My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 553 - Unprecedented Shock, True Modularity! Translator: EndlessFanta

Chapter 553: Unprecedented Shock, True Modularity!

After a day of grazing cattle and sheep, Shu Chan drove all the naughty animals back into the pens.

With Oreo in tow, Su Chan walked back contentedly.

Now that most of the functional departments in the village were on the right track, the work assigned to everyone was far lesser than a week ago.

As the lord’s sister…

Every morning, she only had to go to the fence on time after breakfast, release the animals to their designated place, and then wait until the afternoon to bring the animals back.

It was called work, but compared to the time when she had to do everything in the Tundra shelter, it was as comfortable as going on a vacation.

Sometimes Su Chan would also think, or she was just like the disciples under Ai Jianfeng, to find a research scholar to be her teacher, and use the skills to change the course of human history in the future.

However, when she thought about it, the tired figure of Su Mo staying up all night to work and going out on adventures for days would appear in her mind.

It had been a month since she finally returned to her loved ones, yet for more than a month, Su Chan had never seen Su Mo resting. He was either studying, in a meeting, having discussions, or working!

The development of the basin was booming, and Su Mo was becoming increasingly better in the position of the territory lord. It was still unbelievable.

‘My brother was such an incredible person on Earth!’

Su Chan wanted to compete with him and had tried to fill her schedule for a few days like Su Mo. She kept her feet moving and worked continuously.

After two and a half days, she gave up.

It was not because she was too exhausted to keep up with it, it was because the high-intensity work and studying had greatly reduced her efficiency. It was not even half as good as her state when she was well-rested.

This was an awkward situation that most ordinary people would face.

Compared with talented people, it would be difficult to achieve the same results even if they put in the same or even more effort.

In the end, the gap between them could only get bigger and bigger.

Since she realized this, Su Chan consciously adjusted her focus and put herself in a different position.

She chose to help Su Mo share the management problems within the territory.

So far, the things recorded in the notebook were indeed useful and helped Su Mo with understanding the village.

“Oreo, you’d better go back later. I’ll go around the village and gather some information!”

“Woof! Woof!”

“What? You’re saying that I’m the territory lord now? Hahaha!”

Su Mo patted Ore’s head, and they communicated naturally. A person and a dog interacted with one another without being affected by the cold weather.

It only took a few moments before they were one or two miles away from the village.

After they crossed the mountain and before they parted ways, Su Chan inadvertently turned her head and her eyes were glued to the main door of the shelter in amazement.

Unlike in the past when everyone was busy, the shelter was extremely deserted.

The main door today was filled with all kinds of furniture bathing in the sun and Su Mo was lying on a rocking chair like a retired old man.

From afar, Su Mo’s expression and moments were not visible but from his relaxed rocking of the chair back and forth, it was easy to read his mood.



“Goodness! My brother finally thought it through and is taking a break?

“Woof! Awoof!”

The sudden changes in Su Mo instantly dispelled Su Chan’s thoughts of going to the village.

A human and dog rushed tp the shelter and slowly closed in on Su Mo.

This time, Su Chan was able to clearly see Su Mo who was relaxing on the rocking chair.

‘Good. No books in his hands and his eyes are closed. He is definitely…


“What happened? Why’re you running so hurriedly? Are you having some kind of winter training?”

Before Su Chan could speak, Su Mo already opened his eyes and looked at her, teasing her with a smile on his face.

As the real lord of the basin as well as the “super” human with Oreo’s sixth sense, he had already sensed their return with they were within close perimeters of the village.

“Huh? You weren’t faking it, were you?”

“Faking it? Faking what? What’s wrong? I can’t even take a rest?!”

Su Mo waved his hands casually and saw Su Chan’s displeased expression quickly break out into a smile again.

He changed into a more comfortable posture and reached out to pick up the charging terminal next to him to check it.


Very good charging speed!

At this rate, the completely dead terminal would be fully charged in about nine hours.

The current charging speed was within an acceptable range without knowing its power consumption speed yet.

“Hey, what is this? A smartphone?”

Seeing the familiar object in Su Mo’s hand, Su Chan came up, took it from him curiously and looked at it repeatedly.

The appearance of the terminal was similar to that of smartphones released on Earth around 2015, with the screen in the middle, black frames on both sides, and no buttons on the front.

The back was a matte and unknown material, which felt warm in the hand, and there was residual heat from solar charging.

