Chapter 618: Discoveries and Powers of Leon and Anna. 2

Violet huffed, "Don't order me around, Ruby. I'm not your employee."

"I am not ordering; I am just calling to your attention not to fall into the degenerate world."

"Says the girl who likes BDS-"

"VIOLET!" Ruby yelled with a face red with embarrassment and anger.

"Okay, Okay, sheesh."

The girls just looked at Ruby and Violet in amusement. Sasha's face was completely red and steaming; it was evident that she wasn't focused on reality right now.

'Perhaps, I should try too…? But it is so eccentric!' Sasha was in her own inner chaos.

"...Does Scathach have those fetishes too...?" Aphrodite asked aloud.

"Well, it's possible. Someone just has to conquer her on her own terms..." Agnes murmured.

"Hmm." The Goddess of Beauty thought a little about the future, and a big smile appeared on her face: "The future is bright; this Family is the best!" Aphrodite laughed.

"Anyway, what are Anna and Leon's Powers?" Violet asked what she wanted to know.

"Oh, I'm also curious about that. Since they were humans before, they should've awakened a power born from their unconscious desires." Mizuki spoke.

"Anna's Power is quite fitting for her. She can compel everyone around her to be completely honest. Even if you try to lie, you can't." Ruby answered.

"..." In some strange way, everyone thought that it suited her quite well.

"Tests need to be done. We don't know the size of the area of ​​effect and whether she can turn this power off or not. For now, it's acting passively." Ruby thought about the possibilities of this power, and the future was bright. She couldn't wait to experiment further.

"I assume this was born out of her unconscious desire to make everyone around her more honest?" Sasha asked.

"Yes, that is likely," Ruby spoke.

"Hmm… Did she receive anything else? It's not possible that she received this weak power from the Progenitor Bloodline, right?" Violet spoke.

"We don't know... And suppose you look at the results of Maids who were once human. In that case, I think it's quite likely that she no longer has any Powers other than the natural capabilities of a Noble Vampire born directly from the Progenitor Bloodline."

"... What do you mean?"

"Hmm, take Eve and her 'Dark Fire', for example. That Fire might be weaker than the Snow Clan's Fire, but its corrosive attributes and permanency are ridiculous." Ruby elaborated.

"It's like a poison that cannot be cured and will burn forever."

"It's a rather ridiculous mutation of the Snow Clan's Fire, and it has the potential to get stronger in the future. Of course, that all depends on Eve. If she manages to increase the heat of her flames while retaining its corrosive attribute..."

"Even better, if she manages to put more debuffs on her Fire, that will be pretty nasty for enemies."

"..." Everyone thought of a Fire that never went out, burned forever, and left the target in absolute torment, and everyone couldn't help but shudder a little.

"I assume this mutation also applies to Anna's power?" Agnes asked.

"Yes. Currently, she compels everyone around her to be honest with her. Not even the Noble Vampire's charm is that strong. Just by being in her presence, no one can deny the information she wants."

'Only Victor has this effect on Vampires, and that's because he's a Progenitor.'

"If she asks you something, you're obligated to answer it honestly... And if she doesn't ask anything, you'll speak your mind." Ruby continued.

"…She will be a perfect future interrogator." Mizuki couldn't help but state the obvious.

The girls just nodded at Mizuki's words.

"What about Leon? What is his power?" Sasha asked.

"Well, how do I put it? He creates a kind of barrier for defense?" Ruby replied, confused.

"… Huh?" Everyone didn't understand what she meant.

"Ugh, Aphrodite, do you remember the constructs you can make with your Divine Power?"

"Yes… Oh, you mean."

"Yes, it's something like that, with the only difference being that he can't create other shapes, at least not yet. The only thing he can make is a transparent wall that 'seems' to be unbreakable."

"… This is quite similar to that green-haired man named Bellamy from that anime you like, Ruby," Sasha spoke.

Ruby opened her eyes wide, "Now that you mention it, it is quite similar... I wonder how it came to be?"

"Perhaps from his unconscious desire to be his Family's 'protection' or 'wall' to protect from harm?" Violet spoke.

"..." The girls fell silent, thinking it was quite possible.

That was one of the reasons why the girls weren't so cruel to Leon. They knew that he was a good man, that he respected everyone, and that his recent attitude was just his desires acting up.

"Haah, I just hope he gets better soon and learns to contain himself. Having these thoughts is something normal; no being can hide it completely, but... I fear Victor's reaction and that he will do something irreversible."

"Victor is very overprotective when it comes to men around us, and he trusts very few, that being just Tatsuya so far."

