My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 369 - The Score Is Violently Increasing, Soaring By Ten Millions!

Chapter 369 - The Score Is Violently Increasing, Soaring By Ten Millions!

Time spent in the Underground Shelter passed very slowly, but when one was on Hope One sailing across the sea, time seemed to flow like the waters the ship was on, passing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a day and a half had passed since Su Mo obtained the title of Friend of the Ocean.

From morning to night, it was completely different from the purpose-driven hecticness in Hope Village.

As Su Mo also kept himself busy on Hope One, it somewhat rectified the void that was left behind by the struggle to rapidly develop the basin area and Hope Village over the past two months.

Every day, after waking up in the morning, Su Mo would complete his routine training and exercise, and then lead two or three members of the foreign races to make a large pot of rice that would be enough for eighty people to eat for a day.

After breakfast, Su Mo would then head to the captain's quarters and scribble information into his notebook.

This morning routine would usually last from nine in the morning to one or two in the afternoon.

From the future development direction of the basin area, to the overall plans for Hope Village, to the proportional relationship between food supply, infrastructure and manpower, all of these were in Su Mo's thoughts.

He had gained a lot of free time suddenly, he spent his hours flipping through the books; both basic ones he had obtained previously, as well as the advanced reading materials that were bought and sent over by Chen Shen. Greedy for knowledge, Su Mo was like a sponge, frantically absorbing the 'moisture' within those books.

In particular, the system's training ground function was used to its maximum extent by Su Mo.

At present, in the handcrafting training module, Su Mo had once again broken through his previous best achievement and had now reached the fourth level.

According to the levels back on Earth, his current handcrafting level was about that of a third-level fitter, and he was only one step away from entering the ranks of fitter technicians.

On the other hand, using the data and information collected previously, Su Mo also completed the planning for the terrain of Hope Village and the direction of the village's future expansion.

After migrating to the New World this time, Su Mo decided that it was necessary to abandon the terrain of Iron Rock Mountain, which limited their scope of development, and move everyone onto flat ground.

Only in that way could factories, plantations, and livestock farms, these basic production facilities, be developed and cultivated to ensure a steady supply of resources.

Furthermore, although everyone did not need to stay in underground shelters during disaster-free periods, or when the severity of the disaster was limited, this 'life-saving insurance' should not be abandoned either. It had to be carefully planned and constructed along with the construction of above-ground buildings, so as to achieve a two-pronged development approach!

After making these plans, if there was still some time before OS would stop and run maintenance on the ship, Su Mo would set his alarm clock, before heading over to the beach chair at the bow of the ship, and enjoy a beautiful lunch break to restore his spirit.

When the alarm clock rang, it indicated that the OS had lowered the fishing net to capture the fishes, and that it was time for him to press the 'release' button to perform his daily act of kindness.

After going through several cycles of capturing and releasing in the area, which would take about an hour, it would already be about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

At this point, Su Mo would go down to the warehouse, take out some fruits that had been previously stored in the fresh food area, and return to the captain's quarters to continue studying.

Compared to the tension and stress felt by most other refugees on the ocean, Su Mo seemed to be living the life of a tourist in an extremely comfortable and safe environment.

However what other refugees did not know was that, like them, Su Mo, who was currently the strongest human being on the wasteland, was also being plagued by the same worries and thoughts.

Doomsday Calendar Month 3, Day 1, at nine in the morning.

The crew had been sailing for five and a half days.

There was only a week left until he would get to meet his sister. Even if Tundra One stayed put, it would only take eight or nine days for Hope One to arrive at its location.

However, this time, after the meal, Su Mo sat down on the beach chair on the bow of the ship, but there was no trace of the usual leisurely expression on his face!

"There are still no traces of the ruins. This is really bad. Did I just choose a route that avoided all the entrances to the ruins?"

On the World Channel, many people had already entered the ruins floating on the ocean.

In these ruins, some people obtained basic materials and tools to upgrade their vessels, which increased their chances of survival.

Some people obtained a lot of weapons, which greatly strengthened their combat strength at sea.

Furthermore, some were lucky enough to stumble upon ruins that contained a harbor, where countless large ships were moored, and out of sheer luck managed to obtain a 30-meter long modern ship. This allowed them to even reach 3rd rank on the live broadcast page, which had the audience green with envy.

However, the ironic part of the tale was that the guy found out that he did not have enough energy for the ship to run after he exited the ruins. He could only 'let it drift with the current' as he gathered teammates from all around to sail the ship to the New World.

Various deeds had proved that, even if the ocean emerged, there would be no shortage of ruins that would appear.

Yet somehow Su Mo never encountered one!

"Is it because my Hope One is sailing too fast? Did I slip by before the entrances to those ruins could unfold?"

Lying on the beach chair, gazing at the dazzling sun under the cover of the shade, with a thought, Su Mo opened up the title function within the game panel.

A day and a half ago, the title displayed here was "Guardian of the Ocean", which was the second rank of the title.

