My Servant System

Chapter 703 702: Market Time (1)

Chapter 703 702: Market Time (1)

The next day, instead of hitting the books again right away, I took up the various weapons that I had enchanted and accompanied Kolia down into the city, the Serpentkin needing to purchase some different materials for herself as well as replenish her stock of empty notebooks and ink, not wanting to accrue a debt to the Empress or impose herself on the Royal Family; even after I asked if Arch Mages weren't eligible for the support of the woman who cultivated them, Kolia just shrugged and told me she wanted to be self sufficient as much as possible, even if she could have her materials paid for by the Empire.

Like she had mentioned before, the Serpentkin was rather prideful about her position and how she got to where she is, and a piece of that pride was that she had come from nothing.

"My family never had much growing up, and I didn't have that much mana inside my Core compared to now. I had to work as soon as I was able to, supporting my Mother while my Father worked the mines, and my sisters joined me not long after. I'm used to working for myself and caring for myself, and the principles I learned while I was poor and 'worthless' have stuck with me since then. I applied myself as much as I could, learned everything that I possibly could, pleaded with the local mages or soldiers to show me how I could improve... It took a lot for me to get where I am today, and I made sure that I paid back whatever was given to me."

She walked beside me as we made our way out of the Palace, everyone aware of our journey down to the markets.

"I don't despise the idea of accepting aid from those who want to provide it, but if I can do it myself, I would rather do it myself. I worked to bring myself out of poverty and give my parents a better life, while my sisters grasped whatever opportunities they could as well. Liako wasn't as magically attuned or magically driven as I was, but she loved to move and fight, so she joined the guard and eventually became an adventurer. As for my other sister, Aila, she found herself a good man and decided that would be her opportunity, raising her own clutch alongside her husband and enjoying the hectic, fulfilling, peaceful life of a housewife.

None of us have waited for things to happen, for life to hand out something excellent for us to take; we did it ourselves, and that helped me claw my way from just a random mage that got to peek around the Academy's libraries for a year to someone who now teaches at that Academy. Someone who is in a position that few could ever reach on their own..."

Kolia let out a sigh as she looked over the colorful Capital of the Empire, the sprawling city built into the side of Sanctus Ignacia bustling with activity and slowly beginning to swallow us up as we entered it from above.

"All of that aside, it is primarily just my pride keeping me from allowing the Empress to simply gift me materials over and over again, even if I am owed such as an Arch Mage. Just doesn't sit well with me. Besides, going out and interacting with the people and becoming known to some of the shopkeepers is invaluable. Remember, these are the lives that are relying on you to succeed against any threats. People who have never known combat, who want to be painters, dancers, butchers, cooks, musicians, merchants... Seeing them and being amongst them is refreshing. It reminds me of where I've come from and what I want to protect."

The Serpentkin grinned as she glanced at me, her slitted eyes filled with mirth as she added "Though I imagine you care little about this all; between the two of us, you are the more cold blooded, funnily enough~!"

I just raised a brow before focusing on our surroundings again as we entered the adventurers area, the market stalls changing from food, clothing and necessities to weapons, armor and materials for battle.

The people changed swiftly too; instead of colorful clothing and soft smiles, soft bodies and quiet chatter, we were surrounded by silver, bronze and steel armor, hardened expressions, scarred faces and muscular bodies, while the scent of the air changed from the delicious meat skewers to the acrid tang of ash and the distinct - yet subdued - metallic scent of blood.

Men and women perused the stalls and haggled with the merchants, who would occasionally gesture to the towering mountain of muscle beside them to intimidate and squash down on some of the more thuggish adventurers.

Public displays of lust weren't uncommon, some of the women clinging to stronger adventurers and whispering sultrily to them, with a few slipping into the alleys and finding a place out of sight to 'get to know one another', while the occasional shout or growl could be heard as the wrong women were touched, the offending adventurer finding themselves on the ground as the woman or her party put them down.

"It's the same everywhere... so very crass and stuffy. And yet... I can't get enough of this atmosphere. Come, let's go check out some of the better enchanting shops first. Those blades should be easy to get rid of; you did well with them, really. Should fetch some nice coin."

I nodded, still taking in the place I hadn't been to in months, marveling at how it had remained the same even after all that time; how it would likely remain this way for the next few months, the next few years... perhaps even the next few decades.

Zhu'Rong Caverns was never going to go away, and the Adventurers Guild that rented out the services of their members wasn't going to refuse the profits of those who needed hired muscle...

It was calming to know that this place would likely remain unchanged, even if I found it rather... crude and filled with idiots.

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