My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 421 - Chapter 421: Chapter 421: Scared to Death When Brother Gets Serious! (Second Update)

Chapter 421: Chapter 421: Scared to Death When Brother Gets Serious! (Second Update)

In the room.

It’s very quiet, very quiet.

The world seemed to be very quiet too.

If not for little tiger starting to protest…

His eyes were fixed on Luo Xiaolang, noticing a touch of blush on her face.

Could this woman also have her shy moments?

His throat lightly moved.

The little tiger started fussing even more intensely.

Yin Qin scooped up the little tiger and began pacing around the room, trying to soothe him.

He also begun to mumble to himself, “You’re scared I’ll steal your mom away, you little love rival…”

Love rival?!

Luo Xiaolang stared at Yin Qin.

Isn’t a love rival used to describe two people who like the same person?!

Was Yin Qin implying that they both like her?

She didn’t know why.

Her heart started racing.

It was as if she had run 5 kilometers, her heart beating uncontrollably fast.

Even her breaths become more rapid.

“What’s wrong?” Yin Qin turned to look at the frozen Luo Xiaolang, her chest noticeably rising and falling.

Luo Xiaolang quickly shook her head and said, “Nothing is wrong.”

“Let’s go downstairs.” Yin Qin, not really known for his attention to detail, carried the little tiger and left the room first.

Luo Xiaolang took a deep breath.

Actually, she faintly knew the reason why.

She followed him downstairs.

Downstairs, Yin Bin and Qin Keqin were watching TV in the living room.

It seemed that Qin Keqin was genuinely annoyed with Yin Bin, so she intentionally kept her distance, sitting on a different couch.

Yin Bin was livid.

Seeing this, Yin Qin couldn’t help but laugh.

Yin Bin shot him a glare.

Yin Qin coughed.

He handed the little tiger to Luo Xiaolang and asked his father, “Since mom is annoying you, could you spare a few minutes to talk about work?”

Yin Bin shot his son a contemptuous look and headed for the study.

Yin Qin followed his father in.

Yin Qin passed the staff list he brought back from the company to his father, “I made a bet with Weng Cheng.”

“Hmm,” Yin Bin went through the list of staff absentmindedly, guessing that his son probably needed him to help him identify some of his trusted allies.

For a moment he thought maybe the fool wasn’t all that foolish.

He kept flipping through the list.

Yin Qin continued, “I wagered 5% of my shares, that if I can’t increase the ratings of the ‘Hall of Heaven’ Grand Finals to 2, the 5% share goes to Weng Cheng.”

The moment Yin Bin was processing the staff information, he froze.

He stared blankly at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin said calmly, “You heard right.”

“You bloody fool!” Yin Bin stood up abruptly and lunged toward Yin Qin as if he was going to rip him apart.

Upon seeing this, Yin Qin immediately attempted to flee from the room.

As Yin Bin chased him, he cursed, “You idiot! Are you trying to kill me with disgust?!”

“Old man, don’t get excited. Aren’t you afraid your blood pressure will go up at this age?”

“I wish I’d dropped dead! How did my intelligent self give birth to an idiot like you!”

“Dad, calm down, calm down and listen to me…”

“Let me first give you a good thrashing before we talk!” Exploded in rage.

He’s really infuriated!

This first day of work already had him wishing to kill his son.

Yin Qin suddenly stopped running.

Yin Bin paused and glared at his son, panting heavily.

Upstairs the noise was getting quite rowdy, Qin Keqin and Luo Xiaolang both gave the scene an uneasy look, guessing that Yin Qin must have displeased Yin Bin.

“First, let’s talk, don’t hit the face, what if you make this handsome face ugly…ah!” Yin Qin covered his nose, his eyes watering in pain, “Didn’t I tell you not to hit my face?”

Yin Bin clenched his fist, still seething with rage.

“We fought, can we sit down and talk now?” Yin Qin looked at his father.

Yin Bin was trying hard to control his anger.

Thinking about that 5% of shares, 5% of shares, he felt like spitting out blood.

If this continued, they would be bankrupt in a few days!

Yin Bin turned around, stormed angrily back into the study.

Yin Qin wiped his nosebleed and followed him in.

