My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 426 - The Road Ahead, New Life, Rewards Until The End!

Chapter 427: Super Privilege, The Rise of The Humans!

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Those three options might just be a small enhancement to any ordinary person.

During his discussion with the game previously, Su Mo did mention that rewards should be given in tiers based on the players’ performances.

At the time, Adam tried to protect himself, so it was obvious that he did not want to agree to that condition.

At first, Su Mo thought that the Wasteland was overpopulated with players, and hence, affected the balance.

However, as Su Mo watched the three abilities labeled in purple, a smile slowly formed on his face.

[Record]: Player Su Mo, please choose one of the three abilities below.

[Record]: Ability One: Haste

Unlocks the hidden talent in the body to unleash the potential of the body’s physique, delivering more oxygen and ATP to muscle groups, increasing the body’s explosive power similar to that of a leopard. After acquiring the ability, there are two types of enhancements—active and passive.

Passive: Explosive power increased by 20%

Active: After activation, all bodily properties are increased by 60%, explosive power increased by 120%, and strength is increased by 200% for 180 seconds. When the duration ends, the body will be weakened for 15 minutes. This ability has a 6-hour cooldown.

[Record]: Ability Two: Animal Whisperer

This is a passive ability. After acquiring the ability, the player will obtain the favor of most animals and possess the ability to telepathically communicate with animals.

Note: You can choose this ability only if you have a pure heart. Or else, not only will you not gain the favor of animals, they will turn hostile instead and increase your chances of getting attacked.

[Record]: Ability Three: Research Talent

This ability can be employed actively or passively. However, the side effects of employing this ability actively will be severe, so please choose carefully.

Passive: Focus increased by 15%, learning ability increased by 30%, chance to obtain inspiration when facing a problem increased by 15%, comprehension and application ability chance increased by 20%

Active: Unlocks the power of the brain after activation, quickly analyzing and studying the problem at hand. Efficiency increases exponentially with time.

Note: There is no limit nor cooldown to this ability. However, according to each person’s physique, there will be a possibility of “burnout” with long-term activation of this ability’. Minor effects manifest as loss of consciousness, massive breakdown of nerve cells, and signs of “mental retardation’. Major side

effects manifest as permanent brain death that cannot be treated.

The game described the three abilities in detail.

The first ability was the favorite among warmongers. Fifteen minutes of weakness could be exchanged for three minutes of becoming a real man. Besides, its cooldown was just six hours, so not only could they use it to fight, but they could also utilize this ability to assault fortified defenses.

The second ability was Su Chan’s current ability. However, compared to her abilities, there was a limitation to this ability-the ability that enabled other animals to hear the user’s thoughts. Even though this was not a fatal flaw in the skill, it greatly reduced its value.

The third ability was one that people would not pick whilst on the wasteland.

Before they could solve the problems with their livelihood, choosing research and development would be no different from a centenarian eating arsenic because he was tired of living for so long!

Even after they had already settled down on the wasteland, this ability did not have that much value to most ordinary people.

As for its side effects, even Su Mo had goosebumps as he glanced through its description.

The thing was, once a person entered that state, it would be very hard to know what condition their body was in at that moment and whether they could bear the burden of their current state.

Similar to those teens who were addicted to online games, many of them died while they were in the middle of a game. Even up until the moment they died, they did not even feel any symptoms at all.

Besides, there was also an additional enhancement to focus. As long as the user did not study too much, the user could unlock an achievement that said, “Study To Your Death, As Long As You Do Not Die.”

“As for the first ability, I won’t be fighting that much in the future. Even if I do, I’d only be engaging from afar. My time for close-quarters combat has passed.

“Su Chan has the second ability already. If I take it, our powers would only overlap and not gain much from it.”

As he muttered to himself, Su Mo noticed that there were only thirty seconds left on the clock, so he shook his head and chose the third reward.

The next second, the prompt for the second ability faded away, the effects of Research Talent began to take effect. A slightly peculiar sensation began to get transmitted and channeled within Su Mo’s brain.

Because of that, Su Mo’s brain, that was slightly muddled from a day’s sleep deprivation, suddenly felt like the grey clouds in the sky had suddenly parted and a ray of golden sunshine shone through. It felt like he had “seen the light” all of a sudden!

Questions and mysteries that he had never managed to figure out before this suddenly made sense, and all those little details that had gotten lost in his memory slowly resurfaced in his mind.

With just a little thought, Su Mo realized that he could remember how much he ate just a while ago and the order in which he ate them.

“My goodness, and these are its effects before I even employ it actively. It already has such amazing powers.

“If I can use the active ability for a long period and couple it with the Mind Ring, then it would be like the NZT-48 in the movie ‘Limitless’!”

Su Mo was different from the kings of the past who simply studied balance and control.

On this wasteland, he did not forget that he had to improve himself!

He knew that the biggest reason why humans could take over the world and even travel through space was because of knowledge.

As for the mysterious space humans, they could envision the fourth dimension and master the rules that governed the three dimensions because they had accumulated a certain degree of knowledge!

To abandon the essence of humanity was equal to handing all progress on human civilization over to someone else.

Su Mo had always tried to unravel this problem and get rid of that uncomfortable feeling in his gut. However, thankfully, he managed to find a shortcut and did it in just a short amount of time!

“Su Mo, this ability is just amazing!

“Now I believe in that adage, ‘when there’s a will, there’s a way. With this reward, I won’t have to worry at all about going into the ocean!”

