My hi-tech Library

Chapter 266: Genetic Enhancement Engineering (2)

The virtual meeting of genetic enhancement engineering lasted more than three hours.

Under the leadership of Li Yi, the research and development direction of genetic enhancement was quickly unified.

From many directions of gene enhancement technology, several fields with the highest feasibility are selected, and research investment is increased.

Gene-enhancing agents and gene-optimized editing technologies are areas where the current research progress is more likely to yield results. Compared with genetic modification technologies and gene-mixing technologies, they are more reliable in terms of safety.

Regarding genetic modification technology, many scientists are warning about this kind of research work, which contains terrifying dangers, such as the creation of terrifying biochemical viruses like biochemical crisis, or evil modified people, etc., the risk of unknown life.

Therefore, Li Yi also focused on strengthening the safety requirements for biochemical research, and placed the experiments of the genetic enhancement research project on the lunar base.

The virtual conference room was closed, and Li Yi returned to the appearance of an office before his eyes.

At the meeting, although Li Yi specially emphasized that he was going to strengthen the R&D investment in the genetic enhancement project, compared with the efficient R&D progress in other fields, the genetic enhancement project still had a problem that could not be ignored.

Without the reference of more advanced 'gene technology', the field of genetic enhancement will be a long and complicated scientific research work.

Humans have always been the slaves of their own genomes. It is a very dangerous thing to want to turn over to become the masters of genes and modify it at will.

Li Yi closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness appeared in the library space, searching for knowledge about genes.

The genetic technology of extraterrestrial life is full of strange, different life characteristics, and the expression of genes is also different. Therefore, it is difficult for Li Yi to find suitable genetic technology in the library.

However, the material elements of the universe are the same, and the genetic codes that make up life still have certain similarities.

Just like the human civilization on the earth, in the development process of human development, in different periods, almost all of them have chosen to use gold and silver as currencies, which have certain common conditions.

So far, humans have discovered 118 elements on earth.

In the universe, these 118 elements also exist on other planets. Although there are dark energy, antimatter, dark matter, and different elements on other planets, these 118 elements occupy the main components of the vast majority of positive matter.

Because of the different planetary environments, the genetic forms of alien life are also different, which can be mainly divided into four categories:

The first category is digital life like intelligent AI robots. The second type: abstract life with information or consciousness as the carrier; the third type is the high-latitude life with the form of particles, energy and electromagnetic waves as the carrier; the fourth type is a form similar to carbon-based life, that is, silicon element , ammonia or sulfur as the core of life forms.

Humans are carbon-based life with carbon as the main body.

Carbon is the main element of organic compounds on Earth, without which life would not exist. Carbon is capable of forming stable bonds with other elements, including carbon itself, which is capable of forming more compounds than any known element. Carbon is a building block of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, all of which are necessary for life of.

Among the main bodies of many civilizations, carbon-based life is the weakest and most unstable, and it is very easy to be decomposed into carbon atoms by high-frequency waves. Therefore, carbon-based life is the most difficult to develop among many civilizations.

However, carbon-based life has another characteristic. Instability represents complexity and variability. A carbon atom has four free electrons, and the reduction and oxidation properties of electrons are relatively strong, so it is easy to become some genes with more complex properties. Macromolecular organisms, which constitute the most basic conditions for the formation of multiple organisms.

It is for this reason that when Li Yi looked through the books on alien civilizations, he found that the biological forms of the main body of other civilizations are far lower than the tens of millions of species in the earth's ecological chain, and there are no fractions. Moreover, these high-level aliens Star civilization, the galaxies ruled are not one or two.

To find a suitable gene enhancement technology, we can only find it in a civilization that is also carbon-based life.

Li Yi wrote filter conditions in the light curtain of the library to search for trading partners who were also carbon-based life civilizations.

Soon, thousands of carbon-based civilizations emerged from the light curtain.

"Yes, there are quite a few!" Li Yi's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

Among the four types of civilization subjects, the first three types of civilizations have high levels, but the number is relatively rare, accounting for about 20%. The fourth civilization is the mainstream, but the carbon-based civilization is the least, only about 3%. Because the conditions for the formation of carbon-based civilization are too harsh.