Yin Qin watched as his father started to calm down and said, “I need your help choosing some talent. I wasn’t really paying attention to the employees when I was at the company, so I don’t know them well. I’m looking to set up a new project team and I need your support.”

Yin Bin picked up his gold pen.

As he reviewed the staff information, heart aching and muttering “My own son, my own son,” to himself.

Yin Qin watched his father, noticing his grip on the pen was unusually strong, almost as if he was grinding his teeth. He wondered if his father had been killed by a pen in his previous life.

After a while.

Yin Bin abruptly put the pen down on the study bureau.

Without a single word, he left.

Fearing that if he were to open his mouth, he might not be able to stop himself from beating him again.

As Yin Qin watched his father’s retreating figure, he picked up the staff list.

Despite the anger, deep down, he knew his old man still loved him.

Looking at it more closely, not only did he finalize the staff list, he had even assigned their respective roles.

A wave of warmth filled him.

In that moment, his eyes hardened.

This time, he would make a big splash and show those pretentious people a puffy, swollen face!

Early the next morning.

As soon as the whole family got downstairs just after waking up, they saw Yin Qin had already eaten breakfast and left the house.

Qin Keqin looked at her son in bewilderment.

Was he possessed? Normally he couldn’t be woken up even with shouting.

When Yin Qin arrived at Milky Way, only a handful of people were in the company.

He sat in the office sorting out the list of personnel his father had given him and made a plan of his own.

He worked relentlessly, even forgetting to eat or sleep.

The secretary was nearly shocked to death when she opened Yin Qin’s office door.

Was this really the master, Yin Qin?

He’s already at work this early in the morning, was she seeing things?

“Coffee, black coffee, no sugar,” Yin Qin said coldly.

“Oh, yes.” The secretary hurriedly replied.

She quickly went out to pour Yin Qin a cup of coffee and did a little tidying of his office.

After finishing, she prepared to leave.

“Secretary Wu.” Yin Qin called her.

Wu Meili looked at him in surprise.

“Starting from tomorrow, work starts at 8 o’clock.”

“…” This was a full hour earlier. What the hell was Master Yin up to?!

“The extra hour will be calculated as overtime pay per day.”

Wu Meili quickly agreed, “Yes.”

“Notify these people to attend a meeting in my neighbouring conference room at ten in the morning.” Yin Qin gave Wu Meili a list of names.

Wu Meili was somewhat baffled.

“I don’t want to have to say it twice.”

“Yes.” Wu Meili quickly replied, looking extremely respectful.

She hurried out, her heart pounding.

What on earth was going on with Master Yin? Changing three times in a day, was he really possessed? Really scaring people.

Ten o’clock.

Yin Qin was in the chairman’s personal conference room.

All the employees on the list were gathered together in bewilderment, sitting there uncertainly.

Yin Qin settled down, his expression serious and really not showing any of his usual carefree demeanor. He said, “Long story short, I’ve called you all here for the “Hall of Heaven” project team. Everyone in this room is now one of the members of this project. If anyone disagrees, speak up now. I will make a note of it but nothing will change.”

Obviously, anyone who dares to refuse will not only be unable to withdraw but will also be resented by the chairman.

Who would be foolish enough to protest?

“Since no one disagrees, that means all of you are willingly following me. Since it’s voluntary, I expect everyone to show their full dedication.”

This was clearly forced volunteerism.

“Good, let’s not waste time and get to the point. First of all, let’s talk about the goal of our project: the final episode of the grand finals to have a ratings of 2!” Yin Qin enunciated each word.

“Impossible!” Old employee Xie Mao poured cold water on it.

Yin Qin didn’t argue with him, just signaled that he could speak up.

“Look at all the variety shows in the Milky Way system, even though they all air on online platforms, the ratings have always been top-notch. Even so, during the peak of variety shows, the hottest variety show in the Milky Way system only had a rating of 2.1. But the market back then and now are completely different. Now there’s an oversupply of variety shows and the market is not as good as before. Moreover, I don’t look down on our Milky Way system, but “Hall of Heaven”, this talent show is really mundane, there’s nothing to attract the audience, and I even think the current 0.5 rating is purely because it was produced by the Milky Way system, we have a large user base. If it was on any other platform, it would have been over by now!” Xie Mao spoke indignantly.

