My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 573 - Primitive Worship, Plant the Seeds of "Hope"!

Chapter 573: Primitive Worship, Plant the Seeds of “Hope”! Translation

“We used treated wood to build the statue’s internal structure, mixed with a little solid soil to shape the foundation. It can stand for at least a hundred years if there are no accidents

“According to your instructions, we’ve used a lot of stones to fill the iron edges to ensure that what’s exposed and can be touched from the outside is all stones.

“It could be considered a genuine stone sculpture if it’s not dismantled forcefully. After all, it would be impossible to weigh it with its height and weight!”

A 20-meter tall monument.

In modern society, it would be at least a six-story building.

It took not only the day-and-night efforts of the villagers but the hard work of the architects, especially Ai Jianqiang, to be able to build the monument from scratch within ten days.

“Thank you for your hard work! Everyone successfully completed this mission together!”

Su Mo circled the statue of Oreo and listened to the person in charge explain its various parts.

After a while, he finally understood the cause of the monument’s miraculous effects.

The final placement of the top of the statue was at eleven in the morning. The outer periphery of the statue was completed, and the final refinements began around this time.

They sanded and trimmed the edges.

The shaping of the specific details was also being perfected.

By the time all these were done, it was around one in the afternoon.

Coincidentally, someone mentioned that Su Mo should be the one to do the final finishing touch on the statue.

Everyone agreed instantly.

Those present immediately began to pull and hang the red ribbon around the monument.

No one noticed that while they were making preparations, Oreo had silently touched and completed the last stroke for Su Mo.

The monument was completed instantly, and a misty blue light burst into the sky from the ground.

Afterward, a scene appeared before everyone.

“Are you saying…Oreo is still in the clouds?”

Standing and looking at it from the side, the cloud above seemed to be the shape of a disc.

However, when they stood directly under the cloud, a small cloud that resembled Oreo in the center of it swayed up and down.

Every time it collided with the large cloud, it would cause raindrops and crystals to sprinkle down and integrate into the land, plants, and organisms below.

“Yes, we witnessed Oreo transforming into the form of the statue and floating into the sky!”

Su Mo listened to the explanation from the person in charge and glanced at Moore, who stood beside him.

Moore stepped forward awkwardly. “When Oreo went up, she told me she would be able to come down in a day and wanted me to inform master…not to worry!”

His thoughts and emotions were written all over his face.

Seeing Moore’s guilty expression, Su Mo found it funny but wore a stern expression.

“Did you incite Oreo again?”

Moore hurriedly shook his head. “No, no, no! She wanted to go up and take a look herself! I would never dare to incite her!”


Although Moore was a little silly, Su Mo knew that he would not lie.

This meant that…

‘The system requires that the monument be shaped like a living being and it must follow a precise measurement range.

‘Don’t tell me that there is something else to it?’

Su Mo grew increasingly curious after he obtained the unexpected information.

However, there were too many villagers around so he had to suppress the urge to open up the system analysis and could only continue to ask about the progress of the power supply.

“Powering up would be a simple task, but the wiring is a little tricky. We’ve been working on it since this morning and only completed less than half the job right now.”

Lu Kuan approached and explained the technical difficulty of the job.

Following that, Chen Shen also gave a time estimation.

“According to the current progress, we’ll have to work until at least seven or eight in the evening to complete all the wiring.”

Su Mo listened to their report and uttered, “Then hurry up and get to work. I have to study the attributes brought by this monument!”

From ancient times to the present., the worship of magical power was an essential part of human nature.

Any other human lord would brag about the current scene and would want everyone to know that their territory was destined and blessed.

However, Su Mo, who was aware of the inside story, was not too excited.

A few moments later, the people surrounding the area left in an orderly manner, and he was last standing at the foot of the statue alone.

Su Mo instantly activated the system analysis and glanced toward the statue without any hesitation.


A green light flashed precisely toward the top of the statue and repeatedly went over the statue from top to bottom like a scanner.

After repeating the process three times, the green light retracted, and the properties panel popped up.

[Statue of Oreo (Level 1 Monument)]

[Description: Worshiping the strong is the natural desire of creatures to pursue greater strength and wonders. Since ancient times, humans have created countless classic idols to worship and meet their expectations of the future. This statue is an amateur-level monument that was made of solid materials and is able to withstand small disasters without sustaining damage. It can last for 100 years in conventional form, representing the constructors’ worship of the God of Snow. The statue contains an unexplainable magical power for some unknown reason. It can provide a periodic active effect and a long-term passive effect within range of the territory.]

