My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 124: New Devil Community and Youkai Faction?

--- Chapter 124 ---

Two days passed quickly after the second meeting.

Many things changed in the devil community as they now have a supreme leader, even higher than the four devil kings. The Devil God, Ars Goetia.

They could have used Huo Yuhao, but Serafall and other woman lord within the new council somewhat like Ars Goetia more because it sounds more intimidating.

Well, something like that.

Another topic would be clans that had too many corruption and evil deeds in the past 500 hundred years. The flawed flowers and roots were wiped out by Huo Yuhao, leaving new seeds that he assigned to rule over those clans.

For example, Bael, Naberius, and Paimon Clans were "instantly." reformed under Huo Yuhao's order. He told Grayfia to clean everything dirty inside out without leaving any witnesses, but everyone knew this was his doing.

The new Lord Bael is Magdaran Bael, the son of Kromael Bael.

Despite the influence of Kromael and Zekram, Magdaran is the complete opposite of them. He's a dedicated botanist having a deep fondness for plants and flowers, particularly the purple flowers that bloomed throughout the Bael city.

He doesn't even want the Lord's position. However, no one else wants to occupy it because Sairaorg is busy with his way to become immortal like those cultivators in the eastern fantasy novel.

Kalia Bael is now part of the Gremory Clan.

Venelana Bael had fallen into deep recovery because she forcibly broke the Slave Seal's contracts with her will. And it's not like Venelana will accept a position that makes her suffer for almost her entire life.

As for the Naberius and Paimon Clan, Huo Yuhao left them to Grayfia as he believed in her management skill.

That matter aside, Huo Yuhao now watched Sairaorg meditating on the training ground and ate french fries made by Grayfia. He has been waiting for Venelana to open her eyes and help Sairaorg to become more familiar with Spirit Energy.

"Enlightenment..." Sairoarg mumbled solemnly.

"The ultimate Dao, I shall attain it."

Huo Yuhao chewed his fries and commented, "What is this fool blabbering about there? I told him to sense Spirit Energy, not become immortal."

"Um... Can I sit here?" A sweet voice filled up Huo Yuhao's ears. It almost sounds like a fairy song or a type of ASMR voice.

Huo Yuhao changed his focus to the voice and saw a purple-haired girl in a white dress. This girl is Ingvild Leviathan, who just made her recovery, mostly related to her mental health.

Ingvild Leviathan is the original descendent of the Leviathan born in the human world. She's half human and half devil, allowing her to obtain Sacred Gear. Her Sacred Gear: Nereid Kyrie is rare because she can enslave Dragon-type creatures and races while also controlling the Sea.

Simply put, the Sacred Gears evolved with her Levithan's Lineage. And it's still progressing till this moment.

Zekram Bael said she was the one who rules over the Dragon Race, which is somewhat true to a certain extent. No way in hell Ingvild could control Ophis and Great Red. She only has the potential to do it.

Noticing her hopeful expression, Huo Yuhao smiled and replied, "Sure."

"How is your recovery?"

"Must be hard to be awakened by someone and told to fight shortly after."

"Well, yes." Ingvild giggled wryly.

"A lot of things changed when I got awakened from my sleep. Mostly dark as far as I remembered."

"Even then, thank you for saving me."

She sat beside Huo Yuhao with a slight blush and continued, "The Heart-Calming Candies also helped me a lot in the past two days, hehe."

Ingvild looked around for a moment and leaned more to Huo Yuhao's side. She sighed because of a relieving scent, and presence became closer to her again.

Maybe because Huo Uuhao saved her? Ingvild doesn't know the feeling in her heart.

Ingvild hummed and filled the training ground with her tone, calming even the small animals like squirrels and birds within one hundred meters. Her ability is so powerful with proper training.

"Y-Yuhao." She called out his name.

Huo Yuhao chuckled in amusement and returned, "Hmm, Yes? You finally called my name, Ingvild."

"I thought you detested me?"

Ingvild panicked and hurriedly said, "M-Me detested you? That's too pretentious for a timid girl like me! I-I'm just nervous because my mother said the man who hugged me most likely will become my husband in the future."

[Ingvild Leviathan's Loyalty has increased]

"W-We even had skinship before..."

"..." Huo Yuhao.

"I'm just checking your forehead yesterday to check if Zekram left his spiritual imprint on you."

[Ingvild Leviathan's Loyalty has increased]

"B-But you also kissed me." Ingvild covered her ripe tomato-like face.