"Not to mention that all of us here know that despite loving and respecting Leon, for him, Anna is the most important person in his life. So it was no surprise that his heart broke when he 'killed' Anna, and it only hurt when he 'killed' Leon." Aphrodite spoke.

"It's precisely because he understands this that I don't think he's going to overreact... Darling doesn't want to make the same 'mistake' that my dad did... He's probably just going to beat up his dad or something." Violet spoke.

"Not to mention that even though he didn't say it, until a while ago, he regretted killing my biological father, even though I said several times that I didn't care. After all, I was never close to him, and he was a piece of shit." Sasha spoke.

"..." Natashia flinched a little at her daughter's tone.

"This regret comes from the fact that in his mind, a structured Family is one that has a Father and Mother together, a privileged thought if you ask me. After all, he grew up with great parents." Aphrodite spoke.

"Hmm, I know that, and I also know that he doesn't care about it anymore, as I said earlier. He is more concerned with spoiling my mother and me than with this."

"…Something I'm not particularly against." Natashia flashed a lewd little smile.

"Me either." Sasha wore the same smile as her mother.

"..." The girls looked at the two women with impassive gazes.

Realizing what she said, Sasha looked away and blushed a little.

"It is too late to blush now, Sasha; you let your inner thoughts out." Violet rolled her eyes.

And that just made the woman even more embarrassed.

"Heavens, I already told her to be more honest, but she still can't." Natashia rolled her eyes.

"I'm honest! ... With the people I've known for a long time."

"Ara, are you embarrassed by mine and Mizuki's presence? It is not necessary! You can act however you want; we're Family now!"

"Ugh… Just give me some time."


"...." Mizuki decided not to comment when Aphrodite included her in the 'Family'. It felt... nice.

Unconsciously, her thoughts went to the conversation she had with Victor.

"Anyway, Leon and Anna's Power potential is great. It's up to them how they will develop."

"I'm really curious about the properties of the 'Energy' Leon uses to create his projections. If I knew what it was, maybe I could help him get better, but... I'll only help him when he improves his attitude. I don't feel comfortable being in the presence of someone who looks at me like a walking piece of meat, especially my father-in-law." Ruby spoke with disgust.

"Indeed, Indeed. For now, I will assist Anna. Her power seems quite similar to one of my Love Divinities. I will see if I can help her. After that, I will return to Mount Olympus."

"Speaking of which, what's going on in Mount Olympus? I forgot to ask." Agnes spoke.

Aphrodite lost her usual gentle smile and looked at everyone with a serious look, and the words that came out of her mouth made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

"Mount Olympus is in the midst of a civil war right now."


After a few seconds of silence, Violet whistled and said, "Cool~… Anyway, how are we going to get Anna to have sex with Victor?"

"..." The girls just shifted their eyes toward Violet and stared at her with lifeless gazes.


"I'm surprised you're throwing women to Darling. Aren't you against it? As Leona said before, where is your Yandere pride?" Ruby commented.

"Humpf, of course, I'm against it. It's just… Anna is just special, and I want what's best for her, and I know what's best for her is my Husband. So? How are we going to get her to fuck her own son!?" She asked with blood-red eyes and a big smile on her face.


"For some reason, I think she just wants to see Victor doing Anna," Mizuki spoke.

"..." And the girls just nodded in agreement with her.

"Agnes…" Natashia just looked at Agnes.

"… I'm sorry for having such a degenerate daughter…." Agnes just hung her head in embarrassment as she did her best to ignore Natashia's glare.

"Oyy! I am not degenerate!"

"Anyway! This will not happen! Leave that decision to Victor. This is a matter we cannot get involved with!"

"Tsk, petty... I just wanted to see them-..." She started to laugh in a way Natashia knew all too well.

"… I see. Is this how you feel when you look at me, Daughter?"


"… I promise to control myself more."

"...." Sasha didn't know what to say at that moment. Violet managed to make her mother back off, and her mother was the very picture of degeneracy.

"I'm terrified to ask, but… Why are you thinking about this, Violet?" Ruby spoke.

Violet awoke from her own world and said: "... Thinking about what?"

"About Victor and Anna?"


"Oh, don't lie to me. I want to know what you really think, not your perversions."

"I'm not perverted! Natashia is!" Violet snapped.

"Accusing someone innocent of something they didn't do is very ugly, Violet."

When Violet was going to retort Natashia, Ruby said:

"Violet, don't lose focus. Tell me your thoughts." Ruby knew her childhood friend well, and despite having perverted motives for her actions, she believed Violet had thought long and hard before talking about what she thought of Anna and Victor.

Proof of this is that when Ruby caught Violet's attention, the woman looked neutral, which caught everyone else's attention.

