My breathing hitched in my throat as I laid sprawled on the ground, my left lung punctured by a blade while shards of bones cut into my right lung, making breathing one of the most painful things I had ever experienced.

Meanwhile my body was covered in deep gashes that allowed my blood to seep into the sand around me, bringing me to a new level of coldness that I never wanted to feel again, and I could only hiss as I felt the fractures in various bones around my chest and legs, with the worst being the broken ribs and the cracked, splintered tibia.

In fact, it was easier to count which bones weren't broken or damaged then it was to count the injuries, since I had taken so much damage over the last three or so minutes in pursuit of increasing my strength, and sadly that cost me quite a lot of pain.

So, so much pain...

I doubt that I would ever - in the near future - see this as a worthy 'trade' for the gains I have definitely made, but I couldn't complain about the increase that I certainly got.

Problem was my head felt like it was split in two, and honestly... knowing Lady Fenryas, there was a good chance that the punches she landed had actually cracked my skull, so... 


I had faith in the kind, soothing Lady D'Arcon though, and I was blessed that someone of her caliber was residing inside the Palace to help me get back to normal, since these wounds would take Leone and I a combined two or three days to heal properly.

Which sounded absurd when I thought back to my previous world; injuries that would take months, if not years to heal - some that would never heal - were all healed in mere moments thanks to the insane prowess that Lady D'Arcon wielded or the combined prowess that Leone and I could muster together.

That didn't mean it was infallible or perfect - far from it, actually, and that wasn't even considering the mental aspect of this all.

"Fen, you need to either tone it back or stop! She can't keep taking injuries as severe as this! Her body might go into-!"

The Demon Wolf in question just clicked her tongue as she pulled the sword free from my chest, forcing blood into the lung and making me cough as I tried to clear out the space needed for air, not liquids.

"Eh, if she wants to keep going, she can keep going. You're not the greatest healer in the Empire for nothing, Arc. Now fix her up and let the bitch decide for herself. Either outcome is great for you, isn't it~?"

My wounds gradually healed up, and I coughed out the remaining blood as I sat up, clutching at my stomach as I felt bile rise up as the metallic, coppery taste of blood permeated my mouth, my body's natural reaction to such a heavy amount of it rearing its ugly head.

"You want to keep going, pup, or are you done for the day? It's been a hour or so already, so not that bad... Oi, don't fucking hurl at my feet!"

Lady Fenryas jumped back a foot as I proceeded to empty the contents of my stomach into the sand, the injuries - while healed - still having an impact on my body as I barely managed to remain upright, only the aid of Lady D'Arcon keeping me from damaging myself further through anymore strain or convulsions.

That didn't make the few seconds of vomiting any better, though I was immensely grateful at the help of the holy woman as I slowly came back to normal, the unpleasant concoction on my tongue getting washed away as I summoned a sphere of water with a simple flick of my hand and submerged my face into it, cleaning off my lips and washing my mouth out, before summoning a new one to drink from.

"Tch... Yeah, you should cool it for a bit, pup. Hey! Uthgerd! C'mere you meathead!"

I winced as the Demon Wolf's shout made my head spin, my senses all out of wack as I gradually recovered from the wounds, my body slowly accepting that the wounds were gone and that I was actually healed and safe... though I imagine just seeing the Demon Wolf would make me shudder from now on.

A pale skinned, white haired Bearkin woman made her way over to the Demon Wolf who called her, the sweat covering her body causing her casual rough spun tunic to cling to her muscular frame, while the two fluffy ears on her head twitched as she asked "Lady Fenryas, how may I be of assistance?"

"Uthgerd, take the pup back to the Asmodia's room for me. Careful with her; she's been injured a few times. Head's not in the right spot. Make sure someone's in the room when you drop her off; that knife-ear or her Mother should be there, so make sure they get her and know to care for her. Got it?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Good... Arc, c'mere. Got a tad frustrated with the training of this pup... want to let those frustrations out."

The pale Bearkin lifted me off the ground gently and moved my arm to her waist, supporting me as best she could while keeping it gentle as she began to lead me away from the two - completely different - women who were flirting.

I remembered little from that walk back to the room, Uthgerd transporting me quickly to where I needed to be and handing me over to the Countess, who took me and guided me over to my bedroom, laying me on the bed and pressing her hands against my stomach, allowing her warm Fire Mana to spread over my body and begin healing me once again, comforting me further.

Mother went to go cook something nourishing for me as well, and I eventually drifted off into the blissful embrace of sleep as I crashed, my body demanding I reenergize through something so great like sleep.

Wonderful, wonderful sleep.

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