked.

"How did y- no never mind I'm the same as Zero Two, we can't afford to get bored but sometimes I rest because. My body couldn't stand staying awake for a long time." Hiro was about to ask why he knew his name, but then again this person was very mysterious. It wouldn't be surprising if he knows Zero Two's name, and even his friend's name back on earth is not out of question.

"Alright, I get it-"

All of sudden, Zero Two shouted. "Hiro! They are coming!"

"It seems that we have to temporarily stop our conversation here mister….umm.."

"It's Kyle, say how much time do you usually take to eliminate those guys?"

Hiro knows that it wasn't time to answer his question, but because he was grateful for what he did, he immediately answered his question. "If it's a small size group of VIRM it would only take a few days to finish, a mid-size group is a few weeks and a big group usually takes months."

Listening to that, he realized why Hiro became so tired. It's because he doesn't have much time to rest.

"Alright, I get it..this group of VIRM let me take care of it, I haven't actually tried going all out using my current magic capabilities. I want to see how strong I've become."

"Huh? Kyle-san? What are you-" Hiro couldn't find his sentence, as Kyle already got out of the Strelizia Apus.

Outside, Zero Two looked at the small figure of Kyle floating near her belly.

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to destroy them."

Hearing him Zero-Two didn't believe that he could destroy the group of VIRM, from what she could see it's a mid-size group which usually takes few weeks before eliminating them all, and she never believed a person as tiny as Kyle could even destroy a single VIRM, without the Franxx humans are helplessness or that what she thought so, suddenly, thousands of fireballs that is big as her head started to appear one by one.

The couple were shocked to see the scene right in front of them, then heard Kyle say. "I've depleted 90% of my mana for this...now I'm going to use the 9% to enhance its firepower!"

After that, all of the fireballs seemed to be hotter than before. "And now for the finale! Fire!!"

Instantly thousands, maybe tens of thousands of fireballs fired toward the group of VIRM, before the fireball could heat them some of them already melted! One could imagine how hot it is!

Then thousands of fireballs started to hit the VIRM ships, they exploded one by one a few minutes later the space was filled with silence, the mid-size VIRM group was eliminated just like that!

At this moment both Zero Two and Hiro were looking at the back of Kyle with their jaw-dropping from their mouths.

( End- )

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