[Monument category: Level 1 Decorative Monument (Monuments are graded from Level 1 to Level 9, 1 being the lowest and 9 the highest)]

[Worship type: Primitive Worship]

[Passive ability: Ice and Snow Kingdom]

Creatures: Creatures within the territory passively acquire buffs; when in the snow, creatures receive an increase of 10% cold resistance and an increase of 25% stamina recovery speed by default.

Plants: Changes the basic characteristics of plants. All plants will be immune to damage caused by low temperatures above -20 degrees by default.

Land: The ice and snow will not cause damage to the basic structure of the soil layers and will not affect the vitality of the soil by default.

[Active Ability: The Grace of Ice and Snow]

Activation requirement: The physical creature that the statue was based off must participate; Sufficient accumulation; Interval time > 30 days; ???; ???

Duration: One day

Creatures: The physical fitness of creatures within range recovers by 15% by default.

Plants: Plants within the range have a probability of obtaining special genetic mutations, with attributes extending toward the direction of ice and snow.

Land: Land fertility within the range increases by 15% by default.

[Attribute’s effect range: The Grace of Ice and Snow: 5km radius; Ice and Snow Kingdom: Within territory range)]

[Monument upgrade conditions: Territory population (1405/50000); Popularity (352/500000); Active opening times > 3; Territory prosperity (1151/100000)]

[Evaluation: Those that are recorded in history and preserved through time are worthy of being called a monument!]

The numerous entries listed the extravagant attributes of the monument.

After he thoroughly read through the system’s description of the statue, Su Mo was surprised by the requirement construction of the monument.

It was taboo to build a statue of the living and construct a monument of those alive.

During the construction, due to the traditional customs, the territory lord, Su Mo was excluded from being the model of the monument.

In the beginning, many people had provided several suggestions for the monument and even held a vote among a small group of villagers to make the final decision.

They considered various factors such as construction difficulty, construction significance, and construction time before finally settling on Oreo as the model for the structure.

No one would have thought that their decision would lead to such blind luck!

It was possible that if the monument was not of Oreo and instead replaced with other creatures in Huaxia’s history such as dragons, pixiu, guardian lions, and so on, they might be able to gain a certain degree of attribute buffs but it would never be as exaggerated as the current scene before them.

Even if the statue was created in the image of a normal creature, its effects would be unknown.

‘Oreo awakened his powers the last time in the snow and later inherited the power of the Heavenly Dog Pseudo God. He was, in a sense, the only “god” we could be in close contact with.

‘In addition to that, I don’t know which smart*ss proposed to use the image of Oreo’s transformed form. It’s…

‘It’s such a coincidence!’

Su Mo glanced at the dog-shaped cloud that seemed to be playing in the sky and was unsure how to feel as he touched the stone statue.


‘It’s moist.’

They were ordinary stones, but with the blessing of the mysterious power, the stones surprisingly felt like jade upon touching them.

Aside from that, the attributes brought by Oreo’s statue were considered a perfectly timed rain.

It was able to restore the villagers’ physical conditions, who had been working hard in the wasteland for the past several months and significantly cure the hidden illnesses.

The effects were also able to greatly slow down the rate of Su Mo’s cellular aging.

This passive ability was a magical relief for them in the winter.

Although it could not allow them to withstand the coming low temperature of -40 degrees in the current stage, it would be able to protect the plants in the basin for a while.

‘It’s not possible to upgrade the monument for the time being. It’ll be hard to meet the condition of a 50,000 population within one or two years.

‘However, we’ve already met the final condition of the monument and can finally upgrade the civilization level of the basin!’

All the other conditions had been long fulfilled, and the monument was the only condition holding them back.

Su Mo could only wait anxiously every day.

Fortunately, the construction was complete and could be considered exciting news before the heavy snowfall.

Su Mo recalled that there was a disaster relief meeting that would be held tomorrow night as well as the basic reward that would be given from the civilization upgrade.

He decided to save the opportunity for the next time and strode away from the statue to devote his attention to the seed planting.

In the back of the village, not far from the canteen…

The greenhouse’s initial construction was completed, and it was covered in a white transparent film.

There were generally three types of common films for ordinary greenhouses on Earth. There was PVC film, which had good heat preservation, light transmission, and good weather resistance, was soft, easy to shape, but was slightly heavier.

There was also non-toxic PE film that had good light transmittance.

Lastly, there was also EVA film which was made of resin that was strong in every aspect except for the high cost.

Each of the three films had its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, the cheapest PVC film had many advantages but had a fatal disadvantage, which was when the temperature reached too low, problems such as hardening and embrittlement would occur.

