My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 396 - Horror! The End Of The Foreign Races!

Chapter 396: Horror! The End Of The Foreign Races!

Doomsday Calendar Month 3, Day 7. The fifth day of the tsunami disaster on the wasteland.

It was 7.26 am. Looking at the barrel full of hot water, Su Mo pulled off his shirt and slowly stepped into it after testing the temperature of the water with his foot.


The water was heated to almost 70 degrees celsius. Any ordinary being would be scalded for sure if they dipped themselves into it.

However, his body had been enhanced to a terrifying state and he had gained the title of Ocean Admiral. As such, Su Mo only felt a soothing sensation after undergoing a momentary psychological scare for a brief moment.

He picked up a towel, and dipped it into the bucket of cold water next to him before wiping it all over his face. Thanks to the cold sensation on his face, he felt the fatigue he endured after those two sleepless nights fade away.

Humans had less than 48 hours to prepare themselves for the war.

If he took into consideration the possibility that conflict might break out before the humans fully gathered, by tonight at the latest, the first battle would break out between the three races on the wasteland.

This battle would influence the direction of the upcoming war.

The abilities of the three sides were almost equal. No side was willing to help the other, hence the outbreak of the war among the three sides.

If humans were stronger, the foreign marine races would ally with the foreign terrestrial races to defeat the humans first.

If humans and the foreign terrestrial races were weaker, both sides would ally together and attack the foreign marine races first.

After the opening battle ended, over the following 24 hours, there would be three likely possible outcomes.

However, at this point, the means prepared by the large official shelters to deal with the foreign races had yet to be revealed.

It would be a lie if those who were aware of the issue said that they were not feeling anxious.

Despite there being no accurate data or evidence, it could still be calculated, based on the death toll recorded by the humans, that…

Since the emergence of the ocean disaster, up to this moment, there were at least 100 million humans who had lost their lives at sea.

Before the war between the three races commenced, each passing day would see the death toll increase by tens of millions.

Once the war between the three races began, the death toll would instantly increase in increments of hundreds of millions, a concept so terrifying that it would turn one’s scalp numb.

However, during the fifth day of the tsunami disaster, the human survivors, who had rested the entire night, were in pretty good shape.

At seven in the morning, many of them had fully recovered and were happily posting comments and survival tips on the World Channel.

The emergence of the raft ferry enabled all the raft warriors to safely make their way to the New World, no longer having to rely on luck.

As the number of humans and rafts increased, the performance and safety levels of the raft ferries would surpass that of the small sand ships, and could even become comparable to large ships.

Of course, there would still be a price to pay for choosing that development route.

Before everyone reformatted their shelter cores, the game had clarified that there would not be a second chance to do so.

In other words, at least half of the humans, even if they made it to the New World, would have lost the chance to rebuild their shelters with their cores.

They had to join one of the large-scale shelters, or build their own houses and survive the hard way.

After browsing through the chat channels, one could easily comprehend the current situation of humankind on the ocean wasteland.

As the water in the barrel gradually cooled down, Su Mo decided to stop soaking himself in the water and got out of the wooden barrel. He then wiped himself dry and put on his clothes.

In the kitchen not far away, the steamed buns had been cooked. He ate six of them, together with the pickled vegetables, and glanced at the foreign races entering the kitchen to have their meals according to their shifts. Su Mo then rushed over to the warehouse on the second floor below deck.

In one day, two of the five R-3 ballistic missiles had been completed, and the third piece was well on its way.

The two ballistic missiles were currently kept inside in the output storage area of the medium-sized machine tool, which measured thousands of cubic feet in size. Even though the two ballistic missiles did not occupy much space, Su Mo was not in a hurry to retrieve them, and the ballistic missiles would not be able to be placed back inside once they were taken out. Hence, he left them inside the output storage area for the time being.

As for the completed rockets, Su Mo picked up one out of curiosity and placed it on the ground, examining it with a critical gaze.

“Before the completion of Hope One, my initial plan had been to place machine guns all over the main deck, and then supplement their firepower with the rockets.

“I didn’t expect that, in just one month, I successfully manufactured rockets from scratch!”

As the system emitted its green light and scanned the rocket, its properties panel gradually appeared.

[R-1 Rocket (Rare)]

[Description: This is a rocket manufactured using the highest quality materials. From the materials used to manufacture its body to the installation of its propulsion system, to even its loading mechanism, all the parts were built perfectly. The perfect fusion of the parts also further increased the quality of the rocket.]

[Range: Effective range: 97 kilometers, Maximum range: 191 kilometers]

[Blast radius: 198 meters]

[Special abilities: Accuracy (when guided or aided by the fire-control radar, its accuracy rate is increased to 100%)]

[Comment: Just out of curiosity, we’ve brought this out for you guys to experience the power of a rare-quality rocket. Show the foreign races who’s boss, them or the rocket!]

“That’s right, its range extends to almost two hundred kilometers. Thank goodness I upgraded the Defense Master. The radar would not be able to provide guidance up to that range if I didn’t!”

Su Mo nodded his head in satisfaction when he glanced at the comment given by the system.

When long-range rockets were introduced to the civilized era, they were armaments that only primary military forces could afford to possess.

Take for example the domestically-produced 300mm long-range rocket launcher. Each rocket was priced at around 750 thousand yuan.

Given this, a salvo of 300mm rockets, fired from a 12-tube launcher, would cost nine million yuan. This was equivalent to pressing a button to launch 33 C-class Mercedes Benz cars.