Seeing that she couldn't hide her thoughts from Ruby, she spoke:

"To be completely honest,"

"I give it less than 500 years till Leon breaks Anna's heart."

"..." The entire room fell silent.

"…Spell it out, Violet," Ruby spoke in a serious tone, but with just those words, she could already imagine future scenarios of what Violet was talking about.

"Humans are not meant to live long, Ruby."

"My Husband is an exception because he has a lot of 'extras' added to his mindset. He is a Progenitor, and that gives him inherent pride. He has my father's memories, which gives him the experience of someone who has already lived 1700 years. The passage of time no longer means anything to him. He will love us even if 2000 years pass."

"His obsession will ensure that, and Aphrodite's recent Blessing as well."

"But Leon? He has none of that. Despite being a Noble Vampire, he didn't grow up in our society. He's not prepared for the passage of time and the changes that will come with it. To make him curb his desire is just putting some duct tape on the problem."

"And even if he decides to create a Harem for himself, Anna will not allow it. She is, after all, like my Husband."

"And just like Victor, Anna is capable of loving indefinitely. Because of that, I say that in less than 500 years, Leon will break Anna's heart."

"… And everyone knows what will happen next. Anna surpasses even me in Victor's heart. If something happens to her...."

"Victor will kill Leon. The son will kill the father, and that action will do even more damage to Anna."

"...." Violet's words silenced everyone. They never expected that behind Violet's perverted words, there was such a well-thought-out motive.

"... So it wasn't just your fetish that you wanted to see mother and son having sex?" Sasha asked.

"I won't lie and say I don't have that desire, but the main reason is what I just talked about."

"If I saw a possibility that this wouldn't happen, I wouldn't have said anything, and I would have been silent."

"I like Anna very much… She is like a mother and a big sister to me. She is not just my mother-in-law… Because of that, I don't want to see her heartbroken."

"...." Natashia, Sasha, Ruby, and Aphrodite nodded in agreement with Violet.

Natashia agreed that Violet was correct. No woman deserved the pain of a broken heart.

Aphrodite agreed with Violet's thoughts because she could easily see this scenario happening. In fact, the chance of this happening was over 90%. She had seen this happen a lot in her long existence.

Sasha and Ruby agreed that they didn't want to see Anna suffer.

"I see… That is plausible… In fact, that is quite possible." Ruby closed her eyes and remembered the reports she'd read about Slave Vampires 'breaking down' with the passage of time.

"Incest or whatever bullshit aside, Anna needs unwavering support by her side, and unfortunately, I very much doubt Leon can give her that kind of support." Violet continued.

"The Mother and Son are so close for a reason. The two have supported each other unconditionally since the beginning. That relationship could be seen even before they became Vampires."

"...." Aphrodite, Ruby, and Sasha nodded. They understood very well what Violet was talking about.

"... I still think we have to leave this situation for the future," Agnes spoke after listening to everything in silence.

Violet looked at her mother with a narrow gaze.

"Don't look at me like that, Violet. I agree with you."

"Then why-." Violet was going to say something, but her mother interrupted, saying:

"But I also think we ought to leave this matter for time to solve the problem."

"Leon deserves a chance. Just because something like this has happened in the past doesn't mean it will happen to Anna and Leon; after all, we'll be there for them, right?"

"What if he breaks Anna's heart?"

"Daughter, if you are afraid of getting hurt, then you are afraid of living life. Living means making decisions, and that decision can hurt a person or not; that's normal."

"..." Violet was speechless when she heard what her mother said.

"And if Leon breaks Anna's heart, she won't kill herself because of it. After all, her greatest support will still be with her protecting her."

"And I fully believe my Husband will not kill Leon for this." She spoke with a confident face until the image of Victor crazed flashed through her mind, and she added uncertainly:




The girls looked at Aphrodite with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you laughing?" Mizuki asked.

"You guys are saying that if Leon breaks Anna's heart, Victor will kill the man, but you forgot one fact."

"Girls, Victor's personality came from one place, and we all know it came from Anna."

"If such a scenario happens, it is not Victor who will kill Leon, but Anna."


"Don't underestimate my friend. She's fiercer than you think."

Subconsciously, everyone imagined Anna acting like Victor when he was angry, and they shuddered inwardly when they realized they could vividly imagine this scene.

"…I feel like Scathach and Haruna are going to be great friends with her in the not-too-distant future."

"..." Everyone just nodded in agreement with Agnes' words.

"Umu, the more good friends Anna makes, the better. She deserves all the good things in the world." Aphrodite nodded in satisfaction. She was the type of woman who liked to spoil everyone she cared about, and she was not against Anna making more real friends.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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