Chapter 410: Welcome…The Almighty Su!

Dong dong dong dong!

In the skies, the succession of sonic booms rumbled and echoed.

The sonic booms birthed rings of clouds that were evidently visible in the pitch-black night.

High up in the skies, twelve spots of light shone and magnified by fivefold—all within a matter of seconds at an astonishing speed.

The light was intensely brilliant and eye-piercing.

Yet at this instance, no one evaded the “warmth” brought upon by the brilliance.

All the while, the tsunami was still churning aggressively.

Yet, compared to the twelve meteors in the skies, the tsunami’s magnificence faded in comparison.

Ignoring the foreign clans, the survivors collectively clung onto one raft ferry, lying face down on all fours on the deck as they glued themselves onto the wooden surface.

There were a few murmurs of a chant at first. Soon, the chant resonated be heard in the realm, “God bless Huaxia! God bless mankind!”

The chants were few at first; insignificant when compared to the roars of the tsunami. However, the chants were soon resounded by the hundreds of thousands that joined along.

The chants echoed even miles away—resembling a temple bell that chimed every morning—and traversed into the hearts of all living beings within the region.

The foreign clans that were still in the middle of restoring poked their heads out too and saw the twelve meteors.

Several leaders of the foreign terrestrial clan seemed to know what was going on. Amongst the crowd, they roared as they tried to warn the others.

Yet, the commotion outside drowned their warnings. Only several who were close enough managed to capture portions of their warnings.

“Golden Lion King? Live broadcast? Super weapons?”

“Everyone will die? Golden Lion King, or was it Golden Su?”

“We have been tricked? What trick? What is going on?”

The ordinary members of foreign clans did not have a core.

Even if the leaders of the foreign clans tried to issue warning signals via the Regional Channel, it was already too late.

Amidst the commotion, all the ordinary members could catch were portions of sentences that were interrupted midway. They scratched their heads trying to make sense of things—the word “confused” was imprinted onto their faces.

As they were vaporized, their confused looks would also be…

Their final expression!


Bzz, bzz, bzz…

Boom, boom, boom…


Rockets were different from missiles; rockets would gain more velocity along their path as they gradually depleted the fuel they brought along.

Initially, a rocket would have a velocity of two Mach at launch. At the end of its flight, it might accelerate all the way up to four Mach!

Counting by the seconds, every R-1 rocket would achieve an impressive velocity of 1.3 km/s!

The frightening velocity of the rockets gave their targets no time to react as the twelve meteors landed.

The radius of impact was controlled and monitored by the Defense Master. The twelve rockets were not aimed to maximize their damage; rather, they were strategically launched to maximize…


Only five of the rockets landed at the area where most of the foreign races were concentrated at. The rest had exploded on the perimeters, claiming only a small portion of the foreign race.

Despite this, mankind had previously sacrificed two hundred thousand men to only exterminate sixty thousand members of the foreign race. This blow, on the other hand, took out more than seventy thousand!

The foreign races were previously so fearsome with the twelve hundred thousand forces that they had amassed. After the rocket blast, there were barely… thirty thousand left in their army!

Moreover, the impact from the rocket blast had magnified the intensity of the tsunami’s turbulence by four times over!

The few who did not prepare beforehand and were in close proximity of the blast were immediately tossed onto the surface of the sea.

The originally “gentle” seawater became as hard as cement when the impact increased its momentum, killing all the foreign races immediately the second they were struck.

The humans had secured themselves firmly in place onto the raft ferries and decks. Despite the chain of aggressive motions that rocked the ships, the humans had suffered no accidents.

The fire that ignited from the explosion did not subside as it raged on the seas. The fire caught up with wooden boats of the foreign clans—starting a second fiery disaster!

In a split second, time seemed to have crept to sunset, where the sun would soon touch the horizons. It was now time to sound the call to charge!

“My brothers… charge!”

“It’s finally time… to beat up these miserable dogs!”

“We will spare those who surrender! Lay down your arms and we will spare you!’

