My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 81 - 81: Marinette Mortel(2)

Marinette's POV

Step step

The night became cold, the wind fluttered my white hair as I kneeled on the rooftop of the emperor's royal palace.

My heart was throbbing in pain with a thrill as I looked at how high I was at that moment, one would drop dead falling from such height.

I moved slightly to look at the conversation of two people talking at midnight at the tea table inside the glasshouse with many beautiful flowers from lilies to roses.

"Your majesty, princess Diana isn't in her room."

"Is that really Diana...I kept getting suspicion."

"Can't you see her real identity with your eyes??"

The emperor chuckles walking to grab the rose and dump it sinking to the bottom of the pond, he muttered, "Even my eyes couldn't see through all the things. Whoever it is inside that body, it's impressive of her to fool my eyes to this point." to his assistant standing tall a few meters away from the emperor.

Oliver kept glancing left and right as he started noticing my presence.

It was so cold, and the stare of the mighty dragon at me was really terrifying. I even doubt if that was the real dragon as it didn't move an inch even if it was breathing.

"I can't hear them clearly..."

"What're you doing?"

"!!!!" I was started almost falling down to the ground if that man didn't catch me on time. He didn't make even the slightest sound.

"Why are you here?? I thought you would do something more important." I talked to that cold prince Philip. His hair was so long, it was flowing along the wind touching his eyelashes from time to time.

"I was going to kill you."



"Why?!!! Did I do something wrong??"

Is he mad at me for my words this morning??

"You already switched back, so there's no need for me to do so."

" know I swap body with Diana??" he ignored me and kept staring at the emperor through the glass.

He shut my mouth even though he was the one interfering with my plan.

I held his hand and glanced at the emperor's eyes. But somehow, someone kept distracting me as he kept shivering even though he wore more layers than I did.

Without knowing, the corner of my lip lifted up seeing how he kept focusing even though he was that cold.

"How long did you know I swap body with Diana?"

"...are you always this talkative?? You're annoying." I could feel my veins pop up hearing that man talking like that to me. But if I talk back, I felt like I'll hurt my pride.

So I took his hand away from my lip and climbed down the roof.

I didn't have anywhere to stay for the night, my money was thrown away alongside that heavy dress. All I have left on my body was the thin layer of the criminal dress.

"You should have gone back to the capital when I warned you this morning." the prince walked alongside me, the street we walked on together was quiet and only the sound of the wind soothe the awkwardness between him and me.

"So you knew it ever since then."

"Isn't it obvious??"

No, it isn't. No one would be able to believe such a thing as body swapping.

You just met me like two times, are you a genius or something?

"Just go your way, I'll go mine. We won't interfere with each other."

"Isn't that a bit cold for someone telling me to lick their feet??"


"I never saw that side of you like that before."

"You knew Marinette before? Why do you keep talking like you knew Marinette so well?" I stopped walking and asked him. He turned slowly to me tilting his head, his blue eyes full of mystery, the face which I couldn't read, just how are you the illiterate prince in everyone's eyes?

"Why are you calling yourself Marinette? I can't seem to understand you in this life, why are you so different??"

"This life?"

His face was about to say something but he didn't answer anything, he shook his head putting his hands in his pocket and left me there with the word, "Nevermind."

Why didn't I see Philip in any of Marinette's memories?

I clenched my hands staring at the back of someone leaving me again, I didn't want to see another back turning on me again. I wanted answers.

Why am I in Marinette's body?? Why was I summoned here??? Why did Marinette choose me???

"You can't just say it and stop midway!!" I ran to grab his hand and raised my voice at him. It was the first time I ever lost my cool that much.

Drip drip

"Don't look--"

"Why are you crying?? Why???" the pain in my heart, the stupid heart, it kept aching as I saw him crying. I could feel the wetness on my face as the tear rolled down on the scar.

"Why did you treat me like a stranger??? Why do you shut me away and that day, you cry for me when you first met me??? I don't know're unpredictable. You're not a book, a story...I can't read you at all."

"Prince're one of the time travels, aren't you??"

"I no longer wanted the second chance, Marinette. It's too much pressure. No one could do everything they wanted just because they had a second chance. I failed...I failed again...Cooper, Moana...all of your allies were all killed by Richard..."


I don't want to hear it, when he gave me the answer, I wanted to delete my memories of that. Even though I wasn't the real Marinette, but if I ever put myself in her shoes, it would be heartbreaking for her not to be able to save any of her allies.

