My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 584 - Traffic Tasks, the Crazy New World!

Chapter 584: Traffic Tasks, the Crazy New World!

After the integration of the leaderboard, there was a switch button in the upper right corner of the panel.

The two options were respectively, humans and foreign races.

When on the human selection, the foreign races were filtered from the list.

Similarly, when the foreign races were selected, the humans would temporarily be removed from the list.

Su Mo did not rush to check the human leaderboard to see the sacred territories that came in higher ranks than him.

Instead, he quickly glanced through the top 20 on the first page of the leaderboard and saw a few familiar names.

“Million Dwarves Country (Foreign race),Territory lord: Mansurbek Kadi; Rank: No. 7, with a total of 618,560 territory residents, occupying an area of ??32,400 square kilometers, and there are 19,125 small accommodations in the territory, 4985 medium-sized accommodations, 1182 large accommodations, and 148 luxurious accommodations…

“There are 71 high-level manufacturing infrastructures, 488 intermediate-level manufacturing infrastructures, and 2,295 low-level manufacturing infrastructures in the territory.

“There are 4 resources above Level 6 in the territory, 125 resources between Level 4 to Level 6, and 686 resources below Level 4.

“Four special buildings and three special attributes!

“The territory prosperity is 91, the territory development is 94, and the territory health is 88.”

“The Light Empire (Foreign race), Territory lord: Yuan Shi; Rank: No.18, with a total of 116,852 people, occupying an area of ??6,840 square kilometers. There are 4125 small accommodations in the territory, 285 medium accommodations, 49 large accommodations, and 11 luxurious accommodations. . . ”

“There are 9 high-level manufacturing infrastructures, 37 intermediate-level manufacturing infrastructures, and 251 low-level manufacturing infrastructures in the territory.

“There is 1 resource above Level 6 in the territory, 7 resources from Level 4 to Level 6, and 63 resources below Level 4.

“Two special buildings and two special attributes!

“The territory prosperity is 77, the territory development is 81, and the territory health is 61.”

“Mountain Moon (Human),territory lord: Feng Mengyue, Rank: No.20, with a total of 12,631 people, occupying an area of ??1,870 square kilometers, there are 67 small-sized accommodations, 18 medium-sized accommodations, and 3 large-sized accommodations in the territory.

“There is 1 special-grade manufacturing facility being built and 3 advanced-grade manufacturing facilities in the territory.”

“In the territory, there is 1 resource above Level 7, 1 resource from Level 4 to 6, and four resources below Level 4.”

“One special infrastructure and one special attribute.

“The territory prosperity is 28, the territory development is 21, and the territory health is 93.”

The dwarves were ranked the seventh and Light Empire the eighteenth.

There was nothing unusual about the ranking of these two territories.

The dwarves had a massive military force because of their outrageous numbers and were able to occupy empty territories and resource spots. They took full advantage of their numerical values to squeeze themselves into the top ten on the leaderboard.

Meanwhile, the Light Empire relied on its solid foundation to develop its territory slowly. They would have definitely placed higher on the leaderboard if not for the damage sustained during the battle with the Demon Clan.

Su Mo noticed the territory placed in the twentieth spot.

He was stunned to see a familiar name, Feng Mengyue, on the leaderboard.

His memory dialed back to when he had just moved to the wasteland and in order to build his underground shelter, he remembered that he spent a sum of psychic energy water to exchange for rare-quality bulletproof glass from Feng Mengyue.

He was able to use the glass to successfully block the attacks during the ambush of the five gangsters on a rainy night and counter-attacked them, which attracted the attention of the whole wasteland.

Afterward, the second blizzard disaster came.

Almost all the top ten lone wolf live broadcast rooms were attacking the sudden rising “Almighty Su.”

At the time, Feng Mengyue was the only one who stood up and fought intensely against tens of millions of keyboard warriors.

From then on, Su Mo had expectations to see Feng Menyue soar to greater heights with the advantages and bonuses that she had obtained in the early stage and generate greater development results.

Oddly enough, after the blizzard…

Including the end of the ocean disaster, her name and those who were on the leaderboard before never showed up again.

Their glory was short-lived.

They completely disappeared from the public eye.

‘The last time when I heard her from the Voices of the Wind, she was making some sort of deals with the foreign clans.

‘It’s only been a month, and she had such great development!”

Su Mo went through the public data.

It was not difficult for Su Mo to predict how Feng Mengyue would push herself into the top20 of all races in the New World.

It was a nine out of ten chance that she had found a ruin!

Feng Mengyue’s territory actually had a super-grade manufacturing infrastructure that neither the dwarves nor the Empire of Light had constructed before.