As for the two sides, except for a power button that was common on Earth, there were no other extra buttons such as volume buttons.

It was evident that even if this thing were not made by humans, they must have at least participated in the process. Otherwise, such coincidental similarities were impossible.

“It’s not a smartphone, but its functions are much better than one!

“Let it charge first, and then I’ll show you!”

He motioned Su Chan to turn the terminal over to continue the charging, and he mouthed to her to take a seat on the empty rocking chair next to him before shutting his eyes leisurely.

Oreo also lay down comfortably beside Su Mo. It had been a long time since he could lay beside Su Mo and the sight was very harmonious.

Seeing the lazy look on Su Mo and Ore, Su Chan did not refuse and happily took a blanket from the side, sitting down beside them.

“After the winter, our parents are going to be transmigrated and we’ll be able to finally bask in the sun as a family!

“By the way, what if our elders also had a choice to come here? What should we do about it?”

“What else can I do? I’ll treat them equally, and at most can give them some easier work. We can’t possibly keep some idle old people at home!”

It was hard to maintain a close relationship with relatives who were two or three generations apart.

The early fortune and series of changes caused Su’s bloodline to not have many relatives.

This could be seen from the fact that no one had used a relationship of being relatives to add him as a friend on the friend list.

“Su Chi should be transmigrating soon. If he was alive he would’ve added me by now.

“Since he hasn’t added, it’s likely he encountered an accident. I hope when Uncle comes… Nevermind! Let’s not talk about it for now!

“Anyway when Mom and Dad are here, there will definitely be more people in the basin, and they can help me manage the place. As for me, I’ll be a shop owner!”

Su Mo had already gotten accustomed to the separation of life and death and losing someone would not affect him as much.

However, remembering the follower that was always behind him and the only relative he was close to, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Still, what had happened had already happened. Su Mo quickly put it behind him and closed his eyes to think of other things.

After a long while, as the time got closer to six-thirty and only the last bit of sunset on the horizon could be seen, Su Mo stood up.

The terminal had already reached 21% power after nearly two hours of charging.

He was not in a hurry to test it out and first moved all the dried furniture into the shelter and closed the garage door before beginning the first test.

“Stand back. I have to check if this thing is dangerous!”

Using an unknown modular item for the first time, Su Mo had put on protective gear and even war armor.

He pressed the power button. The green logo that flickered earlier quickly reappeared and was displayed in the middle of the screen.

It was a green triangle with the words “Sunix Military Industry” below it, which was the terminal’s boot animation

Then, after the animation disappeared, a slightly familiar app interface appeared in front of Su Mo!

“Hey, not only the appearance is a bit similar, but the interface inside is also quite similar.It looks like it really is man-made by Earth!”

There were familiar Chinese characters paired with a completely familiar home screen. Su Mo could not hold back and quickly clicked on the menu.

According to the way of using the smartphone in his memory, he first scrolled all the way to the bottom of the menu, found the factory reset, and clicked on it.

After waiting for two minutes, the terminal turned off and restarted again.

This time, a complete terminal guide popped up.

“The language setting is Chinese, the time should be 18:49. Connect to the Internet? There is no Internet connection for the time being...”

After finishing the settings one by one, with an exciting BGM, the interface once again returned to the previous home screen.

[Dear user, thank you for using Sunix Military products. We strive to wholeheartedly create better adventure equipment for you.]

[It is detected that the personal information has not been bound to the N35 terminal. Would you like to set up your fingerprint, iris, and biometric settings?]

“Yes!” Su Mo exclaimed.

The terminal vibrated slightly and began to automatically collect information.

The user experience was excellent with such advanced setup methods. However, Su Mo was distracted by the power display in the upper right corner of the terminal screen.

After the three-minute setup was over, the battery did not drop in the slightest, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

[It is detected that you are using the adventurer terminal for the first time. Do you want to enter the tutorial mode?]


[Please hold the terminal and go to an open area without obstacles!]

There was another scan and an interface like AR technology popped up, indicating that the garage floor was too small to perform all the functions of the terminal.

Following the prompts on the screen, Su Mo opened the door and took advantage of the darkness to head toward the back of the mountain of refuge.

He waited until all the detected grids on the screen were green before he slowly stood still.

[When using the field camping module, please first determine the concealment level and comfort level.]