The name of the list I picked up on that mountain that night, I saw all of Marinette's allies' names crossed out in red.

Huff huff

My head felt dizzy...

[Unlocking Memories...]

Huff huff

<This is Cooper, Moana, and Robert. They are my allies.>

Many things ran across my mind, the feeling of the fresh blood was all over my face in the memories, and the man in my hands started turning colder and colder even though how much I shouted his name, <******>

"Marinette!! Marinette!!!" his voice called me back, his face didn't have any trace of tears.

"What're you doing spacing out like that??? You might fall down."

Was it all a dream???

"I'm sorry for calling you annoying, okay...? Is that fine?"

"Can you slap me?"

"...are you a masochist??" I could finally read his face as his face was saying 'Are you crazy?'

"Nevermind. It's nothing."

Why did that dream feel so real?? And when did I fall asleep in the first place???


In the other world, a girl who was preparing to be hit by a truck and another lady was ready to rescue her, that little girl dodge the driving car by herself without needing help from the lady.

She ran to the quiet alley and turned to her original form to confirm what she was sensing really true.

"Master, it's the DREAM power. Someone is using it."

"Who in the universe uses that magic??!! I'm the only one holding the dream power..."

"Whoever that is, we can't let that person walk to the wrong path. It will be chaos if the dream mixed with the reality."

"I know. But I have to do my task first."

"You'd better hurry. The DREAM power can't be used by an evil person."


Back in Anastasia, the northern empire,

Diana's POV

"Finally...after all this time...urgh..." my body felt so sore, my eyes hurt so much.

I really hope that prisoner will do his job well killing Marinette. Thrusting the sword inside my body will never occur again, I went on my instinct at that time as I felt Marinette finally swap back the body.

But it doesn't matter as long as the result turns out well. I finally get rid of Marinette, it's disappointing I couldn't torture her till death.


"I won't let you do...bad thing...any longer..." of course, the only thing I couldn't get rid of was none other than the innocent Diana.

If I could, I would kill that other personality and make this body mine and mine only.

"Don't say like you never did a bad thing...Diana..."


I guess I need some time to rest after all the sh*t I had to deal with while that Diana was still whining like a coward hiding behind me.

All she did was find love, she really lacked the thing called greed. If only she could be more greedy and evil, the past life's plan to be an empress won't be a failure.

I made it so far killing Marinette and all my enemies, but in the end, that stupid Diana tore apart all my plans and took control of the body without letting me interfere as the result of letting herself be killed by the one she loved.

Such a stupid brat...

Back to the moment, she cried again on the knees. So weak. What was there to cry about?? She will be an empress of the northern empire and every single man would be crawling to kiss her feet when she sat on the throne anyway.

What's the need for such thing as true love.

Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.

I called true love ridiculous before I saw that man running to Diana and hugged her tightly in his arm comforting her by patting her head gently with care and affection. Even I could feel the warmth from his hands.

I couldn't help but grin when Diana was out of the world as that man hugged her like that. That stupid Diana hadn't yet realized that the man she was slowly raising her hand to hug was the one who brought her down.

Maybe I could use this true love to finally gain complete control of the body...


"Victor, I want to go back's scary..."

"Let's go back...I'm sorry I left you alone..."

"Victor...I...I..." I could feel the nervousness in her tone, even I could predict what she was going to say to the blacked hair.

"I love you, Victor." I snickered when Victor realized who was in the body he hugged. He stood up leaving Diana on her knee with his eyes trembling without knowing what he should say.

"You're not Marinette..."


<Oh poor me...that guy loves Marinette...not you...>

" loves me...he--"

"I'm sorry Diana, I never thought of you that way..."

" isn't true...then...then why did you accept me to be your disciple??? You teach me how to fight with a sword, remember?" her lip was trembling just like that innocent eyes which will soon turn lifeless as that man who was her second love murmured to her and turned his back on her, "Marinette is the only one I love..."

<I can help you...just give up...true love isn't real...>


<True love had never been there for you, no one except me, I always stayed by your side, Diana...give up your body...>

I could sense the burning anger mixed with disappointment, the fragile heart which turned to pieces just like a broken vase.

"You...are right...hehehehe..."


"Finally...once and for all, the stupid Diana is gone."

Haa...who should I kill first?? Aurora?? Flynn??? Or...Victor???!!!!! eyes were full of eagerness, I noticed the broken bottle of alcohol, I wondered what it feels like to kill a person with that???

Ah...isn't that thrilling???

"Here I come..."

To be continued....!

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