Feng Mengyue’s territory also had a Level 7 or higher resource that neither of the two had.

These two “grand” achievements alone must have accounted for a high percentage of her score for her rank.

Her territory’s prosperity and construction were lower than that of Heaven’s Origin.

However, her rank reflected on the leaderboard was more than 100 places higher than Heaven’s Origin.

‘Level 7 resources…’

‘The KF energy stone is only a Level 3 resource so far. I really can’t imagine what a spectacular sight a Level 7 resource would show!’

Su Mo clicked his tongue.

The ruins were such treasures and were really all down to personal luck.

You would die if you were unlucky, but if you were lucky, you would take a giant step to the top in one step, saving seven or even decades of hard work.

‘There are seventeen human territories ahead of me.

‘None of these seventeen developed by themselves. They relied on finding ruins and occupying them, which allowed them to rank ahead of me.

‘This is really…’

It was basically inheriting the hard work of others.

You could step on the shoulders of giants to see the world and continue to fight on the body of the giants.

These kinds of one-step-to-the-top upgrades were simply too convenient.

Su Mo glanced through the leaderboard for a while and was slightly envious of their achievements. He wished that he could lead a team out to search for ruins as soon as dawn arrived.

However, he quickly calmed himself down.

As of the moment, there were only two of the top ten that published their territory attributes voluntarily.

These two were the Million Dwarves County which was ranked seventh and the Forest Children which was ranked third on the leaderboard.

Unlike the good luck of human beings opening the ruins, the things that these two foreign races had exposed were the solid foundation that they worked hard for, and there were no traces of slacking off.

It would undoubtedly be a fool’s dream to trust in the ruins to go against these rapidly developing foreign territories.

‘One must have a solid foundation on its own!

‘The masters of these ruins were also losers. They were not able to withstand the thousands of disasters and had met their end.

‘Therefore, the ruins can only be regarded as the icing on the cake and not as a main source of power. Otherwise, it will definitely lead to self-destruction in the future!’

The basin had no foundation of its own, and if they were to find a ruin that had well-developed old technology, it would cause the technology tree in the territory to be put on hold because of the short-term boost, causing a delay in progress. Eventually, it would be hard to recover from it.

Meanwhile, if the basin had a foundation, they could absorb the essence of the ruins and feed it back to their technology tree to form something more advanced.

Su Mo knew how to weigh out the advantage and disadvantages.

He was very clear on both sides.

After tapping on the panel a few times, he exited the leaderboard. He cleared his mind and summoned the spirit assistant again.

“I’ve finished going through the leaderboard.”

The little spirit assistant circled in the air. “Okay, I’ll introduce you to the remaining three functions.”

He tapped on the third disaster resistance channel, and this time an empty interface appeared.

“We will no longer set up live broadcasts for the current disaster resistance channel, but this time we’re doing a video collection.

“The collection will randomly capture the video moments according to the player’s performance and generate a video. After watching the video, the player can freely decide whether to delete parts of the video and upload it or choose not to upload it.

“Once the video is uploaded, and the number of views it gets exceeds a certain number, you will obtain the airdrop rewards.”

On the one hand, it was to prevent players from using the live broadcast room to communicate and provide help as it would reduce the difficulty of disaster.

Additionally, it was to stimulate some ordinary players who were freeloading to regain their fighting spirit and continue to participate in the survival game.

In conclusion, the game did not fully upgrade or delete the disaster resistance channel.

Instead, it was fine-tuned in a softer way.

From now until the end of the disaster, every “big” action in the territory would be collected and made into a simple video by the game.

In the end, it was up to the player to decide whether reproduce another video and upload it.

“Huh? So, it’s now a short video?”

Familiar tricks, familiar resolutions.

Su Mo was surprised after he understood the explanation by the spirit assistant.

Everyone had the opportunity to post a video and also had permission to post the video.

Billions, or even tens of billions of videos, would be sent to this channel intermittently after accumulation and made into a short video mode.

When the disaster resistance channel is opened, they could open up the game panel and find a reclining chair to relax because they would be able to restore the great trend of “Doo Yin” in their previous lives on Earth!

“According to your previous disaster performance, your video will receive high traffic. Once you choose to publish a video, we will push your video to the top of the list to bring you more views.

“According to the number of views of the first video, your subsequent videos will also receive equal benefits.

“Please work hard to create better visuals for your submissions~”

Su Mo clicked on the exclamation mark in the upper right corner of the disaster resistance channel, and three prompt lines popped up.

Once again, this corroborated Su Mo’s guesses.