“I know.” Yin Qin nodded.

Xie Mao looked at Yin Qin, his face was full of incredulous expressions.

Since you knew it, why make such wild claims!

“I know the goal is lofty, it’s almost a pipe dream to achieve it. I even bet 5% of my shares with Director Wei, and the result is likely to be a devastating loss.” Yin Qin explained, “I know all the potential consequences and yet I’m still willing to take this risk. It’s because I don’t want to leave myself an escape route, and neither do I want to leave any of you an escape route.”

Everyone looked at him.

“I lost 5% of my shares, the market value of which is roughly between 200 and 300 million flame coins. Your losses definitely won’t be as big as mine, but the result is, you will all be fired.”

“Mr. Chairman!” Another old employee Li Qi was also shaken, “We didn’t do anything wrong, why should we bear such a huge risk?”

“You did do something wrong, you were chosen by me.” Yin Qin smiled, “The mistake was, in the whole Milky Way system, I trust no one else except you guys.”

Everyone was dumbstruck.

His words, even though they were hard to swallow, still stirred people’s emotions.

“This is a bet, if you lose, you all get out! If you win, you all get a promotion at the end of the year, a bonus of 500,000 on top of your original pay, and all of you get a promotion next year!”

It was once again as quiet as death.

These were indeed very attractive terms.

“And you don’t get a choice, you have to follow me, give it your all!” Yin Qin said, “And I believe, where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Everyone remained silent.

As if, with these simple words, they had been moved by Yin Qin.

And it must be said, if Yin Qin lost, his loss was greater than anyone else’s, so since he dared to make this bet, why couldn’t they also go crazy once.

The one who was initially most opposed, Xie Mao, suddenly spoke up amidst the silence, “Fine, I’m with you!”

Yin Qin’s lips curved into a smile.

“I’ve been suppressed enough in this period! Ever since Wei Cheng took charge, I’ve been targeted everywhere. If things continue like this, sooner or later I’ll pack up and leave. Why not just gamble with you now, there’s nothing wrong with that!”

“Me too.” Another new employee, who hadn’t been in the company for long, chimed in, “I’m willing to gamble with the chairman. I’m young anyway, if worse comes to worst, I’ll just find another, a proverb said, ‘There is always rich grass elsewhere.’, why should I be in love with Milky Way system.”

“Good, I’m with the chairman.”

“We’re all with the chairman!”

For a moment, there was a sense of mass uprising.

Yin Qin said, “Thank you for your support, I won’t say much else. I’m the kind of person who dislikes officialese, if we’re going to do something, we’re going to do something big, and we’re going to be practical.”


“Just now I mentioned our target, now let’s analyze the current situation of “Hall of Heaven”. Objectively speaking, the highest rating variety show currently only has a rating of 1.4, and that’s largely due to the fact that it’s still riding on the coattails of the first season’s popularity. The second season inherited the popularity of the first. A truly new variety show that is well-done can barely achieve a 0.9. So, the conclusion is, the market isn’t good at the moment. Is this a challenge for us? No, it’s an opportunity for us.” Yin Qin stood up from his seat, and spoke seriously, “Why is this an opportunity? Because there hasn’t been any decent variety shows coming out recently. As long as we stand out just a little, the audience will all gravitate towards us. So, in such a difficult environment, the requirement for our variety show doesn’t have to be so high. That’s our opportunity.”

The others nodded, agreeing with what Yin Qin said.

“Now let’s talk about the subjective reasons. Xie Mao was right earlier, “Hall of Heaven” is too conventional, there’s nothing new or interesting about it. Even achieving a rating of 0.5 is indeed due to the large viewer base of the Milky Way system. If it was anywhere else, it would have ended already. But the shortcomings of “Hall of Heaven” also gives us a chance to improve. If we change it into a good show, personally, I don’t think it’s a good show if we can’t make any achievements!”

“The chairman is right.” someone echoed.

They were truly convinced by him.

And it seemed like they have regained their fighting spirit.

“So, after analyzing the objective and subjective reasons, we want to really boost this show. It’s not as inconceivable as we thought.” Yin Qin spoke convincingly!

At that moment, they truly felt as if Yin Qin had changed.

He had undergone a significant change!

When he was serious, he was genuinely frightening!

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