My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 287 - Upgrade! Multifunctional Bionic Mechanic!

Chapter 287: Upgrade! Multifunctional Bionic Mechanic!

The system’s appraisal and game’s appraisal took two different directions.

The game would clearly tell players the item’s detailed properties and usage methods.

However, the system would not. In addition to giving unique comments, not only did it display pitifully few properties, but it also included certain contraband options, inciting one’s “desire to consume”.

Hence, as the number of times he used it increased, Su Mo became even more careful and vigilant when using the system’s appraisal function.

“Today’s daily system announcements didn’t come again. It was probably combined with yesterday’s, so I’ll only be able to view them tomorrow. All I have left is…”

“8200 points!”

“System, oh, system. This time, just give me something that can be used; don’t tempt me with high-end products!”

“It’s not that I’m unwilling to use them, it’s just that I really don’t have the money!”

Maintaining the stance that crying to the system was not shameful, after muttering a few choice words, Su Mo requested the system’s appraisal mentally, and a blurry green light slowly started emitting from his body.

The level of technology of the robot worker was not particularly advanced, so the scan was completed extremely quickly.

A few seconds later, as the green light retracted, an ocean-blue properties panel that was mixed with a dizzying number of comments appeared gradually.

[Fei Fei Semi-intelligent Series—Robot Worker (Excellent)]

[Description: This robot worker has no design or technological sense. From beginning to end, it was created with the concept of “forcing a miracle”. By forcefully using the quality of the materials to make up for the lack of design sense, whether it is the robot worker’s outer shell or the inner neural transmission network, even though expensive synthetic materials were used, it instead reached a transmission efficiency of -3520%, becoming ridiculously weak.]

[Design Flaws]:

[Mechanical (15 common sense errors, 34 logical errors, 129 anti-human errors, 422 mechanical design errors)]

[Bionic intelligence (69 common sense errors, 1235 conceptual errors, 5520 design errors)]

[Logic processing chip (326850 lines of redundant code that reduces efficiency, 45023 lines of repeated code that speeds up wear and tear, 28030 lines of code errors that increase energy consumption)]

[AI learning (completely wrong)]

[Mechanical potential (completely wrong)]

[Maintenance module (completely wrong)]

[First upgrade option: Bionic Mechanic: Remove all errors in the bionic intelligence design and add 19 algorithm model adjustments such as ant colony algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, memetic algorithm, and cultural algorithm to ensure that the machine achieves a 99% similarity rate to a human during actual operation, as well as adjusting the error rate to less than 0.00005%. This will reduce the energy consumption of the machine and greatly improve the machine’s ability to operate and adapt to the environment. Survival points required (21960)]

[Second upgrade option: Combat Agent: Remove every mechanical error, reconstruct the mechanical structure of the agent, adopting a more reasonable mechanical structure to ensure that the agent has higher stability in combat. At the same time, the combat component program in the logic chip will be rewritten to ensure that the error rate in battle is reduced to less than 0.0000001%, and that the agent will gain the ability to wield 3590 basic weapons. Survival points required (43200)]

[Third upgrade option: Almighty Engineer: Remove all logic errors, reformat the chip’s coding, rewrite all the logic programs in the engineer’s chip, installs Type-I combat logic, Type-I manufacturing logic, and Type-I learning logic programs, and increase the engineer’s various all-around abilities, greatly reducing energy consumption, greatly improving mechanical work efficiency, and reducing durability loss moderately. Survival points required (43200)]

[Fourth upgrade option: Psychic Energy Special Forces: Installs the dark energy absorption module, installs the ultra-long-distance signal receiving module, installs the VII high-precision logic chip, installs the VII all-terrain combat chip, installs… The unit can operate at temperatures up to 20000 degrees and will not suffer any damage when operating up to negative 160 degrees. A dark energy protective film will be fixed on its surface and it can withstand the impact of a million-ton nuclear bomb and, as long as its energy isolation shield functions, it will never run out of energy. Survival points required (36000000, psychic energy crystal x36)]

[Comment: I’ll invest in a “genius” project like Wang Duoyu![1]]

“Good heavens! So the robots Ma Fei designed contained this many errors. Is it really that bad?”

Seeing the four upgrade options the system gave, as well as the prompt for the tens of thousands of design flaws, Su Mo was stunned.

In the ruins, Su Mo had personally seen just how strong this kind of robot had been with his very own eyes.

If he did not have enough ammunition, plus Moore to dual wield the machine guns to provide a crazy amount of firepower; had it just been Su Mo alone, even if he possessed those guns, he could only run if he encountered a swarm of those robots!

This could be seen from the fact that dozens of mutant creatures had been cut into pieces in Ma Fei’s courtyard, yet the robots were unharmed.

However… something this strong was actually so flawed in the system’s eyes.

This was definitely something that was out of Su Mo’s expectations!

If Ma Fei had not used better materials in this robot worker’s original design, the system’s complaints might even have been more exaggerated.

“It seems that in the future path of development, relying on robots to form an army of steel can also be considered a good combat concept!”

“Although human bodies are weak, if I have more than ten thousand psychic energy special forces robots…”

“Whatever this hateful God of the Ocean is, I’d be able to flip its nest over today!”

Staring greedily at the fourth upgrade option, the moment he thought of the domination of machines from a certain light novel from Earth, Su Mo could not help but have even more expectations for the robot in front of him.


Imagination was rich, but reality was dire.

When he realized that he could not even afford one upgrade from the fourth option, Su Mo still rationally brought his attention back to the first three.