On the other hand, although PE film was not expensive, many problems came with it, such as poor weather resistance, thermal insulation, and a certain level of bonding difficulty.

The most expensive EVA resin film had the most troublesome setup process but could resist low temperatures of -60 degrees, protect the plants inside, and provide a relatively constant temperature environment.

Therefore, the EVA resin film was selected in the basin after multiple comparisons.

“Shelter leader, good to see you!”

There were four to five villagers who worked full-time taking care of the soil inside the greenhouse.

Li Hu even arranged for a militiaman to stand guard at the greenhouse entrance to ensure that the project that Su Mo had put great importance on would have no problems.

Seeing Su Mo approach, the militiaman hurriedly straightened up and wore a respectful expression on his face.

“The outside is complete, right?”

“Yes, it’s complete. There are a few people inside fertilizing the soil!” the militiaman muffled.


Su Mo nodded, and as he saw the militiaman’s excited expression, he smiled and took a step into the greenhouse with his head lowered.

It was unrealistic to feed thousands of people with the greenhouse since the cycle of growing vegetables was extremely long.

Therefore, the space inside was not very big.

The interior was about 20 meters in length, six meters wide, and about five meters in height.

The inside of the greenhouse would seem like an underground shelter if not for the light shining through the top.

“Hello, shelter leader!”

Just like the militiaman standing outside, the villagers inside saw him coming in, and they stood up in a rushed manner.

In response, Su Mo could only wave his hand.

“What do you guys use as fertilizer? It doesn’t look like our own production!”

The fertilizer particles buried in the ground were not big, only the size of a baby’s fist, and had a grayish-white color.

Su Mo bent over to smell it carefully and found that there was no irritating smell.

“Hehe, shelter leader, you must not know about it.

“These are fertilizers mixed with lizard, sheep, and cattle dung. They are extremely effective. Ordinary soil would not be able to handle it and would easily be ‘burned’ to death.”

“Only high-quality black soil can withstand such nutrient maintenance!”

Su Mo was instantly interested after he heard the villager’s explanation.

He picked up a fertilizer ball and lightly rubbed it in his hands without hesitation.

The soft outer shell cracked and revealed the mixture inside.

Upon careful inspection, traces of sheep and cattle dung could be seen.

“This smell?”

The villager placed his hand on his head. “Oh! That’s due to the lizards. They have strong digestions, and no matter what they eat, it can be neutralized and digested, so even their feces have a similar trait. Their feces are capable of decomposing the harmful substances in sheep and cattle dung, retaining only the beneficial substances for the microorganisms in the soil.”

“Once it enters the ground, the soft shell can also control the nutrient release speed inside so it won’t suddenly shock the microorganisms!”

Science-based farming with a combination of theory and practice.

Su Mo raised his head in surprise as if he saw the sparks of creation that were almost overflowing from the four villagers.

It was exactly like the saying, those who loved their profession would succeed no matter what.

In modern times, huge social clusters turned countless ordinary people into sophisticated parts, which only needed to function normally and did not need to be innovative.

However, it was different in the wasteland. Even with the simplest tasks, an ordinary person could find an opportunity to shine as long as they did it with passion.

“Thanks for the hard work!

“When you guys head back, tell Chen Shen that you four will be the first batch of people in the new plantation department.”

Su Mo did not hesitate to make a promise when he discovered the new talents.

The four’s performance did not disappoint him, and he wore a joyful expression on his face as he continued to maintain a calm mentality.

He worked together with the four for a while, and after burying the last of the fertilizer into the soil, he stood up lazily and stretched his body.

“Okay, you’ve done enough. Leave me a set of tools, and you guys can head out first!”

This type of farm work was an effortless task with his physical condition.

In terms of efficiency, even with five people working simultaneously, it was not as fast as him doing it alone.

Therefore, planting the seeds naturally did not require the help of other people and could be quickly done alone.

He casually sent them away and reached for something inside his pocket.

A black pouch appeared in his hands.

After the heavy snowfall disaster was the second round of disaster, the extreme drop in temperature.

When the temperature reached -40 degrees, even these magical plants would not be able to bear such terrifying temperatures.

Therefore, the early stages would be focused on development, especially on improving soil fertility and accumulating more seeds.

When the low temperatures ended, they could finally focus on achieving results.

‘The first round of plantation, the land flower with reverse growth, which will be responsible for fertility.

‘Next, the land flower and rafflesia with wild duplicate, responsible for producing seeds.

‘Then, some psychic energy water to reduce the plants’ growth time. I’ll only need to wait about twenty days before I can harvest a large batch of seeds!’

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