Among them, the number of silicon-based civilizations is the largest. Next, other basic civilizations have relatively simple structures, because their living conditions are different from carbon-based civilizations. Carbon-based life is suitable for living in stable conditions, while other basic civilizations Civilization can survive under relatively extreme conditions, but under some stable conditions, it is not suitable for survival.

For example, silicon-based civilization, in a stable environment, is easy to combine with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, thereby affecting silicon-based life itself. However, under extreme conditions, silicon-based life will be more tenacious.

The universe has endless galaxies. Planets with stable climates like the earth are very rare, and there are many planets with extreme environments. This has led to the fact that carbon-based life is extremely rare. On the contrary, the number of other-based civilizations is very large.

However, among the extraterrestrial civilizations in the sands of the Ganges, many civilizations with carbon-based life as the main body can still be found.

Soon, Li Yi screened again and selected a trading partner who was better at genetic enhancement from the huge carbon-based civilization base.

Immediately afterwards, an alien creature appeared on the virtual screen, and one was a humanoid woman who was extremely in line with Li Yi's aesthetics.

Its appearance and stature are similar to human females, with long silver hair, dark blue skin, with a little scale, delicate facial features, a slender and tall figure, a pair of towering ears, dark blue eyes, no whites, and proud twin peaks. She has a graceful figure and exudes a mature and seductive atmosphere.

Li Yi was amazed by the woman in front of him. He didn't expect such a beautiful and moving alien creature to appear, and it was so similar to the external features of humans. The overall similarity of facial features and limbs reached 95%.

"Hello, I'm Leodore!" The woman greeted with a smile when she saw Li Yi.

Li Yi opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise, "Hello! Are all of you Tarr people in this form? Are they similar to me?"

"Everyone is a carbon-based civilization, and they are all Homo sapiens civilizations. It is normal for them to develop to be similar to human form! Among all carbon-based civilizations, Homo sapiens belongs to the final form, so the similarity is very high. It seems that you are not similar to other carbon-based civilizations. Homo sapiens civilization has traded!" Leodore smiled slightly, looking at Li Yi and guessing with a smile.

Li Yi nodded. The previous transactions were made by other types of subject civilizations.

"What do you want? Genetic modification technology?" Leodore looked at Li Yi and asked with a smile.

"Yes! I need genetic technology that can adapt to the interstellar environment. The key, this genetic technology must be suitable for our application." Li Yi nodded with a smile and asked.

"Adapting to the interstellar environment! I can provide the genetic code for adapting to the interstellar environment, the genetic code that has little negative impact on the main genes, and the use of genetic optimization editing technology, which is suitable for the originally fragile carbon-based genetic life." Leodore Understanding nodded and introduced.

"Really? This genetic code adapted to the interstellar environment will not have a negative impact on the genetic subject?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"I can't guarantee this. Although we are all carbon-based beings, the genetic system is too complicated, and the difference between the two is not small. I can't guarantee whether your genes can perfectly match the genetic code for the interstellar environment. You'd better I can provide the relevant gene spectrum, so that I can be foolproof." Leodore smiled and suggested.

Hearing this, Li Yi fell silent. This issue has always been an obstacle to trading. He would never give the genetic spectrum of human civilization to other alien civilizations.

As if seeing Li Yi's concerns, Leodore smiled slightly and quickly introduced: "It doesn't matter if it is inconvenient to provide a gene spectrum, this is a mature technology, this kind of gene code is fixed, you only need to obtain these The genetic code allows scientists to optimize and compile, and some adjustments and optimizations are required in the application process, and it should not be difficult to achieve the desired goal.”

"Really? Can you adapt to the interstellar environment by embedding this genetic code?" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and went straight to the topic.

"Yes, this kind of genetic code is specially developed for carbon-based life to adapt to the interstellar environment. It has unique adaptability to the negative effects of cosmic radiation, vacuum environment, ..., etc., and at the same time, it has unique genetic optimization. The high-efficiency ability, by deciphering the main gene, embedding and optimizing the genetic code, ..." Leodore explained the genetic code modification technology to Li Yi in detail, and then reminded: "The genetic code to adapt to the interstellar environment is the entry of carbon-based civilization. A very critical core technology of interstellar civilization, it is very valuable, I don’t know, what transaction targets can you provide!”