“If you’re on our side, don’t run around. Duck and brace yourself. Be careful to not get caught in the crossfire!”

The explosion erupted behind where the foreign races’ army was.

The raft ferries transporting hostages and Tundra One that was at the frontline of the battle did not suffer any major damage.

Even Ying Tianlong and his three hundred warriors merely suffered minor abrasions. They had not secured themselves beforehand and were tossed around—knocking onto objects on the ship—and got some superficial wounds.

At the same time, Lu Yongyi on Tundra One blared his trumpet. Now bubbled with panic, the foreign races looked up.

Within their eyesight, the body of Tundra One that once seemed empty was now gushing with nearly hundreds of murlocs.

Worse still, all of them were gripping onto… guns!

Bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

Tat… tat…


The three distinct cracks from the different gunshots blended surprisingly well in harmony.

In a matter of seconds, an orchestra of gunfire and bloodshed rang through the surface of the sea.

Some of the foreign races who previously threatened humans on the raft ferries did not manage to escape in time. As the humans crouched down and aimed their guns at them, they became organic target practice for shooting.

Following two more barrages of assault, the ships in the Tundra Fleet’s direction begin to advance.

This time, the survivors’ sole purpose was…

To counterattack!

The deafening blare to charge was answered by the ships—advancing forward like predators prowling onto their prey. The survivors swapped their long-range weapons for iron spears and swords.

The rescued hostages reached into thin air and retrieved weapons. They too had joined the frontline of the assault!

The firepower of Tundra One overwhelmed the foreign races. They had barely recovered from the twelve meteors’ devastating damage before getting diced into lumps of unrecognizable flesh by the frenzied humans.

The tenacious morale of mankind was strong. Despite having received enhancements, the foreign races were like feeble chicks—incapable of resisting.

The foreign races ran as humans chased after them. They… were trying to escape the catastrophe!

Within an hour, the Tundra fleet had only paid the price of five hundred casualties to miraculously destroy more than ten thousand of the foreign races.

Only twenty thousand of the foreign races remained. The immense pressure from the assault made two thousand surrender while another three thousand chose to run and escape in various directions.

The final fifteen thousand chose to cluster up together, forming a crude line of defense against the humans’ attacks.

The assault had nearly depleted all ammunition and gunpowder available on the ships.

Facing the makeshift defense of the foreign race, Lu Yongyi kept his cool and calmly instructed all human survivors. He asked them to form a circle and surround all of the foreign races within.

These humans were once their prey. Now, the tables had turned.

The foreign races knew that they were…


On the other front of the battle, Ying Tianlong did not manage to escape along with his three hundred warriors either.

They had intended to escape at the very beginning of this battle, only to find themselves surrounded. The angry Liu Neng and Zhang Long had brought along five hundred men to intercept Ying Tianlong.

Comparing the humans and the foreign warriors, it seemed like the latter had more capacity to defend themselves.

However, Zhang Long’s casual announcement dissuaded any intention to fight back. “Besides Ying Tianlong, we’ll spare the rest. Surrender half of your supplies and you’ll be spared from the punishment of death alone.”

With barely any resistance, the foreign races chose to surrender themselves.

Once tied up, Zhang Long surged with rage. He shot two of the beasts that had tortured the hostages. Realization struck the warriors that they were deceived.

“Yeah, I lied. So what? Did you really think humans would honor their words with animals?”

Disdainfully, Zhang Long watched the anger subside from their face and replaced by dismay.

Zhang Long laughed mockingly as he beckoned for others to watch over these animals while he dragged Ying Tianlong up to Tundra One.

“Shelter Leader Lu, I’ve brought you the old dog, Ying Tianlong!”

Lu Yongyi was standing at the bow of the ship as he examined the foreign races’ defensive front.

Zhang Long gleefully hurled Ying Tianlong, now bound in ropes, across the deck with a loud thud.

Even with aching pain, Ying Tianlong merely stared blankly to his front with a pair of eyes that had lost their spark. It was as if he had accepted his fate.