A day and a half later, with the successful launch and operation of the catch and release mechanism set up by Su Mo, he had successfully completed the task of promoting the title last night, breaking through to the current…

Rank 4!

[Ocean Commander]

[Description: The upgraded title of Ocean Vanguard, the leader of the Lawful Good faction at sea, your contribution to the ocean has attracted the attention of the God of the Ocean. In the eyes of marine creatures, you are the Oracle of the God of the Ocean and you have the heart of the ocean that embraces all things. Marine creatures respect and love you. When in and on the ocean, you will gain more potent power and, when facing title holders 3 levels below yours, you have the authority to restrict them to a certain extent, including, but not limited to: not being able to use the title's attributes when facing you, judging others' 'hypocritical' behavior, and obliging others to help you contribute to the ocean…and fourteen more authorizations.]

[First title function: The God of the Ocean has granted you great authority. When you are in and on the ocean, your basic attributes will be improved as follows:

1. All physical fitness attributes +3, swimming speed in the ocean +5, energy recovery speed on the ocean +80%, and injury recovery speed on the ocean +35%.

2. Vertigo resistance +5, hunger resistance +5, disease resistance +10, aging resistance +2, sunburn resistance +3

3. In the ocean, you will have the ability to breathe underwater for up to 180 minutes per day, and the amount of time can be accumulated up to 3 times (currently 2/3)]

[Second title function: By default, all marine creatures cannot attack you and, under certain conditions, the Ocean Commander can direct the creatures in the ocean to perform certain actions (the action cannot be offensive in nature, cannot involve slaughtering, cannot be... etc. 65 other types of non-peaceful actions)]

[Third title function: Any creatures that kill you will be permanently cast aside by the God of the Ocean in and on the ocean (except for high-level title holders), and will be hated by all marine creatures. All other title holders will receive a bounty notice to hunt down the killer. They can still accumulate progress toward the title after killing the target.]

[Fourth title function: You are a noble existence in and on the ocean, and your every move will be watched by the God of the Ocean. Please be more disciplined in your actions, lest you be punished by the God of the Ocean. However, in contrast, when you perform exemplary acts of kindness, you will also receive praise from the God of the Ocean.]

[First restriction]...

+3 to all physical fitness attributes, swimming speed in the ocean increased by 5, and energy recovery speed in and on the ocean increased by 80%...

It was no exaggeration to say that, after donning the title of Ocean Commander, even if he was swimming, Su Mo could easily swim to the 3rd battlefield area.

The current fourth-ranked title brought a transformative change to his abilities; even if he was on an ordinary lifeboat on the rough seas, Su Mo was as stable as a navy veteran, and it was impossible for him to feel seasick.

At this point, if he wanted to upgrade the title of Ocean Commander any further, he would need a terrifying…

Ten million fishes!

Yes, after the fourth promotion, the game finally displayed a progress bar for the title.

Yet, after seeing the figure of 10 million, and calculating the current rate at which he was progressing, even Su Mo felt dizzy.

At this stage, the fishing net could catch about 20,000 treasure fishes each time.

Every time it stopped for about an hour, the OS could repeatedly sail Hope One within a given perimeter and release the fishing net about 20 times.

If he did this three hours a day, that would amount to 1.2 million treasure fishes caught and released.

After removing duplicate captures, the daily rescue volume would fluctuate in the region of 1 million treasure fishes, and wouldn't vary significantly.

Based on the calculations of Hope One's efficiency, it would take ten days for Su Mo to meet the requirements for the upgrade and receive the fourth upgrade mission.

"No, it's still too slow. According to how things are progressing, if I don't change anything, I'm afraid I won't be able to be promoted to the Oracle of the God of the Ocean by the time I arrive at the New World!"

After thinking for a while, he felt that there was no hope of entering the ruins, and Su Mo felt a trace of anxiety.

If he stopped the ship and focused entirely on achieving the title promotion requirements, given that the rate of his efficiency would likely suffer, it would likely take almost two days to catch and release the 10 million treasure fishes.

In addition, after being delayed two days, the marine foreign races would arrive in large numbers. If he encountered an anomaly or a sudden situation, and could not meet up with Tundra One, it would be disastrous.

"Is there any way to perform more acts of kindness?"

"Catching and releasing animals every day is not going to be enough!"

"Master, Moore has a good idea!"

Looking at the sky, Su Mo was in deep thought until Moore's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Oh? Moore, you aren't going to fish again now are you? We agreed that you won't be allowed to eat fish for a month!"

Looking at Moore's grinning face, Su Mo covered his face.

To get the Friend of the Ocean title, he had overturned Moore's barrel of fish and, to get the Guardian of the Ocean title, he had beaten Moore badly.

When it came to the title promotion mission for the Ocean Vanguard title, the game still did not let Moore go, and directly gave Su Mo a task.

Moore, who had eaten eighteen treasure fishes on the first day, was forbidden to eat fish for a month.

