My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 121 - 121: Sixth-Generation Forward-Swept Wing

Chapter 121: Sixth-Generation Forward-Swept Wing


Translator: End less Fantasy Translation Editor: EndtcssFantasy Translation

Tang Rui had just arrived at the company, and his chair hadn’t even warmed up yet.

He immediately headed to the military district’s conference center.

He wasn’t there for a meeting; he was there to attend a class.

As soon as he arrived at the company, Lin Chao found him and said he would take him to the class.

Honestly, everyone thought it was absurd.

Attending a class? What was the point?

Could it be a class on classified matters? He had attended many of those; it didn’t seem necessary.

Lin Chao mentioned that he was also in the dark about it. The message had come from higher up.

So, what could Tang Rui do? He decided to attend the class.

At the conference center, he met the professor who would be teaching him.

Professor Zhu, from the Jinling International Relations Institute, specialized in Middle Eastern relations.

“Professor Zhu, hello. What class am I attending today?” Tang Rui asked curiously.

“Mr. Tang, according to the instructions from higher authorities, I need to brief you on the current relationships among Middle Eastern countries, local faith issues, geopolitics, and international relations,’1 Professor Zhu said with a smile.

Actually, he hadn’t expected to receive such a task, teaching a single individual.

But he knew better than to ask questions he shouldn’t.

After a brief chat, Professor Zhu began the class.

Tang Rui was the only student.

It was one-on-one tutoring.

Professor Zhu was highly Im owledge able. He started with the history of the Middle East, delving into faith, then connecting faith to geopolitics, and from there, discussing international relations.

By the end of rhe class, Tang Rui had a clearer understanding.

Initially, most people had a simplistic view of the region: it had oil, people were wealthy, and their wars didn’t concern them.

After Professor Zhu’s class, Tang Rui had a concept in his mind. He understood why conflicts occurred there, who supported them, and how the situation had developed.

The issues involved were extremely complex.

He used to think that there were only two parties supporting the Houthi rebels, but after the class, he realized it wasn’t that simple.

“Alright, I’ve covered what I needed to. Now, it’s time for the exam.”

“An exam?” Tang Rui’s eyes widened.

“Yes, but it’s not a written test, just a few questions.”

“That’s fine, go ahead.’1

Professor Zhu looked at the questions in his notes and asked with a smile, “Mr. Tang, if two opposing countries want to buy weapons from you, who would you sell to?”

This was also a question?

“Of course, I’d sell to whoever offers a higher price,” Tang Rui answered without hesitation.

“No, think again.”


T hat’s wrong?

T ang Rui thought for a moment and said again, “I’d sell to those with whom we have a good relationship.”

“No, think again,” Professor Zhu still shook his head.

Still wrong?

Tang Rui pondered for a while and said, “Then, I’d sell to the one with the highest bid.”

Professor Zhu shook his head again and said, “Mr. Tang, in arms trading, it’s never just about trade. Arms are a special commodity with unique attributes. Sometimes, the value of arms isn’t solely based on their performance.”

“So, whom should 1 sell to?” Tang Rui finally understood.

“Of course, you sell to the one offering the highest price, but when I say price,’ it’s not just about money,” Professor Zhu replied with a smile.

“As a private arms dealer, do I need to consider other factors? Isn’t it all about who pays more?” Tang Rui grasped the idea.

Professor Zhu didn’t directly answer Tang Rui’s question but instead asked, “Mr. Tang, have you ever seen or heard of a novel or TV series called ‘Da Ran Fang?”

” Da Ran Fang ? Is that the one with the male lead named Chen Shouting, who ran a dyeing workshop during the Republic of China era?” Tang Rui thought for a moment, realizing he had indeed seen it.

He used to watch it with his grandmother when he was a child.

“What’s the most memorable line from that show?”

“I can’t remember. I was in primary school when I watched it,” Tang Rui replied. He had a vague impression and knew what the show was about, but asking him to quote lines from it was impossible.

