My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 440 - Departure, The Invisible Benefits of Being An Oracle!

Chapter 440: Departure, The Invisible Benefits of Being An Oracle!

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the wasteland, a lot could be accomplished in a day.

Without electronic devices to kill time, the day felt much longer, and much more time became available for doing things.

Su Mo sent off the Tundra Fleet, developed new vehicles, copied the operating system, and installed the screen analysis system.

After all this had been completed, it was still only three in the afternoon.

At this time, the sun was still high in the sky.

After the difficulty of accumulating charges during the early stages, the battery power of the Sun-chaser Speedboat also gradually increased, and it was now at 16%, something which pleased Su Mo greatly.

Based on the OS’s computations, 16% was enough for the speedboat to run for four hours at a cruising speed of 40 knots.

In other words, during the course of sailing, the battery power would not decrease but would always keep increasing instead. This was truly a shockingly amazing piece of technology!

After making sure that the camera was adjusted, Su Mo boarded Hope One once again.

This time, instead of packing up, he sat in the conference room, pressed his Bluetooth headset, and summoned the higher-ups on board.

These were Zhang Long and Liu Neng, the two chief sailors in charge of the crew’s daily discipline.

There was also Connie and Moore, the two respective first and third mates who were responsible for heading and handling the training for the foreign clans, as well as the ship’s safety.

There was Oreo, the only “crew member” that Su Mo would bring on this trip.

Then there was Su Chan, and Shen Ke, who was responsible for covertly protecting her.

Even though Su Mo wanted to be at ease when he departed, currently there were a lot of things he was “concerned” about as the “Su Mo Group” was now bigger!

Despite this being the first time he had officially called a meeting, his imposing air of authority meant that everyone showed up in no time at all.

Less than three minutes later, Su Chan and Shen Ke came in, laughing and joking. After they closed the door, there were now seven people in the meeting room, not counting Su Mo.

After everyone sat down, Su Mo immediately brought up the main topic of today’s meeting.

“Lhave to leave the ship for about… two days. I’ll be taking Oreo with me. Everyone else will stay on the ship and keep order.”

Su Mo coughed lightly. When no one raised objections, Su Chan included, he nodded slightly and advanced to the next point.

As far as ordinary survivors were concerned, he was the Almighty Su who could do anything.

To his subordinates, he was even more imposing.

No one would question the decisions he made, even if they were wrong, and everyone would go along with them.

This was a good thing; at the same time, it was also bad.

At the very least, though, everyone trusted him!

“After I leave, all floors above the main deck will be locked. Aside from the few of you, no one else can come up. Everyone is only allowed to utilize the first floor for their activities.

“During this period, my hope is that no one will discover that I’ve left the ship. All of you are also under strict orders of secrecy; you are not to tell the others about my departure.”

“Very welll”


Zhang Long and Liu Neng nodded, signaling their acceptance of these orders.

“Connie, keep an eye on our… foreign clans. You and Moore will take turns to observe their condition.

“If anything unusual crops up, don’t hesitate—kill them at once. We’ll discuss what should be done in the long run after I come back.”

The others did not know what Su Mo meant by “foreign clans”, but Connie and Moore, who witnessed the entire operation from start to end, understood perfectly.


Both lion and bear said nothing; they just nodded slowly.

“The ship doesn’t need to wait here for me. I’ll adjust the settings so that it will continue sailing ahead. I’ll locate you after I’ve finished what I need to do.

“During this period, I’ll also program the OS so that the ship will detour around all our enemies!”

After voicing the last point, Su Mo met the questioning gazes in everyone’s eyes. Wiping the serious expression off his face, he chuckled.

“Go ahead, what other questions do you have?”

Su Chan raised her hand. “I have some doubts. As far as I can see, we don’t have another modern conveyance, and without Hope One, you have no guarantee of speed and safety. This doesn’t meet… Uh, it’s not in accordance with the rules for the captain’s safety!”

‘Where Su Chan had obtained these so-called rules for the captain’s safety was anyone’s guess.

Looking at everyone’s expressions, it was evident that they thought so as well.

Su Mo paused briefly, but after that, he suddenly rapped on the table.

The Sun-chaser Speedboat had not been in his possession long enough yet. The sun was hot at noon, and no one had looked down from the deck either.

Naturally, everyone was not yet aware of the speedboat’s existence.

“Alright, it seems that all of you are taking issue with this. How about this—T’ll give you a tour.

“You’ll be the first ones to board it besides me!”

Su Mo stood up and pushed open the conference room door, then took the lead and headed down.

The others, naturally, followed in step after him.

‘A few moments later, as the crowd crossed the walkway below and reached Hope One’s hatch to the estuary, the Sun-chaser Speedboat gradually came into view.

At thirteen meters or more in size, the speedboat could hold twenty to thirty people easily, much less eight people.

“Holy sh*t, I didn’t see this yesterday…”

“This looks absolutely amazing! It’s just that it’s not decorated inside, otherwise, it’d be so comfortable!”

“If only it were a bit longer!”

“Yes, if it were a little longer and a little wider, it’d be very comfortable!”

“What? Comfortable? It can’t be too big—you can’t have just one person rolling around on their own in all that space, can you now!”



Listening to the conversation that had gone slightly awry, Su Mo, who was walking in front of them, coughed lightly once again.

In terms of luxury, the Sun-chaser was indeed a far cry from Hope One.

Even the cabins were empty.

