My Servant System

Chapter 717 716: Magic Pens

Chapter 717 716: Magic Pens

After the two babies were allowed to roam free on the safe floor of the living room, Leone and I lounged on some pillows and blankets on the ground as well, with Leone scribbling inside her notebook and creating some new spells to try and things she wanted on that dagger I was having Anput make while I was looking between the two Magic Pens I had been gifted, wondering just how effective they would be compared to normal enchanting.

Was there a larger benefit to utilizing these Magic Pens over just doing it myself, or was the difference only in comfort and ease of use?

It would definitely be a bit more precise, but I was already so precise with my mana from before, so how much more of a difference would this make?

Was it worth it for casual enchanting, or no?

That's what I had on my mind, and the best way to test it was to take something I could enchant easily and compared the difference between the enchantments, and to start I used two small pieces of cloth to create some useful cleaning cloths for our weapons and armor; things meant to specifically remove the dirt and grime on a deeper level than just washing them with mana like we were used to.

This would also help spread polish over the gear and keep them well maintained from rust, since that was a problem that we had with just using mana; the mana removed the thin layer of oil that we placed on the gear and left it exposed to the air, which could lead to rusting rather easily if we weren't so careful.

So, I took the first cloth and focused my mind, resting my hands atop the material and beginning to guide my mana into its structure, ingraining the fabric with the runes I needed and enchanting it swiftly.

It only took a few moments, the runes needed being some of the simpler in the runic language, while the amount was small, making it something that took little time and even less mana.

The result though was nice, and I lifted the four by four square of black cloth and nodded, brief memories of when I was initially trying to learn how to enchant slipping into my mind - all the torn cloths, burnt cloths, damaged in all kinds of ways...

Now I was placing a similar enchantment on these cloths in moments, without worry and without much effort either; in other words, a display of my progress, even if it was a rather unimpressive display.

Letting that slip from my mind, I picked up the Magic Pen and allowed my mana to seep into the golden cylinder, watching as the colorless, opaque crystal on top began to glimmer as my mana filled it up.

Inspecting it for a moment, I waited for the 'ink cartridge' - the Mana Crystal - to be filled to a reasonable and safe degree before pressing the rounded point onto the cloth, guiding that mana from the crystal through the gold and then into the cloth.

It traveled straight down without any fluctuations at all, pouring out of the nib and into the cloth smoothly; it was a tad easier than the normal, unassisted method for me at least, but I could see how many would view this as a worthwhile investment just for this reason; it was smooth and easy to do compared to doing it without the pen.

And since mana control was a thing that took years for people to perfect without either insane talent or - in my case - a System that provided outside assistance, then this would certainly be a worthy investment.

Inscribing the runes into the cloth, I nodded to myself as the Magic Pen did what it was meant to perfectly, tracing out the runes smoothly and letting the mana seep further into the material, and after comparing the two cloths closely, I noted that - on cloth, anyways - the enchantment was deeper and more ingrained into the material when I used the Magic Pen, which, while that might not make much of a difference on something as basic as this cleaning enchantment, on something larger that extra stability in the enchantment would provide a more efficient use of the materials mana capacity.

And since I had purchased a few mana infused gemstones that could act as extra batteries to power up our gear, being more efficient would allow me to squeeze on either a stronger version of that enchantment or more enchantments in general, which is rather invaluable.

But, I still need to check and make sure that the Magic Pens do that much good on actual gear for me to make a final verdict on their usefulness, and for that I got up and grabbed two of the short swords that we had left, placing them in front of me and watching as the Countess scooped up both Alessandra and Lakshmi as they tried to make their way over to me, the magic drawing in the Elf while the swords drew in the Demoness.

They both glared up at the Elf holding them before babbling towards Mother, who was lounging on the couch and resting, though she smiled as she looked over at them both, accepting them as they continued to battle with the Countess.

Even in Mother's arms they stared at me intently, wanting to observe everything I was doing as I began to enchant the two blades with identical enchantments, just like I did with the cloth; one without the Magic Pen, and one with.

I wanted to get another sample of how helpful the Magic Pen was, and I wasn't disappointed with the results; after the Mana Circuit went on, I put a vibrating enchantment on it as well as a water edge enchantment, creating a blade that functioned much like a saw with highly pressurized water, giving them insane cutting power and making them rather dangerous against anything weak to Water Mana anyways.

But, on the sword that I had enchanted with the Magic Pen, I could actually slip on one more enchantment, defaulting back on the simple crescent slash enchantment that would take the water edge and launch it with your swing, giving you some range on your weapon that was easily meant for close range.

That difference easily upped the value from a dozen Gold to almost two dozen, and I nodded contentedly as I studied the blade closer, feeling out the mana and continuing to make note of the differences before I reached for 'Vitrea's Tome of Metallurgy and Enchanting' to study up on the materials we had, wondering just how much that came into play.


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