In order to complete this task, Su Mo had to send Moore a plate of beef made with psychic energy water, while coaxing and deceiving him, before finally getting Moore to agree to this condition in a confused manner.

As for yesterday's title promotion mission, under Su Mo's whispered prayer, the game still lived up to expectations, and still chose Moore as its target!

Su Mo had to urge Moore to help the treasure fishes by cleaning up a five-kilometer area of ??garbage in the sea.

This time, even though Moore was a little naive, he had noticed that something was amiss with Su Mo recently.

Su Mo, without concealing anything, directly explained his mission.

"Moore has a really good idea! Aren't we going to perform acts of kindness?"

"Why do we have to catch these fish and release them to complete the mission? We have better means."

"Better means?"

Looking at Moore's furry bear face, Su Mo was momentarily stunned. He suddenly felt that he had been trapped by his own way of thinking, but it was difficult to grasp onto that flash of inspiration that disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"Yeah, when we catch the fishes, it indicates that someone is harming them and, when we release them, it means that we are rescuing them."

"We then just need to play around with the concept of harm and rescue!"

"For example, releasing poison into the ocean, and then pouring in the antidote afterwards. Although Moore is a Lightning Bear Warrior who stands for justice and fairness, this matter can be left to the cunning Li Li."

Watching Moore dancing and gesturing while whistling, Su Mo was suddenly startled, and sat up.

Su Mo wanted to say that, if the amount of poison and antidote was not properly regulated, the treasure fishes on the bottom of the sea could not be rescued.

However, soon after, he wondered if he was being too kind.

Moore, even though he was Su Mo's personal pet that spoke normally like humans, and also possessed the same habits and mannerisms as humans, was still an animal by nature and a product of natural selection.

It was said that successful characters would not let the small details hinder them. The moral shackles from the civilized era seemed to have disappeared in the wasteland, but they still subtly affected Su Mo, making it difficult for his thinking to be truly unrestrained.

Yet when he thought up to this point, Su Mo "awakened" in horror.

If this action could be successfully accomplished, then there would no doubt be countless daring and ruthless people who would complete the title promotion mission before he did and obtain the authority of the Oracle of the God of the Ocean.

If he was to be kind now, it would be akin to digging his own grave and burying himself, and possibly everyone with him, in it.


"Moore, I shall give you the credit if the plan works out this time. Plus, we don't have to use poison. Didn't we develop a new type of sleeping medicine in the village previously? It's less toxic, so even if something goes wrong, it'll be fine!"

After standing up and patting Moore on the shoulder, Su Mo walked over quickly to the captain's quarters, and called Chen Shen in the process.

"Stop all operations and enter wartime mode. I need you guys to produce the maximum quantity of the sleeping medicine and to send it over to me via the trading market as soon as possible!"

At the same time, because the concoction of the sleeping medicine was extremely simple, it did not take long for them to develop another type of medicine.

This medicine could perfectly neutralize the effects of the sleeping medicine.

After usage, over the next three days, the user would also be immune to the effect of the sleeping medicine, which could be described as a 'great act of kindness'!

Su Mo looked at the barrels of sleeping medicine on deck that had been transported over via the trading market. He waved his hand and Moore, who had been standing beside him, understood his meaning instantly, calling Li Li over.

With a tuft of green hair on its head, although the bear creature Li Li looked a bit aggressive and had a 'thin' body, it was hardworking when it came to tasks.

On the eve of Hope One's journey to now, a total of forty barrels of sleeping medicine, made by all the villagers of Hope Village, were thrown into the water by Li Li.

An hour later, when Hope One turned around retraced its path, Su Mo repeated those actions, except this time with the antidote.

"Hey, it isn't working?"

Su Mo stared at the progress bar that was still virtually empty. He breathed a sigh of relief when, suddenly, the empty progress bar suddenly began to fill up at a terrifying speed.

Every second, the number jumped up by 10,000.

Every minute, the green color would fill up a small grid, which caused him to be dumbfounded.

Su Mo took a day and a half to go from zero to one million.

However, from zero to ten million, it only took one hour and forty-five minutes!

At the same time, the promotion mission for the Rank 4 title to advance to the Rank 5 title appeared at the moment the progress bar was filled, as if it could not wait any longer!

[Dear Ocean Commander, your acts of kindness that were detected have greatly helped the creatures in the ocean. The Rank 4 title promotion mission has now been made available. Will you accept the mission?]

[Note: The current title promotion mission is conducted in an individual competition format, and the number of human beings qualified to meet the current conditions are…83689 people.]

[Note: The current title promotion mission is a multi-racial competition mission, and the number of foreign races qualified to meet the current conditions are…182,655 people.]

[Note: It is currently the first round of the title promotion mission for the wasteland world's Ocean Commanders. Starting countdown: 3 hours, 18 minutes, 22 seconds.]

[Note: Once you select this mission, you will be pulled into the group ruins regardless of time and space. Within this space, you may exit at any time.]

[Note: Only the winners of the competition can complete the title promotion mission.]

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