However, after experiencing the feeling of being on a speedboat as well as how fast it could go, Su Chan had no more questions.

Su Mo had a magic carpet that could fly, and this speedboat was very fast.

The number of threats that might jeopardize Su Mo’s safety was… zero!

Ordinary foreign clans simply could not match the Sun-chaser’s speed. If powerful foreign clans besieged Su Mo, he could also immediately abandon the speedboat and fly away. It was not a problem at all.

Now that the disasters had come to a halt, as long as Su Mo did not court death on his own, it would be very difficult for him to die.

“Let’s go back up!

“Tm leaving later after dinner at six o’clock. I’d be grateful if you could take the time and help me move some things.”

Su Mo led everyone back onto Hope One. At his command, everyone dispersed.

On Hope One, logistics were not a problem given its massive warehouse.

Once he was on the ocean, though, freshwater, food, weapons, supplies… all of these would become problems.

Even if Su Mo were alone, he would also have to bring a sufficient amount of food, in case something unforeseen happened and he was stranded at a location without resources.

While the others moved things down from Hope One onto the speedboat, Su Mo was also not idle.

The day before the closing of the trading market, the items that the officials had traded were not limited to the communication devices and the certificate sent by Lu Yongyi.

The biggest gift from the officials was something that was hard to come by in the wasteland


This knowledge was not in the form of complete books, but its value was far more precious than any number of books.

All of this knowledge came from those scientific scholars of the civilized era, who had written it down according to their own memories.

Not only that, the fields of knowledge involved were even more terrifying. Essentially, all the common subjects were included as well.

These documents were not as thorough as textbooks. However, after evaluating them with the system, Su Mo was stunned to discover that their accuracy was maintained at a terrifying 99.9% or more.

In other words, all the scholars put their entire focus into writing these documents because they were afraid that there might be errors.

For this journey, Su Mo was equipped with the bonus attributes that the Oracle Experience Card came with, and he did not want them to go to waste.

Therefore, after some picking and choosing, he took with him all the manuals involving mechanical, aerospace, and biological knowledge.

Although their volume was 1.5 cubic meters in total, Su Mo was confident that he could read through all of them and even maintain a general impression of them in his mind!

With this knowledge, there was hope that the basin would be developed well in the future, and the information contained within would also become the best way to improve his individual ability.

At five in the afternoon, the chefs on Hope One had already finished preparing everyone’s meals.

As Su Mo walked down to the crew deck, he joked and laughed with everyone, then ate his last meal before his departure.

After receiving the news that the deck would be closed after six o’clock and Su Mo would be embarking on an experiment, all the crew members were surprisingly non-social. They did not even think of going up to the deck to let off some steam after eating.

All of them cleaned their dishes at the same time and went back to their sleeping quarters. They then continued to study the design blueprints of the basin area.

Su Mo nodded in approval at this change in them and smiled.

“Tm leaving. After I’ve gone, try to stay around Shen Ke and Moore at all times.

“Be sure to prioritize your personal safety. Even if Hope One is lost, make sure you survive!”

On the deck, everyone else had retreated, leaving only Su Mo and Su Chan.

“Alright. You should also be careful, Big Brother. Make sure you come back safely!”

“Don’t worry. After I handle this, nothing in this wasteland will be a threat to us!”

Something glistened briefly in Su Mo’s eyes as he touched Su Chan’s head. He then ruthlessly discarded all his personal feelings.

After taking two steps forward, he leaped down from the bow of the ship.

In the next second, as Su Chan watched, a magic carpet magically appeared underneath Su Mo. It absorbed the impact of the fall and transported him to the Sun-chaser Speedboat.


‘With a humming sound, the Sun-chaser started up, then fell silent again.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Su Mo glanced at the setting sun and the display, which showed that the speedboat was already 50% charged. Immediately, he said aloud, “OS, navigation point four. Avoid all living creatures and depart at cruising speed.”

{Captain Su Mo, automatic navigation is activated. Estimated sailing time… 18 hours and 50 minutes]

(Have a nice trip]

Hope One’s engine needed to rest for one hour after every four hours, but the Sun-chaser Speedboat had no such requirements.

At cruising speed around the clock, it would only take 18 hours to successfully reach the ruins, which meant that Su Mo would arrive there at one in the afternoon the next day.

Su Mo nodded and confirmed his captain’s authority again. A light flashed, and the autopilot system began to take over the Sun-chaser.

‘When the operating system was controlling the boat, its linear acceleration was much more stable than manual steering. Su Mo did not feel the boat accelerating at all when he was on it.

The speed of the boat picked up. Su Mo looked back at Hope One, which was sailing on the ocean behind him like a behemoth, and waved imperceptibly.

As if there was a telepathic connection between them, Hope One slowly began to move as well.

As both vessels were sailing very fast, the distance between them was covered in no time.

By the time Su Mo wanted to take a good look again, Hope One had already disappeared into the shadow of the setting sun.

“Ah, this damned wasteland really doesn’t allow me to be at peace at any time.

“If only I had more time~”

Su Mo walked back to the cabin, which had been renovated by Zhang Long. He smiled while turning on the light and casually picked up the book next to him.

He was armed with knowledge and an earnest desire to learn.

The mysterious domain that he had not dared to peek into previously had now finally opened up a small window for him.

Iron Man’s armor, bio-prosthetic technology, central energy towers, all-terrain close combat vehicles.

Su Mo was just starting out now, but through these thick tomes, he could already see

The future!

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