My Servant System

Chapter 705 704: Market Time (3)

Chapter 705 704: Market Time (3)

"These aren't that bad, dog. Very well, let's take it all to the back and get it further appraised and valued by Mom. She'll handle the pricing and sales. Snake, you know the way..."

Amenti placed the sword back down and gave me a curt nod before turning around, returning to the shelves behind the counter as she resumed organizing them and doing what she pleased, all while Kolia rolled her eyes as she asked "Amenti, can you wrap these all up and ship them up to the Palace for us? We'll pay with Miss Horusa in the back; it's thirty Silvers for this total then, correct?"

The Birdkin looked back and scanned the counter before nodding, not saying anything and instead picking up one of the long rolls of brown wrapping paper as well as some twine to wrap it all up properly, which made Kolia sigh before saying "Come on, let's head to the back. That's where the real goodies are at."

Picking up my enchanted weapons, I followed Kolia to the side of the shop and helped cover her up as she began to tap on a few of the stones, her mana entering them seamlessly and creating a slightly audible click as each one was pressed back into the wall, eventually revealing an illusory doorway that Kolia stepped through.

Inspecting it for a moment, I stepped through it after Kolia when Amenti said "Don't even think about it, dog. Keep it moving.", getting her warning loud and clear and trying to not piss the resident Arch Mage off by trying to learn her family's secrets.

Kolia snickered in front of me as she spoke over her shoulder, smirking at me and saying "Trust me, everyone does it when they come here the first time. Only a few are stupid enough - or desperate enough - to try it again and against. Those people... don't live long. Those of us in the know don't want to take advantage of the Cloaked Emporium and have it closed to us. You'll see why soon enough."

The illusory doorway led into a hallway that slowly descended into the earth, and after turning for a few moments, we found ourselves in the real shop that Kolia had been telling me about.

Like the upper, public area, the interior was dim and illuminated by sparse lights, though these were inscribed flames that hovered freely around their particular point, while the various tables allowed for clear line of sight over the entire area while each table was covered in various items that had mana wafting off of them.

Seated in the back on a throne was another yellow skinned, thin woman, the black mantle over her shoulders similar to Amenti's though it was speckled with silver thread, giving it a unique appearance.

Her braided black hair was pinned with golden needles that held it in place, though the mana lingering around each left little to the imagination that they were usable in some other way, all while complimenting her golden eyes.

Leaning against her throne was a tall, silver staff that radiated mana, the various gemstones embedded into the top pulsed with power, though not as much as the two women pining for the seated woman's attention.

The first was a tall, curvaceous pale skinned seductress dressed in a loose, flowing red robe, leaning against the seated woman's chest and whispering into her ear, all while she lifted up peeled grapes and fed the seated woman, enjoying the attention she received in return.

Braided red hair matched that of Horusa, who had grinned towards Kolia as we entered, and the beautiful wings that were folded over the curvy woman's back were being used to conceal herself from us as she looked towards us, covering her body as she glared over the feathered appendage.

Meanwhile, standing beside the throne and wearing a more serious expression was an equally tall, yet petite Birdkin that was grooming Horusa's wing, her white hair and obsidian eyes complimenting her chocolate skin and white feathers.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked towards us, before ignoring us entirely as she returned to grooming the Hawkkin Horusa's wing, the deep black feathers speckled with silver getting the most amount of attention that they could from the petite Birdkin.

"Ah, Arch Mage Kolia~! My my, it has been a long time my dear~! What brings you back?"

Horusa's voice was brimming with energy and enthusiasm, while her golden eyes sparked with interest as she looked towards me, adding "And a friend! How rare! The solitary snake found a companion~! Ah, and one I think I've heard of! Aren't you the new 'Lady Zara'~? Or her daughter, the one 'close' to the Princess?"

Giving the seated Hawkkin a slight curtsy, I replied "I am Katherine Zara. A pleasure."

"A pleasure indeed~! What brings you two to my humble little store~?"

Kolia snorted, shaking her head and saying "Horusa, this is anything but humble. Mana crystals just left lying about? Your definition of humble and my own are vastly different."

Chuckling, the Hawkkin just grinned before focusing on the bundle in my arms, asking "Then I suppose you're here for business then, and not a social call my dear snake~? What goodies have you brought to my Emporium, hmm~? They must be good if my daughter Amenti allowed you through. Bring them here, Lady Katherine."

Horusa helped the curvy red winged Birdkin off her lap before standing up, gently folding her wing back and beckoning me over, tapping an empty table nearby herself and saying "Show me then, Lady Katherine. I always enjoy seeing what new friends bring to my shop~! Hopefully its something good... or promising, at least. I think you'll find that good friends are hard to come by in this profession."

Holding out her hand, the silver staff leaning against the throne shooting towards her swiftly, making the Hawkkin smile softly as she tapped it to the flagstones below, bringing a few of the hovering flames over to better illuminate the table.

"Come come, lay them out. Let us see what you've brought for me today, Lady Katherine~!"


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