My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 187 Life Is Tiresome [Chloe]

"The secondary structure of the protein are either a beta pleated sheet or an alpha helix..."

The classes were pretty boring to me. It wasn't like I disliked school or anything, it was mainly that the lessons were way too slow. I could easily learn whatever they taught in this long dragged out lesson in about ten minutes at home. I still listened anyways because it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

Slowly, the hands of the clock hanging above the the whiteboard moved. Eventually it was finally time for the end of school. Not like I had anything particular planned after school anyways but I guess I did want to talk to the boy again.

Almost like a carbon copy of lunch, students poured out of the classrooms like a dam which had just fractured at several points, spewing out water and children alike, not in a crude way. I again, waited until the main hoard had passed before I began making my way to my locker. I opened the hard wood door of the locker and began putting some books into my bag. I still didn't know where the boy possibly could've been. Then again, it probably wouldn't be long until Mrs. Female Lead and Mr. Male Lead began viciously flirting in the middle of the school yard.

As I walked towards the bus stop, I noticed Mackenzie walking towards some boy... hold on, that's the Male Lead! Are you guys attracted to each other like magnets or something...? I decided to follow her and before long the two love-birds-to-be 'accidently' bumped into each other.

"Oh, hey, Haru... thanks for lending me your textbook today." it seemed that they have been already developing their chemistry with each other without me seeing. "Yeah, I heard you got asked out today is that true...?" Very bold of you, Haru... aren't you meant to at least be a little more subtle? "Yeah, but I turned him down though." This is devolving more and more into a generic romance plot line. The two of them looked awkwardly at each other before moving apart to their respective destinations.

Now, in order to block this potential romance from happening I'm going to have to consult some of the best resources of all time. I needed something written by a genius, something that would teach me everything, making me all but capable of clairvoyance!

As a pulled a general haram romance manga out of my bag, I skimmed through the pages, trying to identify each of the story beats. It seemed that the main character met the male lead during a misunderstanding, I see. Hopefully, Mackenzie doesn't greet Haru with a knee to the face, but I guess we'll never know. The slight turbulence from the bus made it a little difficult for me to read the manga.

Eventually, the bus reached my stop, the second last stop in the entire journey. I made my way onto the dew covered grass and crossed the scarce, relatively desolate road just off the driveway of my house.

I looked to see that my mother's car was not there. Neither of my parents ever really came home before night so it was pretty usual for me. As I made my way into my room, I scoured my little manga collection in search of some incredibly generic romance manga to study. It wasn't like I needed to study for school or anything for that matter.

After pulling out a few, I read through them, noting down many of the key moments. I questioned my own sanity for owning them in the first place as I slowly and painfully forced my poor brain to consume this horrid media. I hoped that I would be able to get some good knowledge before my brain turned to mush from all the repeated tropes, unfunny jokes and absolutely horrendous plots.

I was short of breath as I finished skimming through some of the manga. It seemed my first plan of attack was to stop any possible misunderstandings right as they begin. For some god forbid, unknown reason, misunderstandings always seem to be at the root of all of these story lines. Now, how exactly was I supposed to do that.

It would be best if I befriended either Haru or Mackenzie so I could stay near them, preventing any misunderstandings in the process with my incredibly rare skill of common sense. Other than that, I would probably try to overshadow Mackenzie as much I could, taking emphasis away from her. Although from prior experience, I would need to break past the power of god, also known as the Author of this novel, I would need to make myself important to the plot in some way.

​ I wasn't too sure what I was to do yet, neither did I really want the Author peering into my brain, deconstructing all of my thoughts, so I'll keep some of them too myself for the time being.

Well, the teacher did give me a little bit of Biology homework, it wasn't near enough to even be of any concern to me, I probably could've just completed the entire thing while she checked the tasks, but I suppose since I was already in the working mood, I would just finish it.

Not even five minutes later, I stuffed the completed homework sheet back into the over-sized Biology textbook I had stored it in before and moved from the little desk in my room to my bright pink bed. I never really liked this colour but I guess I couldn't have too many personality quirks could I?

Now, tomorrow, I have a maths test, which I mean exists but it might as well not exist considering that it makes literally no impact on my day. I suppose I could go outside for a walk or something, I was pretty bored without anything to do.

I changed out of my school uniform into a large white t-shirt and some shorts. There was a shopping centre pretty close to our house, maybe I'll buy a hairclip or something to put in my hair, it'll make myself stand out a little more at least.

I put on some shoes and left the house, checking sure that the door was locked behind me.

The shopping centre was around a twenty minute walk.

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