If it were about “Liang Jian,” there wouldn’t be a problem.

“If we have a time of peace and prosperity like in those days, I can expand Dahua to be as big as the entire Qingdao! Brother, it’s not about being strong, it’s about having a strong life. If China were like the United States or the United Kingdom, would I need to constantly scheme? Mr. Tang, do you understand the meaning of this line from Chen Shouting?” Professor Zhu asked.

“Of course, during that era, there was no strong homeland behind him. Even if he ran a successful business and had wealth, when someone came with guns, he had no choice but to yield,” Tang Rui nodded, casually responding.

“Are Middle Easts wealthy?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Do you think the money in their hands is the same as rhe money in our hands?”

“It’s the same and different.”

“Which country has the most people on the world’s richest list? Is it because people in that country are good at doing business?”

“They’re not good at business, but they’re good at looting.”

“That’s right. There’s no faster way to make money than looting, but to loot, you need strength. Mr. Tang, do you have an answer now?”

“Yes,” Tang Rui nodded.

If he still didn’t understand now, he’d truly be clueless.

Professor Zhu didn’t ask what Tang Rui’s answer was. He just bid farewell and left.

Tang Rui also left the conference room with mixed feelings, heading back to the company.

In the car, Lin Chao handed him a document.

Tang Rui glanced at it.

If it had been before, he would have been excited.

Now, it was different.

The document was about an expo, similar to the one organized by CETC in the past, specifically for the sale of military equipment.

This time, the buyers could be considered a group of big spenders.

The Middle Eastern led a group of his brothers, including Little Ka, Little A, Little Di, Little Ke, and others, for a major purchase.

And they were going big on his signature crimson mechanical dogs.

“Lin, tell the higher-ups that I won’t be attending this expo. I don’t have the time. I’ll provide the pricing for those weapons, but as for negotiations, they should arrange representatives to handle it. I’ll focus on supply and getting paid. I won’t be involved in anything else,” Tang Rui put down the document and told Lin Chao.

“Alright, I understand,” Lin Chao nodded, though he found Tang Rui’s decision a bit surprising. Was he no longer interested in money?

Not exactly. Tang Rui’s perspective had shifted. He had just finished his class, and his outlook had changed.

Today’s lesson had taught him not to focus solely on making money. Money alone was not enough; one needed the strength to safeguard it. By directing his efforts towards improving his capabilities and contributing positively, the money would naturally follow. Even if he couldn’t earn it, he could always take it.

At the same time, it was a subtle hint. The actions he had taken had already begun to affect international and regional situations. Understanding this, Tang Rui immediately adjusted his priorities.

Back at the company, Tang Rui called all his employees back. They had been studying with Shen Huoyi’s team for over a month, and it was time to return to work.

Once everyone was back at the company) l ang Rui held a meeting.

“Our previous unmanned aerial vehicle project is now completed. Recently, we received the Su-47 from Big Mao and the forward-swept wing technology from Shen Huoyi. You should all have a good understanding of forward-swept wing technology by now. Our next project is to develop a forward-swept wing fighter jet,” Tang Rui announced to his team.

“Tang, I’m not against your project, but I’d like to ask if you have solutions for the major challenges of forward-swept wing fighter jets,” Feng Yuanxing was the first to speak up, filled with urgency. He had been doing well at work, the company was doing great, and he practically ran the place. But now, just when he was taking control, Tang Rui decided to jump into the deep pit of forward-swept wing fighter jets. Could he not be anxious?

“You don’t need to worry about the technical issues. Your focus will be on the design aspects. My initial plan is for our forward-swept wing fighter jet to meet the standards of a sixth-generation aircraft. The general design concept will be like this,” Tang Rui displayed a poster of the White Emperor fighter jet on the meeting table.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the poster of the White Emperor fighter jet. Did their boss lose his mind? Were they even capable of researching this?

“Boss, isn’t this from a science fiction IP?” someone asked incredulously.

“Yes, and our job is to turn dreams into reality,” Tang Rui replied..

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