An ordinary person that posted a video to the channel would likely not get a chance for their videos to be played during the rotation with such large numbers even if the disaster was over.

In this case, there were no organic views to talk about.

Airdrops were just a dream.

In the big territories, those at the top of the leaderboard, whether it was a territory lord or a territory resident, would receive high traffic for the videos they published.

It was equivalent to being a winner at the starting line.

In the case of the same video quality, those with higher traffic advantages were naturally far superior.

‘So, there should be tasks to increase traffic in the task list later, right?”

The spirit assistant was stunned for a moment and then swayed around while praising him.

“As expected of the player who has survived the disasters several times, player Su Mo, you are indeed very smart.”

The words left his mouth, and the task lists automatically opened up.

“The task list is a unique function available in the territory lord version. In this function, your subordinates are allowed to receive and complete the tasks for you.

“The task rewards are very promising. It includes not only basic rewards such as materials and resources but also unique rewards such as special infrastructures, territory attributes, and ruin locations.

“The most important thing is that each time you complete a task, you can get a certain amount of traffic volume according to the task’s star level difficulty.

“The territory lord can allocate the traffic himself, and he can choose to use it on his own video, or give it to the outstanding residents under his command.”

Another trap.

Five functions were closely related.

It was like a big net. As long as the player wanted to get the reward, he would get caught instantly.

‘Ruin function… Because it is detected that there are no ruins that are open in your current territory, the function is temporarily unavailable.

“It needs to be detected that the ruins are open, or you can use it when you go to other foreign race territories to use the function.

“Would you like me to refresh the latest task list and territory construction suggestions?”

Su Mo snorted. “Yes!”

At this point…

As for this update to the game and its purpose, Su Mo had a rough idea of what they were trying to achieve.

It was exactly what he imagined it to be about!

After tasting the sweetness and installing the “survival mode,” the game had come to its senses and began to really assist the player in pushing forward in the game.

First, it would use high-pressure disasters to squeeze out the player’s potential and motivation.

Through the guidance disasters, they could increase the proportion of disaster resistance in the game in order to plunder the authority behind the final perfect evaluation.

With the two-pronged approach, Su Mo, who knew the inside story, was also a little bit tempted.

Those who were unaware of the truth behind it would be completely confused.

The spirit assistant continued to operate on its own.

Su Mo glanced at the empty task panel.

He was not in a hurry and patiently waited for the end of the explanation to flash across the panel.

A few moments later…

Three sentences of different lengths floated out from it, and gradually evolved into Huaxia words and spread across the screen.

[Task 1: Running on a Snowy Day (★)]

[Task description: Lead more than 500 citizens to run for more than 100 kilometers without interruption during the snowy weather to exercise a strong physique and incomparable willpower.]

[Task requirements: The speed has to be more than 10 kilometers per hour, the number of breaks in the whole process is less than or equal to three times, and each rest time has to be less than 10 minutes.]

[Task reward: 100 units of beef (1 unit = 10kg), 100 units of flour, ice cream x500, double-door refrigerators x20, 100L freezers x10]

[Traffic reward: 300,000]

[Task 2: Paradise on the Wastelands (★★)]

[Task description: Ensure that the thickness of the snow within three kilometers does not exceed 30 cm, and maintain the normal life of the citizens throughout the process.]

[Task requirements: Within 24 hours after accepting the task, the thickness of snow within a three-kilometer range must be kept below 30 cm throughout the entire process otherwise the task will be a fail.]

[Task reward: Little stream x1 (can be released after the disaster), peachtree x50, black soil x20 mu, cattle x10]

[Traffic reward: 2 million]

[Task3: Infrastructure Maniac (★★★★)]

[Task description: Real infrastructure constructors never rest. The tougher the environment, the more a constructor is motivated to build an infrastructure.]

[Task requirements: After accepting the task, build 10 small accommodations, 3 medium-sized accommodations, 2 primary manufacturing facilities, and 1 intermediate manufacturing facility by the end of the disaster.]

[Task reward: Biological release x300,000 (Reward will be released after the disaster is over, there is no limit to the types of creatures, but the number of small mammals is guaranteed to be > 1000.)]

[Traffic reward: 10 million]



Su Mo scanned the task list from the top to bottom and saw the requirements and rewards of each task.

A thought suddenly arose in Su Mo’s heart!


This time the New World was going to go completely insane!

The disaster was not over yet, but with the new updates by the game, it would surely stir up joy for a few people!

It would be even better if everyone’s tasks were similar.

You would not have to overthink, and most people would give their best to complete it.

After all, the rewards… have never been more tempting!

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