Nobody knew what Lu Yongyi’s reward was. Yet, seeing the excitement on his face, everyone was able to somehow guess what he chose based on the rewards they obtained.

However, before the uproar could even begin, the humans ‘ third platinum-level disaster reward appeared on their panels once more!

[Record]: The distribution of the second platinum-level rewards has ended, all players who have not chosen their rewards will be awarded the first option by default. They will obtain an enhancement in body physique, and gain an ability at random.

[Record]: Distribution of the third platinum-level reward, “Lucky Star” begins.

[Record]: Please choose between the two rewards below within three minutes.

[Record]: Option One: Gambler’s Luck

This ability lasts for sixty natural days, the ability count will be refreshed every day at eight o’clock in the morning.

After using this ability, players can list out the tasks that they would want to complete for the day.

According to the players’ abilities and the difficulty of the task, calculations will be done by eight o’clock at night and players will obtain a lucky bag that is designated to the player.

The more tasks the player completes, the better the rewards in the lucky bag will be.

Note: The items in the lucky bag are not fixed every time. The types of items that are included but not limited to are food, materials, items, weapons, and others. Lucky bags cannot be traded and lucky bags can only be opened by the player it is bound to.


[Record]: Option Two: Conquering Star

This ability lasts for sixty natural days, the ability count will be refreshed every day at nine o’clock in the morning (only players who have received the protection of v3 shelters and above can use this ability).

After using this ability, players can check the tasks under “Gambler’s Luck’ of all the players bound to a shelter.

Based on the difficulty of the “Gambler’s Luck” tasks completed by players who are considered subordinates, calculations will be done by nine o’clock at night and players will obtain a lucky bag that is designated to the player.

The greater the task completion rate of the subordinate players, the better the rewards in the lucky bag will be.

Note: Players can choose the type of rewards they want from the lucky bag. For example, design blueprints, weapons, building blueprints, resources, and many more. Lucky bags can only be opened by the player they are bound to.

Compared to the previous rewards that were easily understood, this third platinum-level disaster reward sounded a little confusing, perhaps even hard to understand.

To players who had played Teamfight Tactics on earth, this reward might have brought them a sense of familiarity and belonging.

As for the second option, “Conquering Star’, it was obvious that this reward was not meant for them.

Thus, to the typical survivors, all they needed was Gambler’s Luck.

Rewards from Gambler’s Luck were very simple.

There were only two important things about it-you only needed to wake up in the morning and assign yourself a task.

For example, if you wanted to cut down ten trees, then if cutting down ten trees was an easy task according to the game’s judgment, a normal reward would be given for completing the task.

If you wanted to improve your bounty, that was also possible.

Even though the task said to cut down ten trees, you could work the entire day and end up cutting down hundreds to thousands of trees. Then, the game would consider that as a high-difficulty task and the lucky bag you were given might contain a rare-level reward.

Of course, you could just assign yourself a difficult task from the get-go and get similar rewards upon completion.

After a few players explained the entire description via the bullet screen, the lack of understanding no longer affected their decision even though some older players did not quite understand it fully.

It was confusing but these rewards went by faster than the two previous ones.

In just thirty seconds, everyone made their decision. Then, with much anticipation, they turned their gaze toward the final, grand prize…


The ocean version of privileges and the prediction of the three disasters might just be the reasons that so many people survived.

‘Whether it was going to be the development of ocean-related titles or battles against the tsunami in the future, it was obvious that these privileges would be very impactful in the future.

At this very moment, after the final battle and under the witness of many, the game finally presented the final reward to everyone.

[Record]: Thank you to all players from the human faction for your efforts in maintaining a state of fairness during the game. The game has always been firm in rewarding good behaviors and punishing misconduct. Not only is this privilege a reward to humankind, but it is also a form of punishment for the

foreign races.

[Record]: According to the details in our discussion with the human leader, Su Mo, and by judging the current state of the wasteland, this privilege will be awarded in two forms.

[Record]: Privilege One: Abundance

This privilege takes into consideration the reduction in the number of humans due to the current loophole and will make adjustments to the environment and preferential treatment in disaster resistance.

‘When the actual version of the game is applied:

The severity of the disaster will be reduced to 60% for players located between 1000-5000 kilometers of the New World.

The severity of the disaster will be reduced to 40% for players located between 5000-10000 kilometers of the New World.

The severity of the disaster will be reduced to 20% for players located further than 10000 kilometers of the New World!

This privilege lasts for 180 natural days. After it expires, the severity of the disaster will be adjusted to the default in the survival version of the game.

[Record]: Privilege Two: Pioneers

This privilege takes into consideration the brave souls among humans. All players that arrive at the New World after thirty natural days will have this privilege selected by default.

The properties of this privilege will be activated after the game has been updated.

Note: This privilege lasts for 210 natural days. Once a player leaves New World, it will lose its effect.


‘As expected, after the reward that Su Mo fought the game for two whole hours descended upon them…

Starting from the Tundra Ocean, every survivor could not resist the excitement and emotion in their hearts as they ran amok!

Their mouths screamed meaningless musical notes while they danced to an unknown rhythm.

They pounded the ground ina frenzy; they ran around in excitement and hugged each other as their faces were soaked in tears.

However, it was no longer the cries of hopelessness nor anguish.

Their madness was no longer because of confusion or doubt.

From today onward, humans were no longer a race without roots that had to wander wherever their goals led them!

These humans were from the solar system located on the makeshift arm of the Orion constellation in the Milky Way at the very tip of the Laniakea Supercluster.

They were finally taking root!

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