Chapter 685: Mazu Shelter No. 3, a Gift From Earth! Part 2

Inside the pit.

Feng Long was cautiously inspecting the inside of the building but turned around abruptly after hearing people approaching from behind him.

After realizing that Su Mo was leading the team, he rolled his eyes and greeted him eagerly.

“Shelter leader, the inside of the building, might still be dangerous. I should go inside and explore it first,” suggested Feng Long. He wore an extremely “sincere” expression.

Anyone would praise his loyalty and courage for wanting to take the lead.

However, Feng Long’s motivations could not escape Su Mo’s eyes as the latter had been observing him when he approached.

“Woah, my courageous Captain Feng, are you sure it’s dangers that lurk inside or the pack of cigarettes on the counter that caught your attention?”

The door was wide open, and sunlight shone brightly into the building.

The counter inside was full of stuff covered in dust.

Yet, the square cigarette pack in the center of the pile could not be covered by the reflections of the other stuff and exuded a unique appeal that caught his attention.

Feng Long laughed awkwardly after Su Mo revealed his real intentions and made the soldiers behind also burst out laughing.

“Alright, let’s go in together. I won’t take the good things from you!”

Su Mo patted Feng Long on the shoulder and walked inside excitedly.

There was a supermarket filled with supplies and an empty three-story building.

The former was an empty store full of materials and resources that guaranteed them an unimaginable bountiful harvest, even if they could not take away the building.

The latter was a deserted building inside a deep pit in the middle of the wilderness that even a brave person would think twice before choosing to stay in such a location permanently.

The two were two wholly different concepts.

Su Mo strode ahead of the team and entered the small building.

There was no significant difference in the interior structure as predicted from observing the exterior of the building.

Although Joy Supermarket suggested it to be a supermarket, it was actually a family-owned convenience store.

The layout inside was rather simple. A counter about six meters long was placed in the front of the shop and separated the front and back parts.

The front section was where customers would choose and order their items, while the back was where the boss would pick up the goods.

The product shelves were ceiling-high and were filled with various products.

Although it was covered in a thick layer of dust, it was nothing to the soldiers who had been fighting for survival in the doomsday wasteland for the past four months.

They had long accepted reality.

‘What’s so wrong about dirt? It wouldn’t be a problem for me to lick it clean if the item below the dirt was still good!’ were the thoughts of the soldiers.

The soldiers were all tempted as they walked around the first floor that was packed with stuff. Even Su Mo felt on cloud nine as the sight entered his eyes.

‘This is the f*cking best!

‘I’d go home and bring everyone into the mountains to scout the surrounding area if there were more supermarkets like this in the wilderness. Who would have time to visit those mysterious people in the center of Great Mountain?

‘However, right now...’

“Take everything! Collect everything and move them outside! Don’t leave even a single piece of paper from the first floor!” Su Mo waved his hands and gave the order.

The soldiers were finally relieved of their desires and rushed out like hungry wolves to collect the supplies.

Initially, the soldiers moved the stuff covered in dirt on the counter that could be carried and stuffed into their pockets.

Ultimately, they joined forces to pick up the counter and carry it outside, not leaving anything behind.

Instantly, the dust that had dissipated before began to surround the air again, making it difficult to see clearly on the first floor.

After being choked by the dust and coughing several times, Su Mo quickly covered his face and hurried to the second floor.

Guan Yuan observed the outside at the door and excitedly hopped after him to the second floor.

‘Sure enough, no one has been staying here for a very long time!”

A closed iron door with carvings at the staircase blocked entry into the second floor.

Similarly, the iron door was covered in a thick layer of dust and had a large heavy lock on top of the original door lock.

‘Judging by the dust on the lock, it would take at least six months to a year with opened windows to reach this extent.’

“Su Mo, take a look inside!”

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