If four salvos were fired simultaneously, it would add up to 36 million yuan, which would be the equivalent of a small fortune!

However, that only covered the cost of the rockets. It did not include the cost of the equipment required to launch those rockets, such as the launcher, as well as measurement devices like radars, UAVs, and meteorological equipment, to name a few.

Luckily for Hope One, it possessed a vertical missile launcher module as well as the guidance system provided by the Defense Master radar.

Also, since Su Mo planned to use these rockets against moving targets, the addition of the Accuracy special ability would allow him to save a fortune!

According to his initial calculations, he could have manufactured around 40 rockets, but that was before he chose to prioritize the manufacturing of the five R-3 ballistic missiles and divert the majority of the materials he had on hand to their construction.

In the end, he managed to create 28 rockets in total!

Those rockets could be loaded into the vertical missile launcher module, which had 12 launcher shells. This meant that he had sufficient rockets to fire a full salvo twice, and still have four rockets left over.

Since those four rockets were redundant, and they had not done any testing, Su Mo decided to use them all!

“Testing. We’ve got to test out the reliability and power of the vertical missile launcher module and rockets right now!”

“Otherwise, if we wait until an actual battle and we have to fire the rockets, it would be difficult to troubleshoot if any problems occur!”

Four rockets were retrieved from the output storage area and, thanks to the convenience of the storage space, all the rockets were transferred over to the vertical missile launcher module in just two trips.

Su Mo was able to complete the loading of the rockets into the launcher module relying on the procedure taught to him from the blueprint’s dream knowledge transfer.

“OS, activate the radar and scan Hope One’s surroundings for a location where the foreign races are gathered. It would be best if it’s a location where the foreign marine races are butting heads with the foreign terrestrial races.”

Things were different from when he tested out Hope One’s main naval gun on a small hill. On Hope One’s current route, there was no shortage of conflicts between the foreign marine races and the foreign terrestrial races.

Along the route, as Su Mo carried the banner of “justice” and “punishment” under the moniker of the Golden Lion King, the foreign marine races were naturally terrified of Hope One.

However, the foreign terrestrial races were full of aggression and were picking fights wherever they went.

As such, finding a location where both parties were in conflict was a piece of cake for Hope One, which just arrived at the core area of the wasteland ocean.

Within just 18 minutes, after the prompt from the OS was heard, Su Mo donned the Simba costume and got Connie, who had just finished her meal, to activate the live broadcast stream once again.

Things proceeded in the same manner as the last time. When the number of viewers reached its peak, a total of seven million foreign terrestrial races, the upper deck of Hope One slowly slid open to reveal the vertical missile launcher module hidden underneath.

Su Mo, who was sitting inside the bridge, pressed the firing button, which initiated the launching of three rockets that targeted the conflict zone.

After the rockets were launched, Hope One rushed over to the scene immediately.

This made all the foreign terrestrial races watching the live broadcast stream understand that the foreign marine races had been doomed the moment the rocket was launched.

As usual, after Simba’s roar was heard, Connie shut off the live broadcast stream.

Now that Hope One had engaged in a number of “battles”, the foreign terrestrial races had become used to their actions of collecting the treasure chests in the aftermath, and did not dare to hinder their path.

Hence, under the command of Li Li, two squad leaders led 12 of the foreign races and jumped into the ocean instantly, heading for the treasure chests.

This “battle”, from the start until they collected the treasure chests, only lasted 22 minutes, which proved just how effective Hope One’s new armaments were.

“Not bad. This level of power is definitely adequate. It is more than sufficient to deal with the foreign races.”

Su Mo nodded in satisfaction when he saw the ten or so foreign races bringing the treasure chests onto the ship.

However, when Su Mo was just about to order those foreign races who went into the water to head to the washroom and get rid of the bloodstains and odor on their bodies, Oreo, who had been staying on the second floor above-deck, came rushing onto the scene while roaring.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Oreo’s bared teeth and frantic appearance made Su Mo’s heart thump and tremble instinctively, almost as if warning him that something unpleasant was about to occur.

The last time he saw Oreo’s expression like this was the day before the descent of the Heavenly Dog Pseudo God.

Ever since Oreo obtained a trace of divinity, he had not warned of anything, even within the mysterious ruins of time.

However, Oreo was currently displaying such a reaction, which meant that…

A tragedy similar to the descent of the Heavenly Dog Pseudo God was about to take place!

Su Mo realized this in a flash, and his skin broke out into goosebumps.

At that moment, despite not understanding what Oreo was frantically roaring about, since he had spent so much time together with her, he was able to make out the message she was trying to imply by observing her expression.

Su Mo waved his hand and instructed those foreign races who had just come out of the ocean to stay on the deck.

“Everyone, please kneel and cover your heads immediately. Don’t take any unnecessary actions. Without my permission, whoever makes a move, I’ll kill them without hesitation!”

Su Mo had no feelings for these foreign races, who he did not spend much time with, unlike Little Four, Connie and Li Li.

Regarding the possible threat originating from these foreign races, Su Mo had taken the most appropriate measures as he had yet to discover the truth.

As for the foreign races in question, they were trembling all over after Su Mo released his overwhelming aura.

However, because they had spent some time undergoing training and instruction, they all chose to obey his command and remained motionless, kneeling obediently.

“Get Moore over here!”

He took out a pistol and stared at the foreign races who were kneeling. Su Mo glanced at Li Li, who got the message and quickly ran below deck.

However, before Li Li ran very far, the bodies of the 14 foreign races started undergoing a shocking change within Su Mo’s field of vision!

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