My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 101 The Birth Of A New Era

Opening his eyes slowly, Hajime found himself in a pitch black environment with no light.

The only thing that accompanied him was the coldness and small sounds of dripping water.

"Where am I?" Hajime, who could only see darkness, felt a panic rush to his heart.

Feeling the cold hard surface with his small hand his face darkened.

As he tried to move, his body suddenly was yanked to the ground!

A metal clink resounded through the darkness.

His breathing became faster when his ears twitched from the metal sound.

Furiously moving his arms toward his right leg he felt a cold metal collar attached to the bottom of his leg.

The sensation of having a chain attached to his right leg left him feeling hopeless as he laid back on the cold surface.

Moving his hands a couple inches above his hand he hit a hard surface.

He was trapped...

Coming to that realization, the pain within him throbbed, Hajime felt tears dripping from his eyes onto his cheeks.

His mind became a crazed fest of many emotions.

"MOMMY, PLEASE SAVE ME!" Hajime's helpless cry for help echoed throughout the darkness. "I'M SCARED!"

No one would answer his call...

As a couple hours went by which felt like eternity for the small boy his scream became quieter and quieter until it came to a stop...

His vocal cords became numb and he felt his oxygen lessen.

Eventually he passed out due to fear.

After an unknown period of time, his eyes reopened.

"So, it wasn't a dream..." Hajime whispered under his breath, his eyes began to lose its life.

He honestly thought that this was a really terrible nightmare and refused to believe his father would throw him away so easily.

His father who he always looked up to never truly was the person he thought he was...

Not long after he had opened his eyes he felt his stomach rumble in hunger.

As he could not do anything about his hunger he decided to try his hardest and ignore his hunger which was clawing at his mind.

Eventually his throat dried up.

His thirst for any liquids began to outstrip his hunger.

Dust began to enter his eyes.

His body cramped up due to the small space.

He truly was in hell...

As an unknown amount of time flew by Hajime was on the verge of killing himself with his own hands.

Sadly his mind would not allow him.

Throughout this unknown time his body began to grow skinnier and skinnier.

His eyes became empty showing no light or life at all.

At this point it was difficult for him to inhale the oxygen which was barely to none.

Some point his hunger faded away and his thirst disappeared as well.

As he was about to close his eyes he heard a cracking sound...

His eyes shot wide open.

Ignoring the dust that was falling into his eyes he looked around trying to pinpoint where the crack was made.

Suddenly he heard a couple voices.

"Hey Richie, I think I found an entrance to a labyrinth!"

"No way, really!? Keep digging!"

"If this is actually a labyrinth and we find some rare treasures then we can make enough coins to move from this dirt poor village!"

"We could finally move to the capital!"

Hajime who heard these four voices wanted to call out...

But his voice was dry and he couldn't even make a noise.

All he could do was wiggle his body crazily.

The darkness surrounding him began to disappear and be replaced by light.

Soon all of the darkness disappeared.

He could finally see where the crack was coming from and it was right above him!

The crack got larger and larger until it finally broke, revealing four male teenagers who all wore brown rags and leather boots.

They were all holding silver pickaxes.

"What the fuck is that!?" A teenage boy whose name was Derek yelled as he stared at the small skinny boy who seemed lifeless.

Soon the three other boys Richie, Alex, and Josh looked down at the lifeless boy and felt like throwing up.

The scene was so gruesome to look at they felt their stomachs turn and their own eyes losing life.

Hajime, who was so relieved, passed out due to the excitement of being rescued.

"Richie, the kid passed out!" Josh commented.

"I see that, retard." Richie responded with a scoff. "What are you waiting for, drag the kid up!"

Josh who was silent the entire time was the first to respond as he grabbed the lifeless kids skinny pale hand.

As he was pulling the lifeless kid out of this darkness he felt a sudden force of motion stopping him from pulling up the kid.

"Damn, looks like a chain is attached to him..." Josh looked over at his friends. "I will only be able to pull his body up a little."

"Then do it you doofus." Richie said with disdain.

Nodding his head Josh pulled the skinny lifeless kid a couple inches above where he was before.

Suddenly he felt a tug.

This was the furthest he could pull.

"This is the furthest I can pull him up." Josh said while cleaning his forehead from his own sweat.

Richie who stepped forward examined the lifeless kid and soon he found himself laughing.

"Ahahahaha! Boys, we're going to make enough coins to get out of this village!" He grabbed upon the lifeless kids buttoned shirt and tore it off his pale skinny body.

Josh, Derek, and Alex looked at their friends' actions weirdly and tilted their heads sideways in confusion of what he was doing.

Sensing multiple piercing gazes at his back Richie turned around and scoffed.

"You idiots! This kid is a noble, he is wearing the finest clothing that one can possess!" He explained as he continued to rip away the cloth.

"Oh..." All three teens let out an understanding noise.

"Don't just stand there! Help me get these clothes off him!" Richie glared at his friends.

Josh, Derek, and Alex nodded their heads and strolled over to the lifeless kid and began taking off his clothes.

A minute went by and all of Hajime's clothes were stripped from his body leaving him naked.

The four teenagers walked away all holding a piece of clothing and sat near a tree.

They all laid out the pieces of clothing and looked over them.

"Holy fuck, this could get us a gold coin!" Richie yelled in excitement.

"We can finally move from this poor village to the capital!" Alex pumped his fist into the air.

"The life we all have been waiting for is right around the corner!" Derek commented happily.

"Once we get to the capital we have to find the nearest brothel!" Josh said with a perverted smile plastered on his dirty white face.

As they were all over the moon Alex suddenly stopped being happy and looked over at the naked kid.

"What are we gonna do about the kid?" He looked back to his friends.

It seems this question was a stun because everyone turned silent...

Richie suddenly had an idea causing a devilish wide smile appearing on his face as he looked over at the naked kid.

"How about we teach this noble brat about the real world shall we boys?"

At this moment, nobody knew that these teenagers were about to transform an innocent abandoned boy into a bloodthirsty demon who would cause pure chaos bringing heaven and hell into a war.

All of this would lead to Arius becoming a being that transcends beyond a God and a supreme being...

He would go on to become-

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