"It's indirect..." Huo Yuhao sighed in defeat. A day ago, when healing Ingvild's mind from Slave Seal's influence, she indirectly drinks apple juice from his cup.

[Ingvild Leviathan's Loyalty has increased]

Ingvild pouted and mumbled, "It still counts..."

[Ingvild Leviathan's Loyalty has increased]

[You now could awaken Ingvild Leviathan's Martial Soul]

'Girl. You're delusional as fuck!' Tian Meng commented on Huo Yuhao's spiritual world. Even though Ingvild couldn't hear it, Huo Yuhao brushed off the worm's comments.

"How Adorable." Huo Yuhao finished his fries and stretched his body a little. He checked over the new skills he upgraded and developed in the last three days.

[New Trait's Section into Status] Evo notified him.

[Concepts: Destruction(10), Nullification(4), Tear(11), Stars(7), Dark Light(2)]

The Concept of Tear evolved from Belphegor Clan's ability, Crack. It allowed Huo Yuhao to create a crack/hole in anything he wanted, except something higher than himself.

It's a neat ability because Huo Yuhao could ignore one's defense and armor with this, allowing him to launch an attack at maximum damage.

As for the Concept of Stars, it's from Asmodeus Clan's Ability. Sadly, this clan never explores its full potential, but well understandable because Asmodeus Clan's members are either sick or too prideful.

And the last concept Huo Yuhao developed is Dark Light. Yes, it's the original Lucifer's well-known Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light, which could fight even the Divine Energy of a God.

The concept is simple.

Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light is Darkness that swallows the pure light of the world, harnessing the power to oppose natural order. Lucifer used his ability once to resist Huo Yuhao's Saber and negated the damage by a lot despite still getting injured.

In theory, the Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light could swallow everything because it has the same property as Dark Hole.

"Yuhao, I'm hungry..." Ophis suddenly jumped out of nowhere and landed on Huo Yuhao's lap. She hugged him and also patted her stomach to emphasize her world-level dilemma.

"This is the apocalypse."

"Where did you learn that word?" Huo Yuhao pulled Ophis's cheek, making the ouroboros dragon like a chubby glutton girl. "Oh well, it's lunchtime."

At a small garden, Huo Yuhao sat around a table and waited for Grayfia to come because she had been quite busy recently. She has to deal with the filths within the new devil community.

"Where is Kuroka?" Ophis searched for the black cat's presence.

After the second meeting, Kuroka went to the Gremory Clan and visited her younger sister. Ophis, who only watched and didn't involve herself with others, doesn't know about this.

Huo Yuhao stuffed Ophis's mouth with cheesecake and said, "She will be here soon. I can feel it."

"Eat this in the meantime."

"Is that so?" Ophis bit into the cake. Her eyes brightened because this was better than she expected. How could a block of mixed flour and cheese be this good?

Ingvild looked at the scenery and felt slightly jealous because she also wanted Huo Yuhao to feed her. She bet the taste of that cheesecake would be one thousand times better.

"Do you want some?" Ophis cut the cake and placed it on the plate for Ingvild. Cakes are to be shared, but candy is not.

Ingvild was dumbfounded and returned, "Eh, Are you sure?"

Ophis nodded and pushed the plate away, enjoying her pieces while staring at the sky. She seemed to be in a trance because of the new desert.

"I'm back, Nyaa~!" Kuroka returned a few minutes later and even brought Koneko with her.

Huo Yuhao smiled and observed Koneko, noticing nature's energy had started to increase in her body. Compared to weeks ago, Koneko could fight a stronger opponent now without getting burdened by her Senjutsu Mastery.

After all, Kuroka's name was "finally." cleaned from her Criminal Record two days ago. What a happy ending for both sisters, as Naberius Clan also compensated for their misdeed, giving Kuroka vast territory in the west.

With her current situation and wealth, Kuroka could become a noble like the other 72-pillar devil clans. Reviving Nekoshou Clan will be easier with Huo Yuhao on her side, but she said it would be too much of a hassle.

Not to mention Kuroka's mother has a connection with the Youkai Faction, which both Kuroka and Koneko have never visited.

Koneko is also against becoming noble, so they decided to turn the land into a vacation place for people in the future. It's a decently sized land of over 69 kilometers square with a spacious mountain range and twin lakes.

The lakes are somewhat fitting for Kuroka and Koneko.


Someone faked a cough while making her entrance.

"Welcome back, Fia." Huo Yuhao smiled at his maid.

Grayfia smiled back at him and replied, "Mm, I'm back, Yuhao-sama."