However, his “guise” did not last for long.

Ying Tianlong realized Lu Yongyi kept his eyes trained ahead and ignored him completely. In less than five minutes, Ying Tianlong gave up on his guise and broke out into a roar.

“Lu Yongyi, Lu Yongyi, it’s all your fault!

“You killed these people. These people are dead because of you, and not me, Ying Tianlong!

“It’s you, this is all because of you!

“If it wasn’t for Qiu Xinghuo, you’d never have become the leader of Tundra Shelter. These people respect me. I’m the one they should be worshipping!”

Ying Tianlong rambled on; his words were incoherent.

The sight of Lu Yongyi’s silhouette in front of him infuriated and filled his eyes with resentment and anger.

He struggled hard in his bonds. The ropes were cutting into his flesh but he barely realized it.

Sadly, Lu Yongyi did not even utter a word nor turned his back after hearing Ying Tianlong’s roars.

Besides the jeers that came from the deck, Lu Yongyi did not react at all, as though no one was talking to him. His gaze was affixed forward in full attention as he deliberated the situation.

In dealing with a madman, arguing along would merely descend you to the same level as them.

Ignoring them, however, would infuriate them instead; leaving them stomping their feet but to no avail.

Ying Tianlong continued his insanity for five minutes before finally stopping to take a breath. He was like a beast in a frenzy that was panting in hollow breaths.

“Tired? I thought you’ll be able to shout for another five minutes more? Is this all that you’ve got?”

Mockingly, Lu Yongyi finally turned around.

As Lu Yongyi finished his sentence, the deck erupted in laughter. The tense atmosphere instantaneously became cheerful and lively.

“For real, Ying Tianlong. Xinghuo may have emasculated you, but now I… Lu Yongyi, express my gratitude from the depths of my heart.

“Did you know? If you hadn’t appeared and bought us time, humans would’ve lost two-thirds of their population. I might’ve perished here in the seas too.

“I’m thankful for you. No, we’re thankful for you. We’re sincerely thankful for your contribution!

“Even though you’ve made countless mistakes in your early life, we can’t deny that this last contribution of yours is splendid!”

Lu Yongyi passed the telescope that he held to a crew member standing nearby.

With a kind expression, he lowered himself and slowly helped Ying Tianlong to get on his feet. All the while, Ying Tianlong had flames spitting out from his eyes.

Next, Lu Yongyi even amiably helped Ying Tianlong onto a chair that one of his crew handed over to him.

“Lu Yongyi, kill me. I dare you to kill me! Insulting me won’t do you any good. I won’t let you go even when I’m dead!”

Each of these words came out furiously through Ying Tianlong’s gritted teeth.

However, Lu Yongyi shook his head at these words. His smile remained bright as he replied, “Kill you? No, I’ll never kill you. In fact, I guarantee that no one on this ship will kill you!

“This sea, your life, they all belong to…


As he finished talking, Lu Yongyi gestured.

The crew members standing next to them understood immediately. They carried the chair with Ying Tianlong on it and placed it securely by the bow of the ship.

Here, Ying Tianlong was allowed the magnificent and grand 360-degree view of the sea.

Here, he could see everything that was happening on the surface of the sea.

After the battle, the time was now 12:56—past midnight. As Ying Tianlong sat there, his wait was destined to be brief.

When four minutes had passed and the clock bell struck sharply at one, a “huge sun” emerged at the horizon where the sea met the skies.

The light radiating from the “sun” had an orange hue with a tinge of yellow, illuminating almost half of the night sky. Accompanying the light was the battering of wind as something was accelerating forward.

Compared to the “meteors” that sped through the skies at 4000 kilometers per hour, this “sun” vessel was traveling at a relatively slow speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

Yet, all eyes were affixed to this “sun”.

In front of the foreign races, all the survivors including Lu Yongyi and his men collectively…

Knelt on one knee!

From the seas, a faint chant done in unison gradually became louder and louder, until the voices soared into the skies!


“Almighty Su!”

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