Currently, among the upgrade options the system gave, none of the three options were cheap, but this cost reflected his current stock of robots.

For example, the cost of upgrading 36 robot workers using the first option of bionic mechanics for manufacturing work was 21960 points.

Laying it all out, the price for a single robot was 610 points!

He only needed 610 points for the robot worker in front of him to complete a giant transformation to obtain 99% of a human’s ability in creating and manufacturing.

The second upgrade option of combat agent had a cheaper unit price because it only required the inner mechanical structure to be reconstructed and a simple combat program written, resulting in a price of 480 points per robot.

As for the almighty engineer from the third option, because four different logic programs had to be installed, it cost the most. One unit was priced at a dizzying 1200 points.

“I definitely don’t have enough survival points to upgrade them all. Even if tomorrow’s daily system announcements can earn me 10 thousand points, it’s still far from enough.”

“Counting the 10 thousand points I want to set aside because I’m going out to sea, I have to save as much as I can in performing this upgrade.”

“Not to mention the fact that I don’t need that many robots at all!”

Taking out a pen and paper, he lay sprawled in front of the workbench. After calculating for a while, Su Mo temporarily planned out the number he currently needed for the shelter as well as the upgrade route for the robots.

At the moment, the shelter most urgently needed manufacturing workers… He definitely needed a few bionic mechanics.

He needed two for grain and cotton processing, one to deal with nitrocellulose for creating ammunition, and four for shipbuilding, which meant that he needed a total of 7, which would cost 4270 points.

At the moment, he was not going out to sea yet, so he only needed one combat agent to be responsible for the shipyard’s safety at night. This would cost him 480 points.

He would have a survival points balance of 3450.

As for the third type, after looking through the description a little, Su Mo was in no hurry to use that upgrade option. Instead, he chose eight robots and started the first wave of upgrades.

After seeing modifications costing a few thousand, up to ten thousand points, a modification of a few hundred points per unit was not a big deal.

As three minutes passed, the robots that he brought back from Ma Fei’s ruins finally no longer had tracks on their lower halves nor the rough appearances of their upper body that carried various tools. Instead, they transformed into two completely different forms.

The first was the bionic mechanic that was painted silvery-white. It had been completely transformed into a humanoid shape. Not only had its hands and feet evolved, but the system even very carefully designed its subtle joints and muscle tissues. Disregarding its size, it had the exact anatomical model of a human being.

As for the second one—combat agent—it was painted in camouflage colors. While the upper body calipers had become more than three times larger than before, the tracks on its lower body did not disappear. Instead, telescopic fixed brackets were installed to ensure that they would not fly off due to external impact in battle.

“Not bad, not bad. Just looking at their appearances, it’s much better than before.”


Opening the new properties panel, after seeing the new upgrade options, Su Mo immediately chose one bionic mechanic and one combat agent and selected the third upgrade option without any hesitation.

For a robot, its style and design would never be the key factors that determined its performance—only logic was.

Good logic could transform rubbish into jewelry and turn something stupid into something intelligent.

It could also make a very crude product popular due to its advanced logic.

This was the consensus of all smart device manufacturers back on Earth, and also the main reason why Su Mo wanted to make another upgrade on top of the previous one.

2400 points were deducted!

Seeing that there were only 1050 survival points remaining, Su Mo smiled helplessly and closed the interface.

Survival points were good, but they existed to be spent. With just a small series of upgrades, the survival points he had accumulated over so many days vanished into thin air.

“Not to worry. Once I go out to the ocean and explore, I’ll definitely have an endless supply of survival points coming in!”

He got up while the system was still in the midst of the upgrade process, and moved all the miniature robots that were not being upgraded to the garage to charge.

Everything else in Ma Fei’s design was very clumsy in the system’s eyes but, under Su Mo’s vehement request, the only design concept retained was that the battery could be removed and replaced.

“Quick-charging technology and large batteries have too many drawbacks. The ability to replace batteries is a charm of machinery!”

When sailing at sea, one would have to face all kinds of sudden risks at any given time. If the danger came, and these robot workers ran out of power as they worked, then Su Mo would be left helplessly alone!

To avoid such a risk, Su Mo intended to allocate 6 to 10 robots to the provision of energy.

These robots would not need to be upgraded. It was fine as long as they were charged in a timely manner every day and assisted with the battery replacements of the other robots.

The cable in the garage was the thickest, and it could connect and charge up to ten of them at once.

Without a new type of energy, although relying on electrical power depleted his energy reserves extremely quickly, when he saw the continually rising power gauge percentage on the robots’ display panels, despite his “poverty”, Su Mo still felt a little bit of comfort in his heart.

“Eat up, eat up! Once you’re full, work hard for me!”

His heart ached as he adjusted the generator to its maximum power output, and he continued to connect the upgraded robots to charge.

As he waited, Su Mo did not remain idle either and started researching programming relentlessly.

Fortunately, he finally had some diesel reserves. Just after 8pm, all the robots were fully charged, and he even had ten spare batteries set aside!

“With so many power-consuming monsters, it only took a few hours to use up my nearly 300L diesel reserves!

“Now, let me see just what these expensive robots can do!”

Eagerly standing up, after putting four bionic mechanics and one combat agent into the storage space, Su Mo opened the garage gate and rushed to the shipyard before night fell.

There were only seventeen days left to build the destroyer. Time was ticking!

[1] A character from the movie Hello Mr. Billionaire. Slang for someone completely lacking business acumen who invests in worthless items.

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