[The levels are divided into 1-5. When the comfort level is higher than level 3, the default concealment level can only be fixed to level 1. When the concealment is higher than level 3, the default comfort level can only be fixed to level 1]


Accompanied by a small bubbling sound, a small app icon appeared on the empty home screen, in the shape of a tent.

After Su Mo clicked on it, the guide popped up and gave two options that could be swiped left and right.

‘It’s not difficult to understand. If you choose to be comfortable, you must sacrifice concealment. If you choose concealment, you will definitely not be comfortable.

‘Let’s try the effect of high concealment first!’

Su Mo smiled and adjusted the level of concealment to the highest and comfort level to the lowest and clicked “okay”.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

The unremarkable terminal that was still in his hand just now started to warm up after confirmation, and then slipped out from Su Mo’s hand like running water.

As if it had become a living thing, the pool of silver-white water went to the designated position, and the soil and white snow below disappeared instantly.

Then, in less than ten seconds, something similar to an underground tunnel cover appeared directly on the ground!

“F*ck, what kind of black magic is this?!”

Watching the terminal’s changes the whole time, Su Mo was taken aback by this illogical scene.

Su Mo opened up the cover and looked inside, his heart pounding heavily.

It was like an underground shelter made of tortoise shells. Below the cover was a ladder about three meters long, and two small lights were lit beside the ladder.

The light was not very bright, but it illuminated the way down very well.

Quickly taking off his armor that was in the way and wearing only protective clothing, Su Mo grabbed the ladder and let go, sliding all the way to the bottom.


Sensing that the opening was closed, the small lights at the stairs naturally turned off, and then the warm light on the top of the walls below the opening lit up, illuminating the entire space.

The height of the entire underground space was about two meters, and the area was about 50 square meters.

Among them, three small beds were neatly placed in the corners constituting the main furniture. Along the small beds, there was a three-person leather sofa and a coffee table cabinet.

On the other side against the wall, there was a half-person-high dining table and three matching high stools.

‘This whole space was generated from that phone?’

He stroked the brand new bedsheets on the bed and felt the real, physical leather sofa. Su Mo shook his head, still feeling like this was a dream.

No one could have imagined that this kind of black technology like the storage space would be obtained like this.

The value of this camping module’s scientific research significance was no less than a controllable nuclear fusion.

This is complete black technology, to the point that humans were likely unable to control it!

Su Mo climbed up the ladder and back to the ground. He tapped on the cover twice and the terminal returned to its original state on the ground.

Then, without rushing to experiment with the following modules, Su Mo once again experimented with the different buildings that came with the other levels.

When the comfort level was 2, the layout was the same as before, but the area was increased by 10 square meters, and there would be partitions to separate the toilet from the living area.

When the comfort level was 3, the well cover no longer appeared and a reinforced concrete single-family bungalow which was common on Earth appeared.

The area of ??the bungalow was about 80 square feet, and the furniture inside was still the same as the ones in the well, but there was another 15-square-meter cubicle meeting room in the space.

When the comfort level was 4, the bungalow remained unchanged, but the area is increased, and a separate kitchen was divided from the space.

At comfort level 5, one floor was added to the bungalow, and the bedroom below was moved to the second floor to form a more luxurious two-story Western-style building!

Watching these changes the whole time, from the initial shock to the final numbness, Su Mo’s mood went up and down like a roller coaster.

There was no doubt that this adventurer terminal is the real winner amongst all the other modular technology items.

Its powerful function, in some senses, was somewhat similar to the tortoiseshell of the game, but it far exceeded it in the early stage!

‘We have to duplicate this, and figure out the principle of this thing. Why not let everyone have one if it was possible?

‘Besides, since there are adventurer terminals, there are surely other types of terminals out there.

‘If only I could find this black tech factory that’s from the future…’

Su Mo stood up and he held it in his hands after returning the terminal to smartphone form. He could not wait to rush back to Freedom City instantly and use all his contribution points to try his luck buying all the remaining smartphones from the import exchange!

After all, now that there was no production ability in the basin and any factory could directly bring terrifying benefits.

Seconds later, Su Mo immediately recollected himself.

‘In the ruins, Magoo’s relic once got me motor-pumped oil well modules, which gave me a lot of advantage in the earlier stages.

‘To acquire more of this black technology, I won’t have to steal…

‘I can just scavenge the ruins!’

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