Oh yeah, Huo Yuhao and others are currently on a floating island on the edge of the Underworld. Since he doesn't want to stay in a crowded place like the capital city where Bael Clan belongs, he decides to apply floating magic on a random island.

He also reinforced the island with Primordial Runes in case some idiots try to barge in. And with Wood Manipulation supported by Water and Earth Manipulation, he could create a firm castle comfortable enough to stay in for a few weeks.

Inside one of the bedrooms, Huo Yuhao sat on the chair and watched over Venelana on the bed.

"Her condition isn't that bad, Devil God. She will be fine soon." Misla commented while handing a hot tea to him.

"Thanks." Huo Yuhao grabbed the cup.

"Yeah, Venelana is currently adjusting herself."

"The Slave Seal suppressed her freedom and demonic power to a certain degree. It seems that Kromael and Zekram want to limit her growth so that she doesn't grow too much for them to handle."

"Smart and Stupid move for them, to be honest."

Misla giggled and replied, "I have to agree with that."

"Still, what are you going to do now? As far I know, you already have Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels on your side."

Huo Yuhao sipped the tea and responded, "About that?"

"Hmm, I kind of want to attack Hades."

"The God of Death..." Misla was speechless inside. However, realizing she was serving Devil God makes her realize his desire to conquer is no joking matter. Even though she didn't attend the last meeting, Misla debuted to the public as a benevolent devil lady who got exiled by her husband.

She returned to the Vapula House and took over the business, helping Huo Yuhao to gather everyone's good opinions about him.

However, to attack the Realm of the Deaths. They needed a lot of resources. Not saying the new council isn't stable, but they haven't prepared for the clash.

"Yuhao, is that you?" Venelana opened her eyes slowly.

Huo Yuhao grabbed Venelana's hand and replied, "Yeah, I'm here."

Venelana smiled weakly and asked, "Am I a good woman?"

"Yes, you are." He returned gently, making the smile on Venelana's face bloom even more,

[You have accepted Venelana Bael as your subordinate]

[Venelana Bael's loyalty has increased tremendously]

[You now could awake Venelana Bael's Martial Soul]

"Y-Yuhao, Do you think..." Venelana's whisper sounded small.

Huo Yuhao gently caressed Venelana's hair away from her pale face and said, "Have a good rest first. Let's talk about that matter later."

"O-Okay..." Venelana felt relieved because Huo Yuhao didn't push her like before. She cried in happiness inside.

Misla sighed when seeing this. They are lucky Huo Yuhao appeared at the right time and saved both of them from the Bael Clan. If not, she wouldn't be awake from the sleeping disease, and Venelana will suffer more than this.

'Devil Lord is such a blessing, fufu~!' Misla thought while covering her mouth with a fan.



On the other side of the world, Youkai Faction.

A beautiful lady with pale blonde hair and some pinkish shade sat on the leader's chair. She possessed an extreme charm beyond this and a body that could make one droll. Nine fluffy tails swayed around her, indicating her position in the room.

"Hao'er is doing a good job there." The woman whispered in amusement.

"He caught quite a decent amount of ladies' hearts."

"You seem to be in a good mood, Goddess Huo." A woman with the same amount of fox tail. She's the leader of the West Youkai Faction, Yasaka.

Yasaka is a young woman with a voluptuous figure, long blonde hair, and matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features, and her hair is usually tied in a loose ponytail, reaching down to her legs that end in a spiral, with bandages to keep it in place. She usually wears a traditional Shrine Maiden attire with a white coat(Haori) over that, held closed by a red ribbon and a golden crown.

"Well, my son is handsome. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Huo Yun'er returned casually.

"Anyway, how is your study? You read everything, right?"

Yasaka blushed because she was required to read so many erotic novels by the author named EAY. It's teaching her how to behave as a noblewoman in public and the bedroom.

"Mommy~!" A small child with a resemblance to Yasaka appeared in the room. Her name is Kunou, Yasaka's daughter.

Kunou hugged Yasaka and said, "Mommy, Mistress. Lady Amaterasu has arrived at the shrine."

"Should I invite her in?"

Huo Yun'er rested her head on the chair and said, "Tell her to crawl here..."

"This is time for a lesson. My little goddess disciple needs to learn a lot."

"Don't you think so, Yasaka?" Her voice is sweet and alluring, even for a woman like Yasaka.

Yasaka reddened slightly and whimpered, "Y-Yes, Goddess Huo."

"Tell the little girl to come here quickly." Huo Yun'er smirked faintly.

"My son needs the best service in this world."

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