"I can buy it with star coins, or, what do you want? Of course, the premise is guaranteed to be valid." Li Yi looked at Leodore and responded.

"If you use star coins to trade, this technology will cost 100 million star coins. If you are willing to trade with gene spectrum, I want the gene spectrum of three intelligent species." Leodore gave Li Yi a meaningful look. , the lion opened his mouth to ask for a price.

Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help laughing dumbly, and was **** off by Leodore's asking price.

"Your asking price is too outrageous. For 100 million star coins, I can buy the core technology of level 6 civilization. If there is no accident, these genetic technologies are only level 4!" Li Yi looked at Leodore with a gloomy face. .

"No, no! Even if you can buy the technology of level 6 civilization with 100 million star coins, can you apply it? This kind of genetic code for adapting to the cosmic environment is unique to carbon-based civilization. Long-term environmental adaptation has been deployed, which is a very important and key core technology for carbon-based civilizations that have not yet entered the interstellar era. With a smile, he refuted Li Yi's bargaining.

"Whether this kind of genetic technology is useful to us or not, it's not appropriate for you to add it." Li Yi took a serious look at Leodore and said calmly.

What Leodore said is not without reason. If this kind of genetic technology that can adapt to the cosmic environment is really useful, it is indeed a very important technology for human civilization, but Li Yi can't accept this price.

100 million star coins, how many musical instruments do you have to sell to earn sheet music! In addition, the genetic profiles of the three intelligent species are even more outrageous. Li Yi would never trade with him the genetic profiles of humans, let alone the genetic profiles of other intelligent species.

"It can definitely be used. This adaptive genetic code modification technology has been successfully applied in many carbon-based civilizations. You are unwilling to provide a gene spectrum. After purchasing, you can only let your scientists adjust it slowly. During the process, there are If there is a problem, I can provide follow-up technical support here, if you don't want to sell it, the price can be 20 million star coins." Leodore looked at Li Yi and took the initiative to offer the price.

After the introduction, Leodore showed Li Yi the data that other carbon-based civilizations had traded this technology with her.

In a lot of transaction data, Li Yi found that many carbon-based civilizations did purchase Leodore's genetic technology.

Li Yi couldn't help sinking his heart, and continued to learn about her genetic code embedding technology with Leodore.

Seeing the sincerity of Li Yi's transaction, Leodore patiently introduced him.

The gene code embedding technology compiles the various adaptations of carbon-based life to the cosmic environment into a set of genetic codes, and the editing is combined into a genome. Features, through a series of deployment, optimization and transformation technology, UU reading www. shows various genes that can adapt to the cosmic environment, so that carbon-based life can withstand the negative environment of the universe to a higher degree.

"Gene Era"

Of course, according to the different genetic information of the carbon-based living body itself, the degree of protection that this gene embedding technology can give is also different.

After chatting with Leodore for a long time, Li Yi is very optimistic about this mature gene artifact embedding technology, but unfortunately, her quotation is too expensive, and the price is too biting, so there is no way to talk about it.

"I must admit that this genetic technology is very feasible, but your offer is too high, I can't bear it." Li Yi sighed, looked at Leodore, and finally confirmed.

"If you don't have enough star coins, you can use the gene chart to trade." Leodore smiled and suggested, without any compromise.

Li Yi frowned, looked at Leodore and decided: "The gene spectrum can only give you the gene spectrum of one intelligent civilization, and the other two belong to non-intelligent civilizations."

Leodore pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

"However, the three gene profiles are all gene profiles of silicon-based life! No problem!" Li Yi said with a smile, looking at Leodore.

"Silicon-based life? Are you sure?" Leodore looked at Li Yi in surprise. He didn't expect him to come up with the gene spectrum of a silicon-based civilization. Aren't they a carbon-based civilization that has not yet entered the interstellar civilization? To be able to get the genetic spectrum of silicon-based civilization.

"Yes! Is it possible?" Li Yi nodded with a smile.

"Okay!" Leodore nodded simply. Compared with the genetic spectrum of carbon-based life, the genetic spectrum of silicon-based life was more valuable to her, and she made a lot of money from this transaction.

"Well! I'll go get ready, we'll trade later!" Li Yi bid her farewell happily.

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