My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 34 - 34: 34: The So -called Game of Rich Men and Women

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: The So -called Game of Rich Men and Women

Translator: 549690339

After a while, the man finally said, “Oh, so you’ve never been here before.”

Yigol was puzzled, were these people here just to watch beautiful women?

“Buddy, let me tell you, women buy so many things that you can’t even imagine, clothes, items, you name it, just a whole lot.”

“Women really are a terrifying consumer group; they can shop here all day without getting tired, which is why there’s a men’s rest area.”

“They won’t come out until they’ve spent almost all their money. It’s also a good place to test a woman; if she can’t stop spending, that’s not the kind of

woman you want.”

“But if she knows when to quit, you can keep her around for a while.”

This man seemed to know what he was talking about, but to Yigol, it had nothing to do with him.

Suri Drew was not a materialistic woman; she would only buy what she needed, and she wouldn’t buy anything extra.

Her wardrobe was proof of that; she only had a few sets of clothes and none of the miscellaneous stuff.

“Also, buddy, don’t think that the people who come here are all couples.

“The funny thing here is that some men who don’t have that much money or are stingy will take women here to test them. If a woman’s demands exceed the man’s budget, they can easily break up after a fight.”

After hearing this, Yigol understood.

Although Yigol used to live in the civilian area, he had heard about how complex the circles of wealthy people were.

It was complicated for both men and women.

Sometimes when delivering packages, he would encounter some bizarre situations and see the games played by so-called rich men and women.

He didn’t find it interesting.

Having experienced and seen a lot, when he met Suri, he was attracted to her uniqueness.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

As a result, he cherished Suri.

How many women in the world are as beautiful and pure as her?

Yigol paused before replying with a smile, “Just a bit older than me.”

Suri was indeed older than Yigol; according to their birth dates on the household register, she was three days older.

“Sorry to bother you.” Disdainfully, the man glanced at Yigol. He no longer

wanted to speak to Yigol and buried his head in his phone. Yigol didn’t care; he had nothing to worry about.

At that moment, Yigol’s phone rang.

The environment was too noisy to hear clearly, so Yigol simply switched on the speaker.

“Hello, Mr. Novak.” At the other end of the phone, a gentle female voice came through.

“Hi, go ahead.” Yigol replied.

“We’re still checking, but we’ve looked at all the documents for your previous case. After deducting the relevant expenses, you should have received 1,057,005,200 dollars. How much did you actually get?” The person on the other end asked.

“I got 100 million plus 700 dollars.”

“Got it. Once we’ve verified the information with you, we’ll send you all the documents. If you need a hard copy, we can also prepare it for you…”

“I don’t need a hard copy. Just prepare it for the lawyers as they may need it.” Yigol replied.

“Alright, got it. Mr. Novak, do you have any other requirements?”

“No more requirements. Once the lawyers have checked everything and there are no issues, I’ll make the payment as soon as possible.”

The call was from someone involved in Yigol’s previous case about his house being rented by a tenant who had maliciously raised the rent.

At the end of the call, Yigol noticed that the man who had just looked down on him was now staring at him with a shocked expression.

“Buddy, you’re really…” The man hesitated to speak.

“Oh, it’s fake. I paid someone to act, rehearsing for a performance to my object.”

“Is the caller from Golden Accounting Studio?” The man asked.

Yigol looked slightly surprised: “Yes, you know them?”

“Not only do I know it’s Golden Accounting Studio, but I also know that the caller was a stunning beauty and a very famous accountant in our city.”

Yigol usually didn’t like showing off, and now, it was even harder for him to remain low-key.

“A few months ago, my company’s accounts had some issues, and we also asked for their help. Of course, every company has its own strengths, but Golden Accounting Studio is more professional..”

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